Roanoke College
Department of Public Affairs
Introduction to Political Science (POLI 101 B)
TuTh 1:10-2:40
West 311
Office Hours: MW1-2, Th2:45-3:45,and by appointment
Dr. Justin D. Garrison
West 121
Course Description
POLI 101 enhances the ability of each student to think analytically about politics. The course introduces students to the scientific study of politics and prevalent research methods. The course introduces students to subfields of political science such as American politics, comparative politics, international relations, and political theory.
Course Objectives
The course objectives for POLI 101 are the following:
- Provide students with a general understanding of political science and its major subfields.
- Introduce students to empirical research methods associated with political science.
- Improve each student’s ability to think critically about politics.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completing POLI 101, each student should have:
- Articulated thebasic principles of the scientific study of politics onan exam.
- Expressed an understanding of the major subfields of political science on exams.
- Improved writing and critical thinking skillson exam essay questions.
Course Grading
Your final grade will be determined on the following basis:
- Current Events Pres.: 10%
- Exam 1: 15%
- Exam 2: 15%
- Exam 3: 25%
- Final Exam: 25%
- Participation: 10%
Grading Scale
The course has a total of 100 points. The final grade scale is as follows: Below 60 = F, 60-62 = D-, 63-67 = D, 68-69 = D+, 70-72 = C-, 73-77 = C, 78-79 = C+, 80-82 = B-, 83-87 = B, 88-89 = B+, 90-92 = A-, 93-100 = A.
Required Texts*
Dooley, Kevin, and Joseph Patten, Why Politics Matters: An Introduction to Political Science
* All readings listed as “(Inquire)” will be available on Inquire in PDF format.
* All in-class references to course readings will be from the required editions of these texts.
Course Requirements
Current Events Presentation:
Each student will give a PowerPoint presentation abouta current event. The event can be on a topic related to local, state, national, or international politics and policies. During the presentation, each student must give an overview of his or her selected topic, explain how the topic is connected to the readings due for the day of the presentation, and provide two questions to the class for discussion. More information about the current events presentation will be distributed to the class via Inquire.
This course will have a total of four examinations. The first exam will be onThursday, 11 September 2014. The second exam will be on Tuesday, 7 October 2014. The third exam will be on Tuesday, 18 November 2014. The final exam will be onMonday, 8 December 2014. Exams may consist of objective, short answer questions and/or an essay question.
Exams may be taken on a date other than that which is stipulated on the syllabus only with the prior approval of the instructor under circumstances he determines to be compelling. The College has established the final exam date, and the exam must be taken on that date.
Attendance and Participation
Substantive class participation, expressing both familiarity with and contemplation of course readings, will be considered in the evaluation of final grades.
Attendance of all classes is mandatory and will be taken at the beginning of each class. If you are late to class, it is your responsibility to inform the instructor at the end of class. Otherwise, you will be considered absent. You are expected to be both mentally and physically present for every class. Distracting behavior will generate an absence for that class. 3 absences from class, excused or unexcused, are permitted during the semester. A 4th absence will incur a 3-percentage point deduction from the final grade. 5 absences will result in dismissal from the course with a failing grade (DF). A DF has a negative impact upon a student’s cumulative GPA. A formal written warning will precede such dismissal. With this in mind, please reserve your quantity of permitted absences for true emergencies.
Should it become necessary, the instructor reserves the right to give unannounced quizzes. Quiz grades will be incorporated into the participation grade for each student.
Electronic Devices Policy
Students must turn off cell phones before the beginning of class. Electronic devices, including but not limited to laptops, iPads, and e-readers, are prohibited in the classroom. The use of any electronic devices on exams or in class is strictly prohibited. The use of such devices during lectures and class discussions will generate an absence on the grounds that the student is not mentally present in class.
Academic Integrity
All Roanoke College students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity in all classes and on all exams and assignments. Violations of the College’s Academic Integrity (AI) policy include but are not limited to plagiarism, cheating, lying, and unauthorized use of an electronic device.
As stated in the Academic Integrity Handbook: “Barring unusual circumstances, an F in the course is the minimum penalty for a student found to be in violation of academic integrity.” More severe penalties may also apply to violations of the AI policy. Ignorance of the AI policy is no defense against violations. Students are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the AI Handbook, which can be found at
Disability Support Services
The Office of Disability Support Services, located in the Goode-Pasfield Center for Learning and Teaching in Fintel Library, provides reasonable accommodations to students with identified disabilities. Reasonable accommodations are provided based on the diagnosed disability and the recommendations of the professional evaluator. In order to be considered for disability services, students must identify themselves to the Office of Disability Support Services. Students are required to provide specific current documentation of their disabilities. Please contact Richard Robers, M.A. Ed., Coordinator of Disability Support Services, at 540-375-2247 or e-mail .
Students on record with the Disability Support Services are strongly encouraged to discuss accommodations with the instructor during the first two weeks of class. Please note that students with approved accommodations in need of testing accommodations must make arrangements with the instructor at least one week in advance of any exam.
Subject Tutoring
Subject Tutoring is an internationally certified tutor training program through CRLA ITTPC (College Reading & Learning Association International Tutor Training Program Certification) and is coordinated by Shannon McNeal at The Center for Learning & Teaching. Tutoring sessions are held Sunday through Thursday, 4-9 p.m.For a list of tutorials or to make an appointment, go to
Writing Center
The Writing Center @ Roanoke College, located in Room 15 on the Lower Level of Fintel Library, offers writing tutorials for students working on writing assignments/projects in any field. Writers at all levels of competence may visit the Writing Center at any point in their process, from brainstorming to drafting to editing, and talk with trained peer writing tutors in informal, one-on-one sessions. The Writing Center is open Sunday through Thursday from 4 to 9 pm. We open for Spring Semester on Sunday, January 19th. Simply stop in, or schedule an appointment by going to, where our schedule of writing workshops and creative writing playshops is also posted. Questions? Email or call 375-4949.
Schedule of Classes
Week 1: Introduction to Course
August 28: Introduction to the Course
Week 2: Empirical Social Science Research and Political Science
September 2: Theories and Hypotheses
Readings: Babbie, Chapter 1 (Inquire)
September 4: Research Design and Variables
Readings: Babbie, Chapters 4 and 5 (Inquire)
Exam Tutorial
Week 3: Empirical Social Science Research and Political Science
September 9: Surveys and Analysis
Readings: Babbie, Chapter 9 (Inquire)
September 11: Exam 1
Week 4: Ancient Political Theory
September 16: Introduction to Political Theory
Reading: Dooley, pp. 23-32
September 18: Plato and Political Theory
Reading: Dooley, pp. 32-43
Week 5: Ancient Political Theory
September 23: Aristotle and Political Theory
Reading: Dooley, pp. 44-50
September 25: Machiavelli and Political Theory
Reading: Dooley, pp. 52-65
Week 6: Modern Political Theory
September 30: Hobbes and Political Theory
Reading: Dooley, pp. 65-72
October 2: Locke and Political Theory
Reading: Dooley, pp. 73-81
Week 7:American Government
October 7: Exam 2
October 9: Origins of the American System
Reading: Dooley, pp. 83-100
Week 8: Fall Break
October 14, 16—Fall Break—No Classes
Week 9: American Government
October 21: The U.S. Constitution and The Federalist
Reading: Dooley, pp. 101-118
October 23: Creation of U.S. Congress
Reading: Dooley, pp. 120-134
Week 10: Comparative Legislatures
October 28: Congressional Decision Making
Reading: Dooley, pp. 135-144
October 30: Parliamentary Systems: United Kingdom, Japan
Reading: Dooley, pp. 145-153
Week 11: Comparative Executives
November 4: The American Presidency
Reading: Dooley, pp. 162-170
November 6: Prime Ministers and Parliamentary Systems
Reading: Dooley, pp. 170-176
Week 12: Comparative Judicial Systems
November 11: The United States Judiciary
Reading: Dooley, pp. 186-199
November 13: The Judiciary in the United States and Germany
Reading: Dooley, pp. 199-213
Week 13: International Relations Theory
November 18: Exam 3
November 20: Realism and International Relations
Reading: Dooley, pp. 250-264
Week 14: International Relations Theory
November 25: Liberalism, Constructivism, and International Relations
Reading: Dooley, pp. 265-274, 281-282
November 27—Thanksgiving—No Class
Week 15: War and Diplomacy
December 2: International Relations and Balance of Power
Reading: Dooley, pp. 286-299
December 4: International Relations and Collective Security
Reading: Dooley, pp. 300-310
Week 16: Final Exam Week
December 8—Block 11 Final Exam—2:00 p.m.