Student Careers Office - 1:1 Interview Evaluation

Career Advisers help you explore your career ideas and explain how you can improve your chances of success and gaining employment. The Student Careers Office is committed to improving the quality of Career Services you receive. To help this process please answer the following questions to help us to understand how you rated your session.

Campus : Dubai / Abu Dhabi

Gender – Male / Female

Status – Student / Graduate / Post Graduate

Nature of your enquiry: CV support/ Career Guidance/ Job Seeking / Internship/ Mock Interview/other

If other please state

1.How satisfied are you with the information you received from the Adviser?

Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

2.How satisfied are you with the help you received from the Adviser?

Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

3.Are you now more aware of where you can access additional information to help you? (Please circle your response.)

Yes No Not sure

4.Are you now clearer about your future plans as a result of your meeting with the Adviser?

Yes No Not sure

If not please explain why (open text box)

5.Was there anything you did not understand during the interview?


5b.If yes please describe (open text box)

6. During your meeting did the Adviser refer you to another person who could help you to move forward with your career plan / enquiry ?


6.b If yes who were you advised to contact (open text box)

6.c If Yes how satisfied are you with the additional referral/contact information you received?

Very satisfied Satisfied Not sure Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

7. What benefit if any did you get from the Careers Meeting?



8. Would you recommend the Career Services to your friends?


9. Overall how satisfied are you with the Careers Meeting

Very satisfied Satisfied Not sure Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied

Thank you for completing the evaluation