School Improvement Detailed Plan


School Name / Principal
Crabapple Middle School / Nathan Buhl


Identify 3-5 specific areas for improvement for students in your school. These are your objectives. Objectives can address overall subject areas or content areas within subject areas. Objectives may also address areas of student behavior (ex. attendance, discipline).

Underneath each objective list the related data to be reported to determine if improvement efforts have been successful … these are your measures. Please include baseline (or historical) data for each measure, if available, and targets for achievement for 2012-13 through 2014-15. Note that data for both leading indicators (ex. tardy or attendance data, cumulative Checkpoints proficiency, common assessments) or lagging indicators (ex. CRCT, EOCT, ITBS) can be included as a measure

Objective No. 1
Improve Overall Math
Measure / Increase the percentage of students scoring level 2 and level 3 on the GA CRCT in the 6th Grade
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
90 / 93 / 95 / TBD / 97 / 99 / 100
Measure / Increase the percentage of students scoring level 2 and level 3 on the GA CRCT in the 7th Grade
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
92 / 95 / 98 / TBD / 99 / 100 / 100
Measure / Increase the percentage of students scoring level 2 and level 3 on the GA CRCT in the 8th Grade
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
92 / 94 / 89 / TBD / 94 / 96 / 98

Add more objective templates as needed, but ideally no more than a total of five.

Objective No. 1
Improve Overall Math (continued)
Measure / Increase the percentage of students scoring level 3 on the GA CRCT in the 6th Grade
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
35 / 38 / 46 / TBD / 50 / 54 / 58
Measure / Increase the percentage of students scoring level 3 on the GA CRCT in the 7th Grade
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
50 / 52 / 56 / TBD / 60 / 64 / 68
Measure / Increase the percentage of students scoring level 3 on the GA CRCT in the 8th Grade
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
43 / 51 / 52 / TBD / 56 / 60 / 64
Objective No. 1
Improve Overall Math (continued)
Measure / Increase the percentage of students with disabilities scoring level 2 or 3 on the GA CRCT in the 6th-8th Grade
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
60 / 78 / 86 / TBD / 88 / 90 / 92

30/36 (63%) of 6th graders 22/24 (92%) of 7th graders 22/16 (81%) of 8th graders = 74/86 = 86%


What will be done to foster improvement in the areas identified in Step 1? These are your initiatives. Initiatives can be school-wide or be centered around a specific objective. Initiatives are not programs; initiatives are what people will do differently or in an enhanced way to support improvement. If the initiative is related to a specific objective, please include the number of the objective; if the objective is general, leave this area blank. No more than 5 initiatives should be included.

The following information should be included for each initiative:

·  Action steps (or specific tasks) to be taken during the 2012-13 school year to support the initiative.

·  Person responsible for monitoring the initiative.

·  Data, or other indicators, that will be used to monitor the initiative.

Initiative Description
Initiate weekly grade level math content collaboration meetings with TAG, IRR, and on-level math teachers
Is this a general initiative? / No / If no, which objective is the initiative supporting? / 1
Action Steps for this initiative to be completed in 2012-13
·  Provide Daniel Venables PLC training for math teachers on setting norms and using protocols to analyze student work, teacher work, and other tools to support teaching and learning.
·  Ensure that content collaboration meeting minutes are being consistently submitted to the math contact and administration for review and support.
·  Sustain and protect common planning time and ensure that teachers are consistently meeting and planning during this time frame.
What data will be collected to monitor progress on this initiative?
·  Content Collaboration meeting minutes will be collected and reviewed by math contact and administration.
·  Checkpoint Data will be used to monitor progress of students
·  Formative and Summative Data will be analyzed and reviewed to monitor progress.
Who is responsible for this initiative? (List position(s) only … do not include names)
·  Administration
·  Math Curriculum Contact
·  Math Content Collaboration Leaders
·  Math Teachers
Initiative Description
Initiate bi-weekly STEM (Science & Math Contacts) meetings and monthly SPED & TAG Contact Meetings with the administration to discuss progress, provide support, and to review the overall implementation of math instruction in grades 6-8
Is this a general initiative? / No / If no, which objective is the initiative supporting? / 1
Action Steps for this initiative to be completed in 2012-13
·  Create and sustain a monthly schedule for meetings with contacts and the school administration.
·  Provide Math contacts with Learning Walk Data from classroom visits to drive and improve classroom instruction.
·  Utilize the NWLC STEM director to attend meetings and to provide professional learning and support as needed.
What data will be collected to monitor progress on this initiative?
·  Documentation of all minutes will be collected and shared with appropriate staff.
·  Learning Walk Data from classroom visits will be used and analyzed to drive improved instruction.
·  TKES data coming from TAPS will be used to identify professional learning needs for math staff.
·  Checkpoint Data will be used to monitor progress of students
·  Formative and Summative Data will be analyzed and reviewed to monitor progress.
Who is responsible for this initiative? (List position(s) only … do not include names)
·  School Administration
·  Math Contact
·  Math teachers
Initiative Description
Initiate monthly vertical team meetings with Math Contact and Math Content Collaboration Leaders.
Is this a general initiative? / No / If no, which objective is the initiative supporting? / 1
Action Steps for this initiative to be completed in 2012-13
·  Develop a routine schedule where Math Contacts meet vertically once a month before or after school to provide feedback to the Math contact regarding the effectiveness of the PLCS (content collaboration meetings per grade) and to monitor the progress in achievement being made throughout the school year.
·  Provide the Math Contacts with specific protocols to model and share with content collaboration leaders so that the protocols can be implemented during grade level content area PLCs.
What data will be collected to monitor progress on this initiative?
·  Meeting minutes will be documented and reviewed by the administration.
·  Student Achievement data (benchmarks, formative/summative data will be shared with the math contact to monitor progress.
Who is responsible for this initiative? (List position(s) only … do not include names)
·  School Administration
·  Math Contact
·  Math Contact Collaboration Leaders
Initiative Description
Initiate the use of Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) during Content Collaboration Meetings to insure that Higher Order Thinking Skills are being embedded into classroom instruction.
Is this a general initiative? / No / If no, which objective is the initiative supporting? / 1
Action Steps for this initiative to be completed in 2012-13
·  Provide Staff with Professional Learning on Webb’s Depth of Knowledge along with supporting resources to assist them in using DOK when planning for instruction.
·  Use Learning Walks as a way to gauge implementation of DOK in daily instruction by informing the math contact and collaboration leaders the level Higher Order Thinking Skills being implemented during instruction.
What data will be collected to monitor progress on this initiative?
·  Learning Walk Data will be used to gauge the level of Higher Order Thinking Skills being observed in math classrooms.
·  Content Collaboration Meeting Minutes will be reviewed to insure that DOK is being used when planning for instruction.
·  Checkpoints, Formative, and Summative Data will be systematically reviewed to determine levels of achievement.
Who is responsible for this initiative? (List position(s) only … do not include names)
·  Administration
·  Math Curriculum Contact
·  Math Content Collaboration Leaders
·  Math Teachers
Initiative Description
Initiate Math Content Enrichment classes once a week during the Husky PRIDE Block.
Is this a general initiative? / No / If no, which objective is the initiative supporting? / 1
Action Steps for this initiative to be completed in 2012-13
·  Identify students who scored 815 or below on the 2011-2012 GA CRCT, who did not pass a math course, and/or who were recommended by last year’s teachers that additional math support Is needed.
·  Assign Math IRR teachers and On-Level Math teachers to provide remedial support to these students 45 minutes a week during the Husky PRIDE Block. Teachers are to preview upcoming standards being taught and differentiate remedial instruction based upon quantitative and qualitative student data.
·  Case Managers of students with disabilities will communicate with these teachers the specific skills needing attention during these content enrichment courses.
·  The Remediation and Math Support Teacher will conduct Learning Walks during remedial instruction to provide feedback and drive improved instruction.
What data will be collected to monitor progress on this initiative?
·  Learning Walk Data from the math remedial teacher and administration will be provided to the math contacts and math teachers during this time to improve math remedial instruction.
·  Checkpoint Data will be used to monitor progress of students
·  Formative and Summative Data will be analyzed and reviewed to monitor progress.
Who is responsible for this initiative? (List position(s) only … do not include names)
·  School Administration
·  Math teachers and Math Contact
·  Remedial Math and Data Support Teacher

Add more initiative templates as needed, but ideally no more than five.

Initiative Description
Initiate Effective Co-Teaching Professional Learning for all Co-Teaching Teams at Crabapple Middle School
Is this a general initiative? / Yes / If no, which objective is the initiative supporting?
Action Steps for this initiative to be completed in 2012-13
·  All Co-Teaching Teams will receive initial training during preplanning at the start of the 2012-2013 school year.
·  All Co-Teaching Teams will participate in on-going training with the district quarterly throughout the school year.
·  Co-Teaching Teams will re-deliver training to remainder of the staff.
·  Co-Teaching Teams will meet quarterly to discuss implementation of trainings at CMS
·  Co-Teaching Teams will engage in Peer Observations to identify best practices from their colleagues.
·  The IST and SPED Contact will meet as needed with the NWLC SPED Contact for support and suggestions for implementation.
What data will be collected to monitor progress on this initiative?
·  Checkpoints, Formative, and Summative Data will be reviewed to monitor student achievement.
·  Learning Walks will be conducted by the IST and Administration and the data will be collected to provide feedback for all co-teaching teams.
·  Weekly IEP Compliance Meeting Minutes will be collected and reviewed by the SPED Contact, IST, and administration.
Who is responsible for this initiative? (List position(s) only … do not include names)
·  Administration
·  IST
·  SPED Contact
·  SPED IRR Teachers
Objective No. 2
Improve overall Writing in Grades 6-8
Measure / Improve the percentage of students meeting and exceeding the standards on the 8th grade writing test.
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
93 / 92 / 89 / TBD / 92 / 95 / 98
Measure / Improve the percentage of students exceeding the standards on the 8th grade writing test.
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
15 / 6 / 6 / TBD / 12 / 18 / 24

Add more objective templates as needed, but ideally no more than a total of five.


What will be done to foster improvement in the areas identified in Step 1? These are your initiatives. Initiatives can be school-wide or be centered around a specific objective. Initiatives are not programs; initiatives are what people will do differently or in an enhanced way to support improvement. If the initiative is related to a specific objective, please include the number of the objective; if the objective is general, leave this area blank. No more than 5 initiatives should be included.