Revenue funding
Introduction and Purpose of Revenue Funding
Tennis Surrey is committed to working with tennis venues to support them in developing their programmes to drive up participation and improve the satisfaction of their members/participants.
Developing and managing a comprehensive programme requires commitment from a qualified and skilled coach/coaching team, supported by a knowledgeable management committee; to provide opportunities for everyone who uses the facility.
This is already happening in many of our successful tennis venues, however, in some instances, particularly at new or emerging venues, financial support/revenue funding is required to kick start programme development. This short-term financial support could be used in different capacities depending upon the specific need.
- Must be a Surrey registered tennis venue (if not, then they must commit to registering within 3 months of receiving the revenue funding)
- Must be Tennismark (or Clubmark) accredited or working towards
- Ideally a non-traditional venue such as a park, leisure centre, or school site
Considered Applications
- Coach retainers to enable a coach to start a business on a park or community site.
- Funding to kick start Cardio Tennis or Tennis Xpress at the venue through subsidy not ongoing FREE activity.
- Subsidised Cardio Tennis activity at local secondary school targeted at teenage girls – with clear links into the club programme.
- A successful place to play wanting to expand its programme, maybe utilising some additional courts to set up a community programme – needs some funding to support initial taster sessions and subsidised coaching/competition.
- A coach led set up wanting to increase numbers on the programme by starting new sessions; Cardio Tennis, Tennis Xpress, Over 50’s and maybe GP referral session with free taster sessions or subsidised introductory rate.
- Funding to kick start subsidised work place activity.
- Equipment to enable coaches to kick start activity.
- Appropriate marketing materials to support delivery.
Examples of ineligible projects include
- Retainer for coaches in clubs.
- Funding to enable coaches to deliver curricular / extra curricular coaching.
- Bulk purchase LTA Mini Tennis resources.
- FREE taster sessions for several weeks in a number of activities; Cardio, Over 50’s, secondary and primary schools, lunchtime sessions for local businesses etc, with no plan as to how it will continue long-term.
Application Process
- Contact Surrey Tennis office and provide a project outline, costings and proposed project outcomes (including the attached Return Of Investment sheet)
- Tennis Surrey office completes assessment sheet and submits to Ops Board for approval
- Ops Board informs applicant of the outcome of the application
- Maximum award of £4,000 over a one year period.
- Must be a registered tennis venue with / or working towards Tennismark (or Clubmark) accreditation.
- Applications can only be made by an organisation not an individual.
- Funding to be matched with a partnership funding commitment from the applicant – this can be financial, in-kind support or free hours on/off court.
- Must demonstrate how the activity will create new, sustainable tennis activity and will lead to an increase in regular participation by both adults and juniors from within your local community.
- Must demonstrate how the grant will support the delivery of affordable tennis programmes including free introductory sessions and other elements of free tennis.
- Must demonstrate evidence that there is both need and demand for your project, convincing the assessment panel that your project will fulfil its aims.
- Must demonstrate financial need and value for money.
- Must demonstrate that any funded post will be sustainable when the revenue funding period comes to an end.
- Demonstrate appropriate security of tenure at the delivery site through freehold, leasehold or long licence.
Conditions of Funding/how outcomes will be monitored:
The project outcomes will be monitored on a regular basis. Targets will include:-
- A significant increase in the number of adults participating at the venue on a regular basis.
- A significant increase in the number of adults and juniors competing at the venue in appropriate competition on a regular basis.
- Ensuring an appropriate workforce of coaches and volunteers are managing and overseeing activity at the site.
Payment of Funds:
- 2 payments by cheque:
- 50% on confirmation of successful application
- 50% on completion of proposed activity and achievement of goals
ROI Area / Application
Figures / Dashboard Figures(to be filled in by LTA) / Potential Target (+1 yr)
Non Members accessing facilities/programme
British Tennis Members
allplay sign ups
Tennis Programme
Adults on Programme
Juniors on Programme (including mini players)
Numbers Juniors / Adults on Outreach Programme
Number of Grade 5 and 6 Events
*Number of Regularly Competing Juniors
Management Team
Number of Licensed Coaches
Number of Registered Coaching Assistants (L1/L2)
Number of Tennis Leaders
Number of Referees
Number of Competition Organisers
External Links
Number of Primary School Links
Number of Secondary School Links
Number of Park Venues
Number of Outreach Venues [including sports halls]
Number of Club Links