It is a great pleasure to welcome you to Sheffield Hallam University and the Department of Allied Health Professions. A career in health and social care can be very rewarding but it is also very demanding. It will require all of your energy and commitment to succeed. The NHS is striving to deliver the best possible patient care for all of us and you will have a huge contribution to make to that care. Support will be available when things get tough as they no doubt will along the way. We do expect you to work hard but please take every opportunity that life at university offers you. I hope that you enjoy studying with us and achieve all that you want from university life.

Best Wishes

Ruth Allarton MSc, MCSP, PGL+T, SFHEA

Head of Department of Allied Health Professions

The Radiotherapy team also wish to welcome you to the MSc Radiotherapy and Oncology in Practice course at Sheffield Hallam University.

This handbook refers to information that is available via shuspace, which is your default homepage on any University PC web browser. You will be issued with a login account at the time of enrolment.

Shuspace is your personalised online environment. It's your route to all of the information and services that the University provides for students, including:

·  Access to key systems including email, your online learning modules (Blackboard), My Student Record and timetables.

·  Support services and resources to help with your academic work, like the Library Catalogue, LitSearch, reading lists and help with your information skills.

·  A news service and general information on, topics including finance, accommodation, sport and campus guides.

·  A Faculty site which provides contact information and news from Health and Wellbeing as well as information relating to courses & modules, results and placements

·  Additional functionality means you can select and add to the interface to suit the way you want to work, including RSS feeds, a personal calendar, PC availability display, dictionary etc.

Other sources of information:

The Generic Student Handbook gives information common to all healthcare students.

This Course Handbook gives information specific to the MSc Radiotherapy and Oncology in Practice course.

The Radiotherapy and Oncology Module Handbooks or module specific BB sites will provide you with descriptors of the modules in the Radiotherapy and Oncology in Practice course.

Some modules have handbooks giving information on the structure, learning methods, content and assessment of the module. Other modules provide the information in separate hand-outs or provide information online through Blackboard.

Faculty of Health and Wellbeing

Robert Winston Building

11-15 Broomhall Road


S10 2BP

Reception - 0114 225 5564



Course Handbook [2017-18]

PgD Radiotherapy and Oncology in Practice


The Student Charter

Introducing the Course Team

How do I contact......

...... members of staff?

How will staff contact me?

What are my responsibilities?

Course Management

How do I seek help and advice?

Course Information and Course Calendar

Course Timetables

Aims and Objectives of the Course

Practice Placements

Flexible Learning Policies and Procedures

Attendance requirements


Assessment Regulations

Procedures for Assessment

Coursework Policies

Notification of results

Education Commissioning for Quality (ECQ)

A quality monitoring system is implemented for all undergraduate and postgraduate contracted programmes for Allied Health Professional and Nursing and Midwifery. An annual assessment of performance is measured against a set of Contract Performance Indicators (CPIs). The CPIs are in the following 5 areas:

·  Recruitment

·  University learning

·  Practice learning

·  Outputs (e.g. numbers of students who leave the programme, number who complete on time)

·  Commitment and transparency (this includes any weaknesses highlighted in the reviews by the Health Professional Council or the Nursing and Midwifery Council and student feedback such as the National Student Survey

This system is known as the ECQ and you may hear this referred to in meetings. The system seeks to ensure that in all programmes there is a transparent review of quality of academic and placement learning. Your input to the process will also be vital and, when appropriate course representatives and/or your cohort will be asked to contribute to this monitoring process.

If you would like any further information about this process please contact your Course Leader.

The Student Charter

Sheffield Hallam University has developed a Student Charter The Charter sets out what you can expect from the University and the Student Union and what our expectations are of our students. It is important that you are aware of and engage with the Charter. The charter has been designed to be inclusive and is applicable to all students.

Your University life and environment

You can expect

1.  an environment that fosters an inclusive, supportive and collaborative University community

2.  to be treated with respect, professionalism and courtesy

3.  your personal information to be safeguarded and to learn in a safe environment

4.  student financial information advice and information about tuition fees, scholarships and bursaries

5.  to be able to find information about all relevant regulations and codes

Your teaching, learning and course

You can expect

1.  high standards of teaching, support, advice and guidance

2.  appropriately qualified staff to support your learning

3.  a course with relevant and applied content

4.  an induction to help you get to know your learning environment, introduce you to fellow students and key staff, and provide an introduction to your studies and learning resources

5.  to receive accurate and timely information about your studies

6.  to have a regular dialogue with a personal adviser, or in the case of research students, your supervisor

7.  your work to be assessed in appropriate and fair ways

8.  useful feedback on your coursework, within a defined timeframe

9.  up-to-date facilities and resources to support your learning and research, including learning centres, library resources, IT services and facilities

10. a student support service which includes study support, disabled student support, wellbeing and international student support, and information and advice on other issues that may affect you

11. a careers advice and guidance service and a student employment service

Your representation and opinions

You can expect

1.  student representation on a range of committees and groups at all levels within the University

2.  your views to be sought on aspects of your student experience and your feedback welcomed, considered and used to shape future developments

3.  the University to work in partnership with the Students' Union to enhance the student experience

4.  every effort to be made to resolve a complaint or an appeal informally, and formal complaints or appeals to be dealt with in a timely and fair manner

Your University life and environment

We expect you to

1.  have respect for the dignity of others and be considerate and courteous towards the University's diverse community

2.  respect the property of others, and make proper use of the University's facilities and resources

3.  behave in a manner that ensures your own health and safety, and that of others

4.  be honest and have regard for the good name of the University

5.  show consideration for, and behave appropriately within, the local community and when representing the University

6.  take advantage of the learning resources and facilities available to you

7.  tell us about any circumstances , needs or restrictions which might affect your participation in learning, professional practice or work placements

8.  make sure you seek out and use the support services, information and advice available as your needs arise

9.  regularly check your University email, timetable and virtual learning environment

10. read and abide by the University's regulations and codes, those governing your course and the law

Your teaching, learning and course

We expect you to

1.  make every effort to work collegially with your fellow students and tutors, and make a positive contribution to the creation of a supportive learning community

2.  actively participate in your organised activities

3.  take responsibility for managing and progressing your learning

4.  give time and effort to your studies, including reading and researching your study topics, preparing for classes and assessed work

5.  make every effort to meet your attendance and assessment requirements and let us know if you can't

6.  have a regular dialogue with a personal adviser, or in the case of research students, your supervisor

7.  reflect on your learning and the feedback you are given and use this reflection to help in your future development

8.  keep up to date with information related to your course or programme of research

Your Students' Union will represent and support you

1.  through its elected representatives within Hallam Union

2.  by working to ensure representation at all levels within the University

3.  by working in partnership with the University to enhance the student experience

4.  by working to ensure representation in your community

5.  by providing national representation

6.  by providing free, independent advice

7.  by helping students to make positive changes to the student experience

Visit the Students' Union website.

Provide experiences, services and facilities that give you:

1.  opportunities to interact and socialise with other students

2.  the opportunity to participate in a range of student-led activities

3.  opportunities to develop skills for the future

Encourage you to:

1.  ask for our advice and support when you need it

2.  share your voice and experiences with us

3.  get involved with our representative and democratic activities

4.  seek out and take part in the opportunities and experiences provided

The course team

Name / Role / Tel Number / Email
Gemma Burke / MSc Course Leader/
Senior Lecturer/Assessment Lead / 0114 225 5437 /
Sarah Smith / Senior Lecturer / 0114 225 5588 /
Jo Doughty / Professional Lead for RONC / 0114 225 4410 /
Mark Collins / Team Leader/ Senior Lecturer/ Module Leader / 0114 225 6516 /
Mel Clarkson / PDF Middlesbrough/ Clinical Lead/
Senior Lecturer / 0164 285 4278 /
Rob Appleyard / Team Leader/Module Leader/Senior Lecturer / 0114 225 2402 /
Heather Drury - Smith / Senior Lecturer/Module Leader / 0114 225 2523 /
Laura Pattinson / Senior Lecturer/Bsc Course leader /PDF at Leicester / 0114 225 2230 /
David Green / Senior Lecturer/
Module Leader / PDF at Leeds / 0113 206 7728 /
Cath Holborn / Team Leader/Senior Lecturer/MSc Course Leader / PDF at Nottingham / 0114 225 2310 /
Jo McNamara / Senior Lecturer/Module Leader / Admissions Tutor/ Clinical Lead / 0114 225 5589 /
Sheela Macwan / Senior Lecturer/Module Leader/ PDF at Lincoln / 0114 225 5573 /
Keeley Rosbottom / Senior Lecturer/Module Leader / PDF at Derby / 0114 225 2423 /
Alex Robinson / Senior Lecturer/ Module leader/ PDF at Hull / 0114 225 5956 /
Gillian Thompson / Senior lecturer/PDF at Newcastle / 0114 225 5579/ 0191 2138650 /
Lucy Cambell / Student Support Officer / 0114 225 5479 /
Dominic Jones / Course Administrator / 0114 225 5480 /

Module Leaders

Year 1- Level 7 / Module Leader / Credits
Principles of Oncology Radiotherapy and Technology 1 / Heather Drury-Smith / 30 - Long module
Body Systems and Anatomical Image Interpretation / David Green / 15- Short module
Introduction to Professional Practice / Petra Klompenhower / 15 - Short module
Researching for Practice / Keeley Rosbottom / 15- Long module
Personal and Professional Development 1 / Mel Clarkson / 15- Long module
Competence for Practice 1 / Mel Clarkson / 1 credit - Long module
Year 2- Level 7 / Module Leader / Credits
Principles of Oncology Radiotherapy and Technology 2 / Sarah Smith / 30 - Long module
Dissertation / Mark Collins / 45 - Long module -
Personal and Professional Development 1 / Mel Clarkson / 15 - Long module
Competence for Practice 1 / Mel Clarkson / 1 credit - Long module

Course Structure

Sample Academic Calendar

SHU week / Year 1 / Year 2
26 / Induction/Enrolment / Placement
27 / Academic / Placement
28 / Academic / Academic
29 / Academic /Prep for Practice / Academic/ Prep for Practice
30 / Academic / Academic
31 / Academic / Academic
32 / Study / Placement
33 / Placement / Placement
34 / Placement / Placement
35 / Placement / Placement
36 / Holiday / Holiday
37 / Holiday / Holiday
38 / Placement / Placement
39 / Placement / Placement
40 / Placement / Placement
41 / Placement / Placement
42 / Placement / Placement
43 / Exam week / Study
44 / Exam week / Placement
45 / Placement / Placement
46 / Placement / Placement
47 / Placement / Placement
48 / Placement / Placement
49 / Placement / Holiday
50 / Placement / Holiday
51 / Holiday / Placement
52 / Holiday / Placement
1 / Placement / Placement
2 / Placement / Placement
3 / Placement / Elective
4 / Placement / Placement
5 / Placement / Placement
6 / Placement / Placement
7 / Placement / Placement
8 / Placement / Placement
9 / Placement / Study /viva
10 / Placement / Reading week
11 / Reading Week / Academic
12 / Academic / Academic
13 / Academic / Academic
14 / Academic / Academic
15 / Academic / Study
16 / Academic / Placement
17 / Academic / Placement
18 / Study / Placement
19 / Placement / Placement
20 / Placement / Placement
21 / Placement / Placement
22 / Placement / Placement
23 / Holiday / Holiday
24 / Holiday / Holiday
25 / Placement / Study
26 / Placement / Study

There is an opportunity to move your holidays within the summer clinical blocks. This must be discussed with your PDF during your first clinical block. You should consider any religious holidays you may want to take off or those students, who fast at certain points in the year, may find it easier to be on holiday during these periods. PDF's will endeavour to meet your requirements, but at the same time they will ensure that your clinical time will not be compromised and that you will still be able to meet clinical deadlines.