Ms. Samantha Freiberg – Room 405


Cell Phone:(704) 277-5442

IB Math SL 2

Course Description:

Welcome to IB Math SL 2! In this course, we will build upon what you previously learnedas we work to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, communication and collaboration skills, and creativity and innovation skills, which are essential for learners in the 21st century. IB Math SL 2 covers the remaining topics of the IB Math SL syllabus and the entirety of the AP Calculus AB content. IB students will have the option of taking the AP Calculus exam at the end of the year in an effort to gain additional college credit.

Supplies for Success in IB Math SL 2:

  • Graphing calculator (I recommend a TI-84)
  • 3-ring binder
  • Spiral or composition notebook
  • Pencils, erasers
  • Notebook paper
  • Highlighter
  • Glue stick
  • AP Calculus review book (suggested)
  • Optional Items:We can always use dry erase markers, tissues, and hand sanitizer, if you would like to bring additional supplies for our classroom.

Grading Categories (excludes 4th quarter):

Formal (70%) – includes tests and the internal assessment

Informal (30%) – includes quizzes, homework, and other assignments

Class Expectations:

  • Come to class each day on time and ready to learn!
  • Respect your classmates and teachers.
  • Actively participate in class.
  • Pay attention and keep your cell phones off and away during class.
  • Be prepared for class each day. This means completing all assignments on time and having your materials every day.
  • Follow all school rules.


Homework should be completed before each class period to help you practice skills and assess your own understanding of the concepts of the previous lesson. Some homework assignments will be graded on a daily basis (either for accuracy or completion) and grading will be unannounced. Late assignments will not be accepted for credit when a daily grade is given. In order to be successful in this fast-paced course, it is imperative that students stay on top of their assignments and practice on a daily basis. If you are absent, please bring me your homework the next school day that you are here for full credit. Students should check solutions to odd problems in the back of the book and call, text, or email me with questions. I am also available before school to answer homework questions. On test day, I will choose one homework assignment from the unit for students to turn. Students who have this assignment completed will earn 2 bonus points on the test.


Students may take an optional quarter test at the end of 1st and 3rd quarter to replace their lowest test grade from that quarter. For students who elect to take the quarter test, their score will automatically factor into their grade, even if it is lower than their lowest test grade. The midterm or final exam score can replace the lowest test grade in 2nd quarter. I have a zero tolerance policy for cheating. Students caught cheating will receive no credit on the assignment. Please come to me if you do not understand the material.


Most days we will start with a “Problem of the Day” which students should complete in a spiral notebook. Typically these problems will come from AP or IB exams. The purpose of the POTDs is to expose students to a wide variety of exam questions, to promote problem solving skills, and to create a bank of problems to study. Students should use this resource to prepare for unit tests and exams.

Internal Assessment:

In order to be eligible for the IB Diploma, students must complete the Internal Assessment (Exploration) for IB Math SL. As part of the Exploration, students will have several smaller deadlines along the way. The final paper will be due in November or December. Each of the assignments will count as a quiz or test grade, with the final paper counting at a major test grade. Students will receive additional information about the IA in the first few weeks of the school year.

Tutoring Information:

Tutoring is available after school on Mondays and Thursdays until 3:15and most mornings from 6:55-7:20. I can also be available other afternoons, if you make arrangements with me ahead of time. I encourage you to come in for help as soon as possible if you do not understand something. If you have questions at home, feel free to email, call, or text me and I will try to provide some guidance. Imay not respond to emails/calls/textsafter 8pm.

Review Sessions:

Because the IB exam at the end of this school year covers the content from two school years, we will spend the entire 4th quarter reviewing for exams. I will hold additional optional review sessions after school and on the weekends. In some cases, I will offer extra credit for attending these review sessions.


I expect you to be responsible for your own learning. All make-up assignments will be in the binder designated for IB Math SL 2 and homework assignments will be posted on the website. I expect you to take initiative and get them for yourself. If you do not have internet access, please come before or after school and I will print the notes for you. Students who miss the day of a test or quiz will take a different version of the test. Please make every effort to be present on test day. If you know about an absence ahead of time (i.e. field trip or doctor’s appointment), please make arrangements with me to take the test early.