Selected Electronic Clinical Outcomes Tracking System
Fact Sheets
Name / PopulationManagerOrganization and contact / Forward Health Group, 10 East Doty Street, Suite 403, Madison, WI 53703
Alternate: Amy Mosher-Garvey -
General description / Forward Health Group has developed a behavioral health application of PopulationManager, an Internet-based (Cloud) clinical outcomes tracking system. It currently tracks individual clients having depression, substance abuse and trauma conditions. Reports and graphs are available at the clinician- and agency-levels and across agencies.
Client group / Adults, adolescents and children
Number of items / The system contains client name, client ID, age, gender, payer and other items. It currently has the 9-item PHQ-9 depression outcome measure built in, has measures for substance abuse and trauma, and additional items and measures can be added.
Administration / Paper forms are filled out by clients and data is entered into PopulationManager by staff via the Internet.
Electronic database / Internet-based
Benchmarking / Reports and graphs (line plots, Venn diagrams) are available at the clinician- and agency-levels and across agencies.
Cost / Possible no cost during the Clinical Outcomes Tracking project. One-time $1500 plus annual fee of $65 per provider or panel.
Name / RecoveryTrack
Organization and contact / Treatment Research Institute, 600 Public Ledger Building, 150 S. Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA 19106
Phone: 866-453-9262
General description / RecoveryTrack is a web-based substance abuse-specific tool. In addition to a substance abuse scale that is DSM-based, the client’s age, gender, race, service start and end date, counselor name, drug abused, and discharge reason are included in the database. It has the ability to add supplemental data items and generates real-time client-level and aggregate reports.
Some items selected from the ASI and Treatment Services Review.
Client group / All adult and adolescent populations
Number of items / The substance abuse scale is about 10 items along with other client- and service-descriptive data described above.
Administration / Filled out by client and staff enter data into Internet-based system or client may complete the questionnaire on-line.
Electronic database / Internet-based
Benchmarking / Client-level and aggregate agency-level reports and graphs available with the capacity to generate locally-useable data files that can be imported into Excel or other software.
Cost / $800 initial set up fee
$25 per user per month
Name / eBASIS WebScore
Organization and contact / McLean eBASIS, McLean Hospital, 115 Mill Street, Belmont, MA, 02478-9106
Voice: (617) 855-2424
General description / eBASIS WebScore uses the BASIS-24 tool which is a twenty-four item patient self-report questionnaire (paper and pencil or computer screen) designed to assess treatment outcomes. Six domains are included: depression and functioning, interpersonal relationships, psychosis, substance abuse, mood swings, and self-harm. The BASIS-24 is administered at the beginning of a treatment episode, with repeat assessments obtained at desired intervals to assess change during or following treatment.
Client group / All adult and adolescent populations
Number of items / The BASIS tool has 24 items and one may choose to use any one or more of the six domains
Administration / Filled out by client; client or staff enter data into Internet-based system
Electronic database / Internet-based
Benchmarking / Data from all participating organizations can be merged to create "benchmarks" for each domain, against which individual organizations can compare their results. WebScore allows you to download results into a CSV formatted file (comma-separated value text file) that can easily be imported into Excel or other software applications. Some limited reports are available.
Cost / $395 site license
$60 instructions
An annual per questionnaire fee is also assessed based on the estimated number of surveys to be entered into the online system for each year. For 500 questionnaires, the annual fee would be $1,100
Total $1,555
Name / OQ Analyst
Organization and contact / OQ Measures LLC, P.O. Box 521047, Salt Lake City, UT 84152
Phone: 888-647-2673
General description / Internet-based clinical outcomes tracking system having adult and adolescent self-report outcome/tracking instruments designed for repeated measurement of client progress through the course of therapy. It has symptom distress (heavily loaded for depression and anxiety), interpersonal functioning, social role, suicide potential, substance abuse, and violence at work subscales. Reports permit you to make treatment decisions based on your client's progress.
Client group / Adults, adolescents, and special tools are also available for the seriously mentally ill
Number of items / The adult questionnaire has 45 items and the adolescent 30 items. It is not known if all the tool’s 45 items must be entered.
Administration / Filled out by client and client or staff enter data into Internet-based system
Electronic database / Internet-based
Benchmarking / Reports and graphs are available for clinicians and clients. It is not known if an electronic file of raw data can be exported.
Cost / $250 licensefee per clinician
$150 installation fee and technical support
$25 shipping and handling
Total $425
Organization and contact / CORE IMS Ltd, 47 Windsor Street, Rugby, Warwickshire, UK, CV21 3NZ
Tel: +44 (0) 1788 546019
General description / Mental health clinical outcomes tracking system having adult and adolescent self-report outcome/tracking instruments designed for repeated measurement of client progress through the course of therapy. The principal measure domains include subjective well-being, problems/symptoms, life functioning, and risk/harm.
Client group / Adults and adolescents
Number of items / One of the tools available is a client self-report questionnaire designed to be administered before, during and after therapy. The client is asked to respond to 34 questions about how they have been feeling over the last week, using a 5-point scale ranging from 'not at all' to 'most or all of the time'. The 34 items of the measure cover four dimensions including subjective well-being, problems/symptoms, life functioning, and risk/harm. Other measures are also available. There does not appear to be a substance abuse tool.
Administration / A variety of questionnaires are available. Staff enter data into system.
Electronic database / Web-based or PC-based
Benchmarking / Reports and graphs are produced. All data from users is pooled to create a unique database. This database is used to develop benchmarks, which can help users compare with other, similar user’s performance.
Cost / Internet-based – cost unknown
PC-based - $375 American
Name / Polaris
Organization and contact / Polaris Health Directions
444 Oxford Valley Rd. #300
Langhorne, PA 19047
Phone: 215.359.3901
General description / Polaris-MH (mental health), Polaris-CD (chemical dependency) and Polaris-ROMS (recovery outcome management system; for severe and persistent mental illness) tools are available.
The MH tool assesses general health, vocation and social functioning, substance abuse, mental health including psychosis and bipolar disorders, resilience, motivation, satisfaction and client-therapist bond.
Polaris-CD helps substance abuse treatment providers match patients to appropriate behavioral health, chemical dependency and supplemental services, track clinical progress, and predict patients likely to relapse and dropout from treatment. Includes the composite scales from the "gold standard" Addiction Severity Index (ASI), which produces scores indicating the severity of the patient’s problems relating to drug and alcohol use, family/social, psychological, medical, and employment. Has patient satisfaction, the number of services the patient has received in relation to various problem areas during the past two weeks and attitudes relating to relapse avoidance. Provides assessment of depression and anxiety for patients that screen positive for those conditions
The Polaris-ROMS assesses Psychosis, Global Behavioral Health, Depression, Anxiety, Emotional Regulation, Living Skills, Interpersonal Competence, adult behavioral markers including: Global Mental Health, Symptomology, Functioning and Well-being, screens for co-morbid substance abuse with the Addiction Severity Index, Resiliency, Supports, Goal Directiveness, Emotional/Relational Skills, indicators for trauma and PTSD, readiness to change, risk of self-harm, and the likelihood of immediate harm.
Has intake (longer and more comprehensive) and outcomes questionnaires. Can profile potential treatment dropouts.
Client group / All – the Polaris system is widely used by Kaiser Permanente HMO in 9 states and DC
Number of items / Forms/questionnaires are not made public
Administration / Outcome questions relate to the patient's condition (e.g., ASI scales), progress, services received and satisfaction with treatment. Mean questionnaire completion time is 15 min.
Electronic database / Web-based; clients can fill out on-line
Benchmarking / Produces client print-out with graphs. Has expected treatment response projection based upon initial assessment. Reports for use by clinicians, operational reports and program-level outcomes reports:
Cost / ~$1 per form entered into the on-line system
50 clients x 10 forms = 500 x $1 = $500
Organization and contact / GAIN ABS Support Team
Chestnut Health Systems, GAIN Coordinating Center, 448 Wylie Dr., Normal, IL 61761
Phone: 309.451.7777
General description / Short, self-administered, paper and pencil tool that can accommodate repeated administrations; contains 5 substance use items, 5 emotional problems items associated with DSM criteria, socialization and aggression items; need not use all 20 items and can select which items to use; item response scores of 3 indicate recent (past month problems); item response scores of 2 (past 2 to 12 months), 1 (past 1 or more years), and 0 (never) not useful for clinical outcomes tracking
Client group / All adult and adolescent populations
Number of items / The GAIN-SS tool within GAIN ABS has 5 substance use items and 5 emotional problems items associated with DSM criteria
Administration / Filled out by client and staff enter data into Internet-based system
Electronic database / Internet-based
Benchmarking / No, but can export an ASCII text file of the raw data that can be imported into Excel or other software for local use
Cost / $100licensingfee(whichcoversfiveyearsofuse)
$100 initial setup fee per agency (one-time fee)
$180 GAIN ABS user fee per year for each authorized user
Total $380
Name / Behavioral Pathway Systems
Organization and contact / Behavioral Pathway Systems, P.O. Box 3121, Indianapolis, IN, 46206-3121
General description / Benchmarking system where agency users enter summary data (a single average score for all clients) into the Internet-based system, pay $40, and get a benchmark report back. Available clinical domains include homelessness, involvement with criminal justice, employment, client satisfaction, recovery support, and involvement of significant others. They are able to custom design your own measures into the system, but the cost will increase.
Client group / Local addiction and mental health clinics submit their own summary data into the system.
Number of items / Depends on the domain. For the client satisfaction domain, there are three items.
Administration / Data entered directly into Internet-based system by an agency staff person.
Electronic database / Internet-based
Benchmarking / Reports are available for agencies and comparisons with other agency users.
Cost / $40 per domain for domains already contained in their system
Name / Behavioral Health Laboratories
Organization and contact / Behavioral Health Laboratories (BHL), 293 Boston Post Road West, Suite 330, Marlborough, MA 01752
Phone: 1-800-329-0949
General description / Self-administered, multi–dimensional outcome battery with the following domains: depression, substance abuse, anxiety, bipolar, psychosis, insomnia, suicide, violence, quality of life, work functioning, social functioning, ADHD, and eating disorders. Has Internet-based WELLNESSCHECK system for data entry, reports and benchmarking.
Client group / Adult, adolescent, and child versions available
Number of items / Depending upon the version, 30-60 item Treatment Outcome Package (TOP) questionnaire
Administration / Paper and pencil questionnaire with data entered directly into Internet-based system by an agency staff person. Clients can also complete the questionnaire on-line.
Electronic database / WELLNESSCHECK system is Internet-based
Benchmarking / Individual client reports, monthly profile reports, monthly outcomes reports and graphs, and benchmark reports are available. Data is risk adjusted. Customized and ad hoc reports for an additional fee.
Cost / $24 per month per user
Name / Sigmund Software
Organization and contact / Sigmund Software, LLC, 509 Route 312 # 2 , Brewster, NY 10509
General description / Target Behavior Tracking (TBT™) standardizes patient assessment by quantifying a patient’s symptoms and distress into data. TBT™ tracks a patient’s observed target behavioral symptoms (e.g., anxious behavior, aggression, depression, hallucinations), medication type and dosage, psychotherapy, group therapy and other treatments. This information is then systematically analyzed by specialized software to identify treatment effectiveness correlations among the data.
Can also include unique test scores for tracking as part of the assessment module.
Client group / Adults, adolescents and children
Number of items / Unique to provider
Administration / An electronic medical record system with outcome tracking capability. Staff enter data into system.
Electronic database / Internet-based or local server-based
Benchmarking / Reports and graphs are produced.
Cost / Must purchase the Sigmund Electronic Health Record system; cost unknown
Name / Partners for Change Outcome Management System PCOMS;
FIT Outcomes; MyOutcomes
Organization and contact / Scott Miller & Barry Duncan
Heart and Soul of Change Project
PCOMS is disseminated through the International Center for Clinical Excellence (ICCE) and the Heart and Soul of Change Project
Scott D. Miller, Ph.D.
(773) 404-5130
The MyOutcomes company administers the PCOMS system
General description / •The Outcome Rating Scale (ORS), which assesses the client's therapeutic progress (through ratings of psychological functioning and distress) and the client's perceived benefit of treatment
•The Session Rating Scale (SRS), which assesses the client's perception of the client-therapist alliance (i.e., the quality of the relational bond with the therapist and whether the therapist shares his or her therapeutic objective); can also include unique test scores for tracking as part of the assessment module.
Client group / Adults and adolescents and children
Number of items / 4 ORS; 4 SRS
Administration / Staff enter data into web-based system
Electronic database / Internet-based
Benchmarking / Research studies with benchmark data available
Cost / Rights to use questionnaires:
•For agencies with 2-10 providers: $99.95