Introduction: Welcome to CLDDV-103 Child Growth and Development!
“ Peace in the world depends on peace in the hearts of individuals.” Dalai Lama
Sign-into course by 5:00 PM, Friday, January 13 to stay enrolled; students added after this date need to sign in immediately upon adding the course. Continue to log into the course a minimum of two times each week and complete 50% of all assignments in order to stay enrolled in the course.
Pam Guerra-Schmidt
Phone Number, Email and Office Location
Please utilize "Mail" feature of this course when sending emails.
Modesto Junior College West Campus 2201 Blue Gum Avenue Modesto, CA
Office Hours
Location: MJC, West Campus, Muir Hall 155 Tues. (2:30-5:00 PM) It is recommended that you set up an appointment although drop-ins are welcomed!
Computer/Technical Difficulties
There may be times that experiences with Internet connections and computer glitches occur. If an assignment is due and the computer does not allow you to access an assignment or accept your finished work, it is required that the student immediately (within a couple minutes of the experience) send the instructor an email, so that the time and date are officially logged. In this email, carefully explain the error messages that are received, copy the error messages and send it to the instructor in the mail feature of this course, and then promptly call MJC's online help desk at 575-7800 or 575-7900 to ask for support.
You are encouraged to shut down your computer and reboot it, if you are having difficulties to see if this might help. Also, a couple of students who had issues called the help desk and were told that staying logged into Blackboard for many hours may result in receiving an error message of "Access Denied." They were asked to log out and then log back in and the problem was corrected.
Required Text
Papalia, D., Olds, S., Feldman, R. (2011) A child’s world : Infancy through adolescence, 12th ed. McGraw-Hill Higher Education ISBN#978-0-07-353197-7 Go to this link for more information: There are two copies of the text in the MJC East library on 2-hour loan.
Student Audience
Child Development majors, future multiple subjects/single subject teachers, parents, community members interested in the development of children.
Course Description
Examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. Emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages.
Course Objectives1. Identify characteristics and patterns of physical, motor, perceptual, intellectual, language, and social-emotional development. 2. Interrelate the factors in physical, motor, intellectual, aesthetic (creative), social, and emotional development from the whole child perspective, including cultural factors. 3. Compare the internal and external influences on growth and development including culturally influenced interactions and implications. 4. Apply developmental theories in selected examples. 5. Interpret the needs of young children and propose implications for adult response. 6. Assess how behavior relates to factors in growth and development. 7. Identify personal biases toward children, including bias toward culture, race, abilities, and gender.
Student Learning Outcome
1. Outcome: 70% of students will be able to identify the major theorists, including Piaget, Erikson, Vygotsky, and Bronfenbrenner, describe their theory, and provide examples of the principles of the theories. Assessment: Knowledge statement assignment, evaluated by instructor. Seventy percent of students will achieve a "C" grade or higher.
Pace through course
Approximately once every two weeks, a new Learning Module (located in Course Content) will be released to the students enrolled in this course. This course does not allow for students to work more than one week to two weeks ahead. It is expected that students will participate in the discussion board activities, discussion journals, and quizzes during the week(s) that each chapter is read and discussed. An online course requires that students log in to the course at least two to three times a week and sometimes more in order to respond to other students on the discussion board. It is required that each student log into the course a minimum of two times each week in order to stay enrolled in the course.
Assignments and Points
Introduction Assignment = 10; 18 Quizzes (can be taken two times with points from last attempt entered in grade book) @ 20 points each = 360; 16 Discussion Board Assignments @ 10 points each = 160; 1 Discussion Board Assignment @ 25 points = 25; 6 Discussion Journal Assignments @ 5 points each = 30; Final Written Exam = 50; Final Multiple Choice Exam = 50; Extra credit - students can earn up to 2% of the 685 points offered which is 13.75 points. Total points = 685 although grades will be based on 655 points as the lowest Quiz grade and the lowest Discussion Board Assignment will be dropped. Grade Key/Points A = 589.5 - 655.0; B = 524.0 - 586.23; C = 458.5 - 520.73; D = 393.0 - 455.23; F = under 393.0
Quizzes: Quiz scores are released when the quiz date and time has closed; the points for the last attempt (each quiz can be taken two times) of the quiz are entered in the grade area . Discussion Postings: Discussion Postings are graded within approximately two-three weeks of the close date and time. Grades: 90-100% of points possible = A; 80-89% of points possible = B; 70-79% of points possible = C; 60-69% of points possible = D; under 60% of points possible = F. Course must be passed with a "C" grade or higher for child development majors and in order for the course to be used for a permit.
VTEA (CTE) Survey Forms (Extra Credit)
The CTE (Career Technical Education) online surveys are filled out each semester in this course. Each student fills out the information, and answers the questions (which is the determining factor for receiving CTE funding!) Directions: 1) Open Pirates Net & Log In;
2) On Current Students Menu, Click on "Vocational Survey" located under the heading "COMMUNICATION"; 3) Enter the term "2012 RSP -- Spring 2012", complete the survey and submit; 4) Send an email through the mail feature of this online course to share with instructor that you completed the survey and to request your five (5) points extra credit. Did you know that each qualifying survey brings in approximately $150 CTE funds to MJC's vocational programs? Did you know, thanks to YOU for turning in your completed surveys & thanks to proper data entry and reporting, our CTE Grant is up $80,000 + this year? Thank you ALL for your continued support in keeping Career & Technical Education alive!
Student Resources
Accommodating and supporting the needs of each student as an individual, so that the student successfully completes the course is an important goal.It is the student's responsibility to communicate these needs to the professor.Please make contact as often as needed in order to have your questions, concerns, and suggestions addressed utilizing e-mail, phone, office hours, and/or a meeting may be scheduled with the professor.
Please provide letters of accommodations from Disability Services within the first week of the course.
Getting through college takes a lot more than just studying. MJC offer tools and success strategies to ensure you make a seamless transition to college life. From study skills and tutoring to health services and counseling, our services will help ensure nothing gets between you and your educational goals!
You can explore other resources available to you by visiting the MJC Website, Student Services, See Web page -
Modesto Junior College offers the following resources to support student success:
1.CLDDV-48/Fundamental Skills Child Development Majors This course provides support for writing assignments in child development courses. See instructor by second week of the semester for help to enroll in this course or contact the instructor, Sheila Rogers at or at PiratesNetr enroll or add name to wait list; if wait listed show up on time to first class session (Spring:CLDDV-48A, Section 2910, West Campus, Muir Hall, Room 155, Thursdays, 10:05 AM – 12:10 PM, January 26 – March 15)
2.California Early Childhood Mentoring Program is facilitated through MJC’s Child Development Department.A mentor can provide weekly support to students for assignments and for help in working with children.Please see professor for a referral.
3.Center for Learning Assistance (CLA)East: Founders Hall Rm. 105 (209) 575-6475; West:Sierra Hall 214. (209) 575-7847Open Labs - The CLA provides reading, writing, and grammar assistance with self-paced computer modules that support Literature and Language Arts courses. An open computer lab for completing assignments and studying is available. See Web page.
4.Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC)Book loan and tuition reimbursement.Do you work in a licensed program with children ages 0-5, kindergarten, before/after school or off-track care? Are you a licensed day care provider? Do you provide child care in an adult education setting, at a private school site, in a facility where parents are on-site or a co-op? All of the above qualify you to become a Participant in our Child Development Training Consortium grant. CDTC Profile to be completed by first month of semester-DUE BY FEBRUARY 13.. See Web page to fill out the Participant Profile at:
5.Child Development Training Consortium (CDTC)Permit Application Stipends and Live Scan Reimbursement funds are available. Permit forms are available online. See Web page - Child Development Permit Stipends
6.Counseling CenterEast:Morris Memorial Rm. 103 (209) 575-6080Counselors provide help to transfer and non-transfer students with academic, career, and personal counseling. If you have 15 or more units you must have an Educational Plan in place. Don’t have one? Call the Counseling Center to schedule an Educational Planning session with a counselor or enroll in a Guidance course. If you are a prospective student who needs help, stop by the Counseling Center to find out how you can get started at MJC. See Web page.
7. Disability Support Programs &Services (DSPS) (209) 575-6225 or 575-6296 TTY:575-6863; East - Journalism Bldg., Room 152.Counseling, academic advisement, educational and career planning. Assistance with accommodations, learning disability assessment, accommodated testing, high tech/resource labs with adaptive equipment, magnification machines, reading screens and assistance with alternate media requests.See Web page.
8.Emergency Locator Service (209) 575-6700 If you have children; elderly parents or another situation that someone may need to contact you, you must have a form on file in the Student Development Office in order for staff to contact you. New forms are required every semester.
9.Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)/ Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE)(209) 575-6251 East: Morris Memorial Rm. 112Counseling, academic advisement, educational and career planning, economic and academic support services for economically and educationally disadvantaged students. The CARE Program for single parent/TANF recipients. See Web page.
10.LibraryRecorded Message hours/information:(209) 575-6868Reference: (209) 575-6230East: Learning Resource Center/LibraryBuildingBooks, periodicals, DVD’s, videos, online databases, research help, computer labs, study areas & study rooms. See Web page.
11.Online Help Desk(Computer Questions including those associated with utilizing Blackboard) (209) 575-7800 or 575-7900
12.Testing CenterWest: Yosemite Hall 147, (209) 575-7728Administers MJC assessment tests for math, English & reading; ability to benefit test for financial aid students; typing tests & US Constitution certificates provided as well as proctoring services for students taking distance classes for a fee. Obtain test dates & results online at: or call 575-6026 for test dates. Evening testing is available. See Web page.
13.TRIO/Student Support ServicesEast:Library Basement Room 40, 575-6189Federally funded program designed for first generation college students to promote student success. Program provides academic and personal counseling, tutoring, cultural activities, career advising and assessment. See Web page.
14.Tutoring CenterEast: Library Basement Room 10, (209) 575-6839West: Yosemite Hall 118, (209) 575-7731Free tutoring in various subject areas for students seeking extra help with academic work. Computers with Internet access available for research. See Web page.
15.Veterans OfficeEast: Morris Memorial Rm. 104, (209) 575-6017Assists Veterans with educational benefits, referral resources in obtaining counseling/referrals. Veterans may turn in BOGW Fee Waiver applications here as well. See Web page.
16. Writing Center(East: Founder’s s s s s Hall 224, (209) 575-6682, West: Sierra Hall 214, (209) 575-7847 Extra credit (up to 5 points) on any writing assignment will be received when using the writing center. To verify at Writing Center, student completesa form at the writing center that will be mailed to lab professor’s office.OpenTo:Any student needing assistance with writing.Work with a tutor on any aspect of writing, ranging from talking about ideas and assignment expectation to assistance with proofreading. Schedule an appointment to see a tutor, or use a computer. Call for more information. Hours are subject to change, and sometimes the Writing Center is open evenings. See Web page.
Here are two hyperlinks for all MJC online and hybrid students. You now have access to onlineassistance and guidancewith your writing assignments. The first link is to the online document detailing the process for this online help, and the second link is to a YouTube video describing the process in more detail.
Late Work
It is strongly suggested that you complete assignments one to two days ahead of time, as once the assignment date closes, late assignments are not accepted regardless of the reason. Exception: If you have a doctor's note referencing your health and stating that you could not submit an assignment on the day it was due, then notify the instructor and mail her the doctor's note or bring it into the office. After the note is received, the instructor will set a new due date with the student. The new due date is typically set seven days from the original due date.
Student Conduct/Academic Ethics
Modesto Junior College’s Student Code of Conduct emphasizes academic integrity including violations and penalties to the code. You are responsible for reading the material and following the guidelines of academic integrity. In this course, students are expected to share ideas, suggestions, resources and information, and are often expected to work together cooperatively in a team format to complete task(s). Cheating and plagiarism will result in an “F” grade on that specific assignment. This will apply to all persons involved. Cheating is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work through the use of dishonest, deceptive or fraudulent means. Plagiarism is representing the work of someone else as your own and submitting it to fulfill academic requirements. Please write all of the papers in your own words. If you copy parts of sentences or whole sentences without quotes and without citing the source, the paper will receive 0 (zero) points. A thesaurus may be helpful while finding new words to paraphrase what has been stated in the article or text. Please cite work that you want to quote; see instructor or a librarian at MJC for acceptable guidelines for citing work.
Participation/Absence Policy
Logging into course/weekly: All students enrolled in this course are agreeing to log in to this course a minimum of two times each and every week and complete the assignments in a timely manner although it is recommended that students log in to the course more than two times each week. Students who do not log in two times weekly or who are not completing at least 50% of the weekly assignments will be dropped from the course. In the event of an unforeseen situation, students are required to contact the instructor during the week that s/he will not be logging into the course the minimum number of times (two) or completing at least 50% of the work due each week.
Extra Credit
The maximum amount of extra credit that can be earned is approximately 2% (13 points when total points are 655) of the total points offered; typically, each extra credit assignment can earn up to 5 points. Extra credit is not a guaranteed offering of this course and is assigned randomly when offered. Students are welcome to explore any formal presentations offered in the community that relate to a child's growth and development and share the information with the professor for possible consideration. Late assignments are not accepted for extra credit regardless of the reason. When attending a presentation or activity, students must submit a paper with the date, time arrived, time departed, name of presentation, location of the presentation or activity, name of the presenter or activity organizer, topic of the presentation or activity, and two paragraphs on what was learned from the presentation or activity. Type this information into a document and after utilizing spell and grammar check, attach the word document and send to the instructor through the "mail" feature of this course. All extra credit must be received by the Friday before final's week. Students can receive extra credit for utilizing the Writing Center.