Introduction: Sam is going on vacation to Australia. To find out all the places he went to and the discoveries he made solve the clue bellow using the maps. Enjoy ;)
1. I decide to first visit the hottest regions of Australia with woodland vegetation, near the Arafura Sea. According to the first map where am I?
2. After a few days the population is very ______so I decided to move to Perth, what is the population density and the climate there?
3. Perth is an awesome city but for the upcoming days I’d like to visit inhabited regions in southern Australia and observes nature in southern Australia, what is the climate there?
4. Unfortunately during the summer the temperature is too high and all we saw was animal bones. So I am looking for cooler places in Australia, can you figure three main places using the climate map with a cool temperature?
5. I finally made my choice and decided to go to a place that belongs to Australia but is not part of Australia, once you found the place what are the vegetation and the population density?
6. I had a great time in ______but I had to leave and go to Sydney to visit my Uncle, according to my money budget I had to travel on a boat once on land I had a small flight in a helicopter and viewed the ______range.
7. My uncle owns a fish store in Sydney, I stayed there for a day or two the climate was ______, I checked on my map and saw I was in Queensland is this true or false? If it’s false then where am I?
8. With my uncle after a 5 hour drive we arrived in a city, with a cool temperature, and three vegetation closed forest, open forest, and herb land. What city am I in?
9. I left my uncle’s house and was on my way to Victoria, I visited the only city in the region. What city did I visit and what is the population density in that city?
10. What is the climate and vegetation in the nearest city going west of Melbourne?
11. Looking at the fifth map what region has a high elevation with a high population, what is its climate.
Introduction: Riley just moved to Australia, and lives in Sydney. She is spending a week with her family discovering Australia using the map below and the previous maps to solve the following clues.
- We first headed to the Northern______to visit the gulf of ______, the temperature there was ______.
- From there we went south to a region with hot dry climate, and less population. What region am I in according to the first map?
- Then we went to Western Australia, we visited the only city, what city did we visit, what is the climate and vegetation there.
- From Perth we had to go across a dessert to go to the Uluru map 1A.). What dessert did we cross and what was the population density.
- The Uluru rocks were exhausting and hot, my parents are now looking for a cooler place. We decided to go to a city between Sydney and Melbourne, What vegetation does it have in that region and what is the climate?
- From Canberra we decided to go to Melbourne and spend the night there. What is the population, climate, and vegetation here?
- I’m now on a boat ride to Tasmania, What did we cross to come here and what vegetation and climate can you find in Tasmania?
- Through this whole trip my parents decided to live in another city. It is located in southern Australia, the climate is temperate, and the vegetation is scrub and heath. What city am I going to live?
- After this long trip can you define what climate, vegetation domain the country/continent? And what is the busiest city?
Mathilda Munstege
Answer Sheet
Part One
1. Northern Territory.
2. The population is very low. The climate is temperate, and the population s 1,000,000 in Perth.
3. The inhabited regions have a hot dry temperature in the summer and cold winters,
4. Victoria, New south Wales, and Tasmania.
5. Tasmania, the climate is cool temperate, and the vegetations are: open forest, closed forest, woodland, and herb land.
6. Tasmania and the great dividing ranges.
7. The climate is temperate. False, Sydney is not located in Queensland; it is in New South Wales.
8. Hobart.
9. Melbourne has more 1,000,000.
10. Adelaide has a temperate climate and the vegetation is scrub and heath.
11. Sydney, the climate there is temperate.
Part two
1. Northern territory, to visit the gulf of Carpentaria, the temperature was hot and humid
2. Southern Australia
3. The climate is temperate, and the vegetation is woodland.
4. The Great Victoria Dessert, it is inhabited.
5. Canberra has a cool temperate climate, and open forest, closed forest as vegetations.
7. They crossed the Bass Strait, The climate is cool temperate, and the vegetations are: open forest, closed forest, wood land, and herb land.
8. The population in Melbourne is over 1,000,000, the climate is temperate, and the vegetation is open forest.
9. Vegetation: woodland or shrub land. Climate is hot dry in summer and cold winter. The busiest city is Sydney.