Introduction to the Structure of English

ENG 3333, MWF class– Fall 2010

Amanda Williams, Instructor e-mail: Amanda.

Office: HSS 4.02.66 Office phone: 458-5345

Office hours: MWF 10 am – 11 am; T 10 am – 11 am

Course Description: This course is an intensive examination of the structure of English,focusing on morphology and syntax. The course offers a brief history of grammar, different approaches to grammar, and an examination of the types of grammar. Although not pedagogical, this course is geared especially toward providing background in the language and in linguistics for prospective teachers of English, English as a Second Language, and language arts.

Course Objectives: Students are expected to demonstrate fully an understanding of the structure of the English language, including basic knowledge of morphology and syntax. Additionally, students are expected to recognize regional and social variation and understand their roles in society, as well as the dynamic nature of the English language.

Text: Kolln, Martha, and Robert Funk. (2008). Understanding EnglishGrammar.

8th ed. ISBN: 9780205626908

Also recommended: a pocketed folder or binder

Course Requirements: Assignments and quizzes 10%

2 exams 60%

Final Exam 30%

Grade Determination:





59% or lessF

Class Policies:

  1. Attendance: Because regular attendance is directly linked to success in this course, each student will be given 6 free absences (4 for TR class). Each subsequent absence will result in thedrop of one letter from the student’s final grade. (University sanctioned absences are an exception.) Three tardies will equal an absence. If a student is more than 10 minutes late, that student is absent.
  2. Late Work: I will not accept late work under any circumstances. If a student is absent, that student should check with a classmate for any assignments he or she missed in order to be able to turn in those assignments upon returning to class. If a student is absent on a day that an in-class assignment is given, that student will not receive credit for it.
  1. Courtesy: Please turn OFF all cell phones, pagers, or other noise making devices when you come into the classroom.

If you come into class late, please be aware of the fact that you are disrupting our class time and be quiet and courteous when entering the room.

All students are expected to participate in class discussions; however, please be respectful of other students (and me) when they are speaking.

University Policy on Academic Dishonesty:

Part I, Chapter VI, section 3.22 of the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System provides the following: Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts.

See for further information.

Tentative Course Schedule

Aug25Intro, Syllabus, Linguistic Concepts

27Basic Concepts in Linguistics

30Definitions of Grammar, Grammar History

Sept1Grammar History, Parts of Speech

3Parts of Speech, cont.


8Begin Sentence Patterns

Read Kolln 32-45

10“Word a Day” OED Assignment

13Patterns I-IV

15Patterns I-VI

17Patterns I-VI

20Patterns VII-X

Read Kolln 46-53

22Patterns cont., Compounds

Read Kolln 53-63

24Patterns, cont.

27Practice all Patterns


Oct 1Test 1


Read Kolln 67-69, Ex 11 pg 69, plus extra words

6Verbs, Morphology

8Morphology, Morphemes

Read Kolln Chapter 11

11Morphology, cont.

13Form Class Words

15Form Class Words

18Structure Class Words

20Structure Class, cont.; Pronouns

Ex 57 p 288

22Pronouns, cont.

Jabberwocky Ex

25Pronouns, cont.

Ex 60 p 306


29Test 2

Nov 1Verbals

Read Kolln Chapt 6, 7, and 8

3Verbals cont.

5Verbals, cont.

8Subordinating Clauses

10Subordinating Clauses

12Nominal Clauses

15Nominal Clauses

17Nominal Clauses

19Relative Clauses

22Relative Clauses

24Relative Clauses

26Thanksgiving Holiday


Dec 1Practice


Final Exam: MWF class,Tuesday, Dec 14th 7:30 am – 10:00 am

TR class, Tuesday, Dec 14th 10:30 am -1:00 pm