DOHS, Mohakhali,Dhaka Cantonment
Book and Stationery List for 2017
1. Success with Buzzword- Primer-2 CD Eidition (V. Sasikumar)
2. Success with Math Ahead-1, Bangladesh Edition (K. Aamelu )
3. Avgvi eB - cªvK cªv_wgK wk¶v
4. My Rhymes & Fun Book by Ms Lipika Tasnim (For KG)
5. Science Ahead Introductory (Orient Blackswan)
6. Radiant Way Step –I & II (Allied Publishers)
1. Success with Buzzword Primer Activity-II (Pub: Orient Blackswan)2. †mvbvgwYiv †jLv ‡k‡Lv- cª_g fvM - Rvwib Rvwgj (beviyb cvewj‡Kkb)
3. Nabarun How to Draw and Colour Book- 2
1. Four lined exercise books - 6
2. Square lined exercise books – 2
3. Double lined exercise books – 2
4. Science exercise books – 2
5. Drawing book – 1
6. Diary
7. Chart Paper – 1 (white, yellow, pink)
8. Poster Paper – 1 (red, yellow, blue, green and brown)
9. Eraser (Steadtler)– 2
10.Ruler – I (Plastic)
11.Colour Pencils – 1 packet 24 colors (Kid mate)
12.Pastel set (12 colour)
13.Glue – 2 tube (Pan Glue)
15.Tissue box - 01
1. All are advised to purchase books of latest edition and original books, not photocopies.
2.Text Books, Diary, Exercise books. Stationery articles are available at the School Canteen, Mokkarum Library and other new market shops. / 3.Pullover will be available at the BISC School Canteen.
4. Parents are requested to write the name of the students on the cover page of text books, exercise books, water-pot, school bag etc.
Sl / Subject / Assessment Test / Class Test / Term Exam
Marks / Duration / Marks / Duration
1. / Bangla / 5 / 20 / 30 mins / 50 / 1 hr
2. / Lang / 5 / 20 / 30 mins / 50 / 1 hr
3. / Literature / 5 / 20 / 30 mins / 50 / 1 hr
4. / Maths / 5 / 20 / 30 mins / 50 / 1 hr
5. / Science / 5 / 20 / 30 mins / 50 / 1 hr
6. / Art / - / 20 / 30 mins / 50 / 1 hr
7. / Sp/Dic / - / - / - / 50 / 1 hr
1. 50 marks of the Term Exams will be converted into 75 marks.
2. 20 marks of the Class Tests and 5 marks assessment test will be of total 25 marks.
3. Assessment Test of 5 marks will be held during class hour.
4. Grand total of the Term Exams will be calculated as:
Term Exam: 75
Class Test: 20
Assessment: 5
Grand Total: 100
1 / 2
Block Syllabus for KG
(Half Yearly Exam -2017)
Subject/Ch/Lesson / Sl. No. / Type of Questions / Mark Distribution
eB:Avgvi eB cªvK- cªv_wgK wk¶v
1| Qwe †`‡L kã MVb
2| m¦ieY© w`‡q kã MVY
3| K_vq †jL (1-10)
4| dyj I d‡ji bvg
5| evsjv eB‡qi c„ôv - 1 †_‡K 39 c„ôv ch©š—
6| evK¨ MVY
7| wecixZ kã
8| m¦iwPý I m¦iwP‡ýi cwiPq
9| nv‡Zi †jLv
10| KweZv ( Oral )
K) m¦ieY© I e¨Äb e‡Y©i Qov
L) msL¨vi Qov
M) ZvZxi evwoi e¨‡Oi evmv
N) Avq‡i Avq wU‡q / 1| / m¦ieY© w`‡q kã MVY / 0.5^16=8
2| / Qwe †`‡L kã MVb Ki / 1^8=8
3| / K_vq †jL (1-10 ch©š—) / 1^6=6
4| / dyj I d‡ji bvg / 1^10=10
5| / evK¨ MVY / 2^3=6
6| / wecixZ kã ‡jL / 1^5=5
7| / cª‡kœvËi / 2^3=6
8| / nv‡Zi †jLv / 1
Aa© evwl©K cix¶v / 50
‡kªYx cix¶v-1
1| kã MVb: v, w, x, yKvi w`‡q kãMVb
2| m¦ie‡Y©i mv‡_ ¯^iwPý wgjvI
3| Qwe †`‡L kã MVb
4| Qwe †`‡L kã wgj Ki
5| ‡QvU †_‡K eo mvRvB
6| eo †_‡K †QvU mvRvB
7| nv‡Zi †jLv / 1| / v, w, x, ,y Kvi w`‡q kã MVb / 1^6=6
2| / m¦ie‡Y©i mv‡_ m¦iwPý wgjvI / 0.5^5=2.5
3| / Qwe †`‡L kã MVY Ki / 1^4=4
4| / Qwe †`‡L kã wgj Ki / 0.5^10=5
5| / ‡QvU †_‡K eo mvRvB I eo †_‡K †QvU mvRvB / 0.5^4=2
6| / nv‡Zi †jLv / 0.5
‡gvU (‡kªYx cix¶v-1)t / 20
g~j¨vqYcix¶v / 5
/ English Literature
Book: The Radiant
Way-1st Step
1st Step (pg:1-23) / 1. / F/B with rhyming words / 1x6=6
2. / Cross the odd one / 1x6=6
3. / Circle the correct answer / 1x6=6
4. / Matching / 1x6=6
5. / F/B withsentence / 1x6=6
6. / True/False / 1x5=5
7. / Make Sentences / 1x5=5
8. / Question & Answer / 1x10=10
Half Yearly Exam / 50
Class Test-1
English Literature
The Radiant Way -1st Step
Pg:1-9 / 1. / Write down rhyming words / 1x5=5
2. / Fill in the blanks / 1x5=5
3. / Cross the odd one / 0.5x5=2.5
4. / Circle the correct answer / 0.5x5=2.5
5. / Question & answer / 1x5=5
Total (Class Test-1): / 20
Assessment Test / 5
English Language
a. Success with Buzzword
Unit-1 to 4
(Pg: 1 to 40)
b. Success with Buzzword
Primer Activity Book-II
Unit-1 to 4 (Pg: 1 to 30)
1. Doing words
2. Special Naming word
3. Puzzle words
4. Write missing letters
5. Complete the sentence
6. Write words in correct
7. Words with br, dr, tr / 1 / Identify the pictures / 1x6=6
2. / Fill in the blanks with doing word / 1x6=6
3. / Complete the puzzle words / 1x6=6
4. / Fill in the blanks/Naming words / 1x4=4
5. / Choose the correct words and complete the sentence / 2x5=10
6. / Fill in the blanks with (I, He, She, We, They, His, Her, Our) / 1x6=6
7. / Write words with br, dr, tr / 2x3=6
8. / Question & answer / 2x3=6
Half Yearly Exam / 50
Class Test-1
English Language
1. Identify pictures
2. Words with small letters
3. Vowel and consonant / 1. / Identify the pictures / 1x4=4
2. / Write words using small letters / 1x4=4
3. / Fill in the blanks with a/an / 1x4=4
3 / 4
4. Use of a/an
5. Name of vegetables
6. Naming word / 4. / Write the name of the vegetables / 1x5=5
5. / Complete the word puzzle (cross word) / 1.5x2=3
Total (Class Test-1): / 20
Assessment Test / 5
Book: Success with Maths Ahead-1
1. Before/Between/After
2. Number in words (21- 50)
a) Write in words
b) Write in digits
3. Addition (1 digit)
4. Ordinal numbers
5. Table 26.
Measurement and
comparison / 1. / Write Before/Between/ After number / 0.5x24=12
2. / a) Write the number in words / 6x1=6
b) Write in digits / 6x1=6
3. / Addition / 1x6=6
4. / Write the ordinal number in words / 1x7=7
5. / Table (complete the table or matching) / 1x10=10
6. / Measurement and comparison / 0.5x6=3
Total (Half Yearly Exam): / 50
Class Test-1
1. Numerals and missing
number (1-100)
2. Number in words
3. Smallest and biggest
number (1-100)
4. Addition with picture
5. Table of 1 / 1. / Write the numerals / 0.5x5=2.5
2. / Write the missing numbers / 0.5x5=2.5
3. / Numerals:
a) Write the number in words / 1x2=2
b) Write in digits / 1x2=2
4. / Find out biggest number / 0.5x5=2.5
5. / Find out the smallest number / 0.5x5=2.5
6. / Count the object and add the number / 1x4=4
7. / Complete/match the table / 0.5x4=2
Total (Class Test-1): / 20
Assessment Test: / 5
/ Science
Book: Science Ahead
1. Big and small plant
2. Flower
3. Leave
4. Fruits
5. Vegetable
6. Seeds
7. New plants
8. Animal of the jungle
9. Water animals
10. Animals and their babies / 1. / Fill in the blanks / 1x10=10
2. / Tick (√ ) the correct answer and cross the incorrect (x ) answer / 1x10=10
3. / Match the following / 1x5=5
4. / Identify the following picture / 1x5=5
5. / Answer in one word / 1.5x2=3
6. / Answer to the following questions / 2x5=10
7. / Drawing / 1.5x2=3
8. / Label the following / 1x4=4
Total(Half Yearly Exam): / 50
Class Test-1
1. Big and small plants
2. Flowers
3. Leaves
4. Fruits
5. Vegetables / 1. / Fill in the blanks / 1x4=4
2. / Tick (√ ) the correct answer and cross the incorrect (x ) answer / 1x4=4
3. / Match the following / 1x4=4
4. / Identify the picture / 1x4=4
5. / Answer to the following questions / 2x2=4
Total (Class Test-1) / 20
Assessment Test: / 5
Book: Nabarun How to Draw and Colour Book-2
1.Different shapes & flag
2. House & Tree
3. Butter fly
4. Mango with leaf
5. Colouring the picture
from book (pg:1-7)
6. A Boat
7. A Kite with clouds / 1 / Drawing / 20
2 / Colouring / 20
3 / Neatness / 10
Total (Half Yearly Exam): / 50
5 / 6
Class Test-1
1.Different shapes & flag
2. House & Tree / 1. / Drawing / 10
2. / Colouring / 10
3. / Neatness / 5
Total (Class Test-1): / 25
Spelling & Dictation
Main Course Book / 1 / Spelling / 1x20=20
2 / Fill in the blanks / 1x10=10
3 / Dictation / 4x5=20
Total (Half Yearly Exam): / 50
Conversation, Rhymes and Story Telling
Conversation / Story Telling / Rhymes / Oral Practice / Grade
1. Conversation between a
child and Mother before
going to school / A liar shepherd boy / Ding,dong bell (pg-6) / With proper pronunciation & action / A+
2. Conversation between a
Teacher and a student
about class/school / The fox and the stork
Golden Eggs / A Tisket,
A Tasket (pg-5)
3 little ducks
(Pg-27) / With proper pronunciation & action / A+
3. Conversation about the
National (flower, fruit,
animal, bird etc) / The Wolf and the girl / 3 little ducks
(pg-27) / With proper pronunciation & action / A+
Bangla Hand Writing / Book: †mvbvgwbiv †jLv
‡k‡Lv cª_g fvM / c„ôv- 1-30 / Hand Writing
Practice in book with neatly / A+
/ Final Term Examination-2017
Subject/Ch/Lesson / Sl. No. / Type of Questions / Mark Distribution
eB:Avgvi eB cªvK- cªv_wgK wk¶v
1| Qwe †`‡L kã MVb
2| K_vq †jL
3| evK¨ MVb
4| e¨ÄbeY© w`‡q kã MVb (c„ôv 41 †_‡K 69)
5| wecixZ kã
6| cï cvwL I gv‡Qi bvg
7| cª‡kœvËi
8| wb‡Ri m¤ú‡K© evK¨
9| nv‡Zi †jLv
10| KweZv(Oral)
* AvZv Mv‡Q †ZvZv cvwL
* m¦ieY© I e¨Äbe‡Y©i Qov / 1| / ‰ v, † v, † Š - Kvi w`‡q kã MVY Ki / 1^4=4
2| / e¨vÄbeY© w`‡q kã MVb / 1^10=10
3| / K_vq †jL (11-20) / 1^6=6
4| / cvwL, cï I gv‡Qi bvg / 1^6=6
5| / ‡hvM / we‡qvM Ki / 0.5^8=4
6| / evK¨ MVb Ki / 2^4=8
7| / cª‡kœvËi / 2^3=6
8| / wb‡Ri m¤ú‡K© 5wU evK¨ / 1^5=5
9| / nv‡Zi †jLv / 1
‡gvU (evwl©K cix¶v) / 50
‡kªYx cix¶v-2
1| kãMVb:¯^iwPý ( „ ‰,‡v, ‡Š,)
w`‡q kã MVb
2| `vM †U‡bkãwgj Ki
3| e¨ÄbeY© w`‡q kã MVb
4| evK¨ MVb
5| nv‡Zi †jLv / 1| / ‰, ‡ v, ‡ Š Kvi w`‡q kã MVb Ki / 1^6=6
2| / `vM †U‡b kã wgj Ki / 0.5^4=2
3| / e¨Äb eY© w`‡q kã MVb Ki (K †_‡K T ch©š—) / 1^6=6
4| / evK¨ MVb Ki / 2^3=6
‡gvU (‡kªYx cix¶v-2)t / 20
g~j¨vqYcix¶v / 5
7 / 8
English Literature
Book: The Radiant Way
2nd step (pg:1-24) / 1 / Matching / 1x6=6
2 / True/False / 1x5=5
3 / Circle the correct answer / 1x6=6
4 / Fill in the blanks / 1x6=6
5 / Make sentences / 1x5=5
6 / Identification / 1x6=6
7 / Picture description / 1x6=6
8 / Question & Answer / 1x10=10
Total ( Final Term Exam): / 50
Class Test-2
English Literature
The Radiant Way: 2nd Step
Pg: 1-9 / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 1x4=4
2 / Make sentences / 1x4=4
3 / True / false / 1x4=4
4 / Question & Answer / 2x4=8
Total (Class Test-2): / 20
Assessment Test / 5
English Language
Book:Success with Buzzword Primer-2
1. Unit 6 to 10 (Pg 41 to 80)
Book: Success with Buzzword Primer
Activity Book-II
2. Unit 6 to 10 (Pg 31 to 60) / 1 / Identify the pictures / 1x4=4
2 / Fill in the blanks with in/on/under / 1x6=6
3 / Fill in the blanks with describing word / 1x6=6
4 / Match the following / 1x5=5
5 / Paragraph / 1x8=8
6 / Write the more than one word (s, es) / 1x5=5
7 / Opposite word / 1x4=4
8 / Re-write the sentences / 2x3=6
9 / Question –Answer / 2x3=6
Total (Final Term Exam): / 50
Class Test-2
English Language
Book: 1
Success with Buzzword Primer -2
1. Unit 6 to 10 (Page 41-80) / 1 / Fill in the blanks with this / that / 1x4=4
2 / Identify the pictures / 1x4=4
3 / Label the pictures / 1x5=5
4 / Write words with ou, ow, ch / 1x3=3
/ Book: 2
Success with Buzzword Primer Activity Book-II
2. Unit 6 to 10 (Page 31-60) / 5 / Fill in the blank with These are / Those are / 1x4=4
Total (Class Test-2): / 20
Assessment Test / 5
Book: Maths Ahead-1
1. Numeral and missing number (1-200)
2. Number in words (51-100)
a) Write in words
b) Write in digits
3. Greater than, less than,
equal to (1-100)
4. Word problem with
5. Table -5
6. Ascending order &
descending order / 1 / Write the number / 0. 5x20=10
2 / Write the missing numbers / 0.5x20=10
3 / Write in words:
a)Write in words / 1x5=5
b) Write in digits / 1x5=5
4 / Greater than, less than, equal to / 0.5x12=6
5 / Word problem with picture / 1x6=6
6 / Complete the table /matching / 0.5x6=3
7 / Arrange the number in ascending order & descending order / 0.5x10=5
Total (Final Term Exam): / 50
Class Test-2
1. Addition 02 digits
2. Number in words(51-
3. Place value (1-50)
4. Odd & even number (1-
5. Table of 3 / 1 / Add & write the answer / 1x4=4
2 / Write the number:
a) Write in words / 1x3=3
b) Write in digits / 1x3=3
3 / Place value / 0.5x5=2.5
4 / Circle the odd & even numbers / 0.5x10=5
5 / Complete / match the table / 0.5x5=2.5
Total (Class Test-2): / 20
Assessment Test / 5
9 / 10
Book: Science Ahead
1. What is it made of
2. Weather
3. Water
4. Air
5. The Body
6. Animals of the Jungle
7. In the sky / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 1x10=10
2 / Tick (√ ) the correct answer and cross the incorrect (x )
answer / 1x10=10
3 / Match the following / 1x5=5
4 / Identify the following picture / 1x5=5
5 / Answer in one word / 1.5x2=3
6 / Answer to the following questions / 2x5=10
7 / Drawing / 1.5x2=3
8 / Label the following / 1x4=4
Total (Final Term Exam): / 50
Class Test - 2
1. Weather
2. Water
3. What is it made of
4. Air / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 1x4=4
2 / Tick (√ ) the correct answer and cross the incorrect (x ) answer / 1x4=4
3 / Match the following / 1x4=4
4 / Identify the following picture / 1x4=4
5 / Answer to the following questions / 2x2=4
Total (Class Test-2): / 20
Assessment Test / 5
1. Candle on a stand-2 days
2. Water Lily – 2 days
3. Village scenery with boat
river and rainbow-3 days
4. A sunflower -2 days
5. Colouring the picture
from book (pg:8-15)-2
6. An Apple -2 days
7. A Bird with Rainbow– 2
days / 1. / Drawing / 20
2. / Colouring / 20
3. / Neatness / 10
Total (Final Term Exam) : / 50
/ Class Test-1
1. Candle on a stand-2days
2. Water Lily – 2 days / 1. / Drawing / 10
2. / Colouring / 10
3. / Neatness / 5
Total (Class Test-1): / 25
Spelling & Dictation
Main Course Book / 1 / Spelling / 1x20=20
2 / Fill in the blanks / 1x10=10
3 / Dictation / 4x5=20
Total (Final Term Exam) : / 50
Conversation, Rhymes and Story Telling
Conversation / Story Telling / Rhymes / Oral Practice / Grade
1. Conversation with a shop keeper / The fox and the lion / London Bridge (pg-13) / With proper pronunciation and action / A+
2. Conversation between two friends about (birthday party) / The lion and the Eagle / Cobbler Cobbler Pg-12 / With proper pronunciation & action / A+
3. Conversation with guest / The old man and his three sons / I am the rainbow pg-37 / With proper pronunciation & action / A+
Bangla Hand Writing / Book: †mvbvgwbiv †jLv
‡k‡Lv / c„ôv- 31-56 / Hand Writing
Practice in book with neatly / A+
11 / 12