5th Grade Vocabulary Practice / Geography- Part 1


Population Density / Cardinal Directions
Region / Borderlands
Province / Contour Line
Atlas / Continents
Lines of Longitude / Lines of Latitude
Physical Map / Political Map

Definitions: Match the explanations with the term above.

1.  ______An area of land in which many features are similar that make it different from other areas.

2.  ______The seven main land areas on Earth.

3.  ______The average number of people living in a certain area.

4.  ______Lines on a map or globe that run east and west; also called parallels (central line is called Equator).

5.  ______Lines on a map or globe that run north and south; also called meridians (central line is called the Prime Meridian).

6.  ______A small section of a country.

7.  ______A book of maps.

8.  ______A line drawn on a map connecting points of equal height.

9.  ______A map that includes climate, water, landforms, and other physical features.

10.  ______A map which shows countries, their borders, and main cities.

11.  ______North, East, South, and West.

12.  ______Areas of land on or near borders between countries, colonies, or regions.

Applications: Match the examples with the related term above.

1.  ______plays a large role in the amount of amenities a particular area may have.

2.  We break the United States up into varies ______based on similarities in their physical features.

3.  You would use an encyclopedia to look up information on a country and an ______to look up a variety of maps of that country.

4.  ______run horizontally like the Equator.

5.  ______run vertically like the Prime Meridian.

6.  A ______would be used by someone who is looking for the nearest body of water.

7.  A ______would be used by someone who is looking for the capital city of Turkey.

8.  We use ______to determine which direction we are traveling.

9.  Australia is one of the ______.

10.  A ______will show mountains with similar elevations in a particular mountain range.

11.  In Canada, instead of breaking the county into states, they break the country up into sections called a ______.

12.  The portion of the United States bordering Canada and Mexico is known as ______.

Analysis: Write a short paragraph to describe the difference between a physical map and a political map.


Label the following things on the map below.

Lines of Longitude Lines of Latitude Continents Cardinal Directions Borderlands Regions