2017 Sporting Clay Shoot
HOBBY Scholarship Foundation
Sporting Clay Fundraiser
Please join us for the 3rdannual Sporting Clays Fundraiser. Funds raised from the event will be used to support Andrew Habsieger Scholarship Foundation providing scholarship opportunities to high school seniors.
WHEN:Friday October 6th and Saturday October 7th, 2017
Shooting Times
Group A 3:30-6:30 Friday
Group B 8:00 – 11:00 Saturday
Group C 11:30 -2:30 Saturday
In the past we have awarded top 3 teams. In 2017 we will be presenting awards much like a golf tournament there will be a “A” flight 1st – 3rd and “B” flight 1st-3rd.
-Auction 6:00 pm at West City Park on October 1st, 2016
-Auction Items (gun safe, guns, sports memorabilia, etc.)
Sponsor Levels:
TIER 1- $700 – Sign at Shooting House and 5 person shooting team
TIER 2- $200 – Sign at Shooting House
Anyone that participates in sporting clay shoot will receive free beverage from 5-7pm at Oktoberfestus on Saturday 10/7/17
Location: Sandy Valley Hunt Club
- Medium level sporting clay course
- 100 rounds fired
- 10 per station/10 stations
- hearing and eye protection needed
- certain station may be in sunlight so bring sunglasses or hat at the very least
- golf carts provided for transportation (limited on a need base 1st)
- 12 gauge shells provided
- Each group will need a minimum of 3 shotguns
Team (5 team members) $500 includes all ammo and shooting fees
We will have the following guns to raffle off
-Browning A-5 3 ½ in
-Benelli SBE 2
-Benelli Super Nova
-Savage Rifle and scope combo
-Browning Hunting Apparel
-Authentic Major League Baseballs signed by St. Louis Cardinals etc.
HOW CAN I HELP/Any questions
If you are interested in helping with the event contact
Julie Lucas/Dave Lucas
John Crites
Habsieger Sporting Clay shoot
3rd annual
October 6th & 7th, 2017
Sandy Valley Hunt Club
2754SandyCreek Rd.
Pevely, MO 63070Hunt Club
The Sporting Clay Tournament will consist of 5-man teams. There will be 10 stations with 10 targets at each station for a total of 100 targets per person. Shooters will be provided shells.
Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams in A flight and B flight and overall Top Shooter.
Shooting Times
Group A 3:30-6:30 Friday
Group B 8:00 – 11:00 Saturday
Group C 11:30 - 2:30 Saturday
Beverages will be provided for everyone shooting from 5-7 at the awards and auction at Oktboberfestus held at West City park on 10/17/17.
Team Name______Group______
Shooters names
- ______email______
- ______email______
- ______email______
- ______email______
- ______email______
Team contact person______Cell______
Deposit Paid ______Date______Paid in Full_____ Date______