Introduction To Physics Tracking Sheet (Unit 4: 5-7 classes)
Learning Target: I will demonstrate reporthow Momentum-Impulse Theorem relates to driving safety.
Station #1: VocabularyLearning Target: I will define the words momentum, inertia, and impulse; will make an icon for; and use each word’s physical meaning correctly in a complete sentence. (Individual)1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______/ Station #2: Building Learning Target:
I will build acrumple zone for a go-cart using no more than 100 cans, and 2 bottles (you provide adhesive. (Table groups)
1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______/ Station #3: Physics Learning Target: I will demonstrate my understanding of Momentum-Impulse Theorem.
1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______
Station #4: Cornell Notes
Learning Target: I will write 3 pages of notes that include information about air bags, or your team’s process of buildinga parachute using the vocabulary words. (Individual)
1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______/ Station #5: Video Learning Target: I will create a video using iMovie that demonstrates how my egg drop structure will mimic a crumple zone or shows the process of building your egg drop structure. (Up to 4 students)
1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______/ Station #6: Technology Learning Target: I will use and report the Vernier sensors and iPads to figure out how fast a egg drop parachute is moving the moment it hits the ground. (Up to 4 students)
1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______
Station #7: Design Learning Target:
Using a CO2 carriage add on a accrual air bag for your egg drop parachute model that will activate upon landing. (Only for students that have proved themselves as trustworthy and safe.) (You will give only 1 CO2 carriage)
1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______/ Station #8: Mathematic Learning Target:
I will measure the mass of an egg and calculate its force using Newton’s Second Law and what the air resistance of your parachute is based on the velocity of it falling. (Up to 4 students)
1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______/ Station #9: Choose your own
Learning Target: I will write my own learning target and explain my learning based on that learning target.
1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______
Introduction To Physics Tracking Sheet (Unit 4: 5-7 classes)
Learning Target: I demonstrate and report upon air bag theory and how they are built.
Station #1: VocabularyLearning Target: I will define the words deceleration, momentum, impulse, and crumple zone and will make an icon for, and use each word correctly in a complete sentence. (Individual)1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______/ Station #2: Building Learning Target:
I will build an egg drop structure out of 150 toothpicks and 1 stick of hot glue 2 other students. (Table groups)
1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______/ Station #3: Physics Learning Target: I will explain the theory behind air bags and how air bags work using labeled pictures (3 or more frames). (Individual)
1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______
Station #4: Cornell Notes
Learning Target: I will write 3 pages of notes that include information about air bags, or your team’s process of building a parachute using the vocabulary words. (Individual)
1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______/ Station #5: Video Learning Target: I will create a video using iMovie that demonstrates how my egg drop structure will mimic a crumple zone or shows the process of building your egg drop structure. (Up to 4 students)
1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______/ Station #6: Technology Learning Target: I will use and report the Vernier sensors and iPads to figure out how fast a egg drop parachute is moving the moment it hits the ground. (Up to 4 students)
1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______
Station #7: Design Learning Target:
Using a CO2 carriage add on a accrual air bag for your egg drop parachute model that will activate upon landing. (Only for students that have proved themselves as trustworthy and safe.)
1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______/ Station #8: Mathematic Learning Target:
I will measure the mass of an egg and calculate its force using Newton’s Second Law and what the air resistance of your parachute is based on the velocity of it falling. (Up to 4 students)
1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______/ Station #9: Choose your own
Learning Target: I will write my own learning target and explain my learning based on that learning target.
1 2 3 4
Start: ______Finish: ______