Sezai Ozan Zeybek
Tel: 0532 4784217
EducationThe Open University
London School of Economics
Boğaziçi University
Boğaziçi University
In English
In Turkish
Selected Commentaries
Papers Presented
Papers Presented
Prizes and Awards
and Organisations
Referees / PhD, Geography, The Open University, UK
January 2012
Silencing Provincial Geographies: a small town of no consequence
The research is about trivial places and insignificant people, which appear only as footnotes in dominant discourses such as development, globalisation or modernity. It draws on ethnographic data collected in a small town in the Thrace region (northwest) of Turkey. By following “ordinary” relations that are neither revolutionary nor extraordinary, I try to understand how particular forms of relations are banalised and silenced. I cover a range of topics including boredom, ethnic wars, political parties, Gypsies, geographical representations of Turkey and historical narratives of the town. In all of the discussions, I critically engage with how history seems to be unfolding: whose historical agency counts, in what narrative tropes are stories told, and what happens to those who are neither protagonists nor antagonists of any story.
Supervised by:
Dr Parvati Raghuram (The Open University) and Prof. Giles Mohan (The Open University)
MSc Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, 2007
Thesis Title:
New Devices Old Conventions: a critical approach to contemporary development projects
MA Sociology, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, 2006
Thesis Title:
“I Love My Job”: golden collars of global capitalism
BA Business Administration and Management,Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, 2002
Citizenship and Objection to Military Service in Turkey
in Handbook of Citizenship, Routledge, eds. Engin Isin and Jack Harrington, [forthcoming] Summer 2014 [co-author Hilâl Alkan Zeybek]
Fraudulent” Citizens Of A Small Town: Occidentalism in Turkey
Antipode, Volume 44, Issue 4, pages 1551-1568, September 2012
Small Towns in Turkey: Footnotes in Somebody Else’s History
Journal of Historical Sociology, Volume 24, Issue 1, pages 100-115, March 2011
İstanbul'un Yuttukları ve Kustukları: Köpekler ve Nesneler Üzerinden Bir İstanbul Tahlili
book chapter in Yeni İstanbul Çalışmaları,eds. Ayfer Bartu and Cenk Özbay, Metis, [forthcoming] 2014
Savaşları Yeniden Yazmak: Şehitler, Sessizlikler ve İktidarın Seçici Belleği [Rewriting Wars: Martyrs, Silences and Selective Memories of States], book chapter in Ölüme Sevdalanmak: Türkiye'de Şehitlik, ed. Serdar Değirmencioğlu, İletişim Yayınları, [forthcoming]2013
Tarihin Aslî ve Talî Unsurları: Batı Düşüncesinin Kölelikle İmtihanı,İnsan & Toplum, [under revision], December 2013
"Bu Bebeğin Annesi Nerede?" Cinsiyet, Babalık ve Armağan İlişkileri [Where is the Mother of this Baby? Gender, Fatherhood and Gift Relations], Toplum ve Bilim,pp. 120-143,February 2013
Geleceği Bilmek İster miyim? [about the I. Mediterranean Social Forum]Birikim: Anti-Globalization, Issue 197, pp.48-56, September 2005
Geçmişi Susturmak: Güç ve Tarihin Üretilmesi.
Original Title: Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History, Michel-RolphTrouillot, İthaki, October 2013.
Oryantalizm Hâlâ Dipdiri, Radikal 2, December 2012
Bebekler Kime Emanet? Anne Sütü, Mama Endüstrisi ve Cinsiyetçi Ayrımlar, Yeşilgazete, December 2011
Ağrı’dan Ararat’a Ses Gider mi?, Bianet, April 2010
Lecturer at the Bilgi University, 2013 (Summer School)
- Globalisation and Social Change
- Advanced Topics in Cultural Studies (Master Course): Colonialism and Postcolonial Thinking
- Human Geography: Ecology, State and Capitalism
- Humans and Non-Humans: New Ecological Perspectives (Master Course)
- Introduction to Sociology
- Research Methods: Ethnography of the State
- Time and Space in Sociological Thinking
Assistant Researcher for the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), 2004-2005
I was the field researcher on alter-globalisation movements in Turkey.
Tarihin Aslî ve Talî Unsurları: Batı Düşüncesinin Kölelikle İmtihanı
II. Türkiye Lisansüstü Çalışmalar Kongresi, May 2013, Turkey
Geçmişi Susturmak: Tarihin Hakiki Özneleri (ve Taşrası).
29 Mayıs University, December 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
Who is the Subject of History? Postcolonial Geographies and Provinciality
Sabancı University, November 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
Türkiyeli Blogçular Buluşuyor, Koç Üniversitesi Anadolu Medeniyetleri Araştırma Merkezi, June 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
Siyasetin Görünmeyen Failleri: Taşraya Yeniden Bakmak
Bilim Sanat Vakfı, April 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
Provinciality without a place: scaling local, national and global
International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, March 2011, Montreal, Canada
The East, The West and the Others: provincial voices and Occidentalism
Connected Histories Workshop, December 2010, Warwick University, UK
The Medium Is the Message: political campaigning for municipal elections in Turkey
XVII. ISA World Congress of Sociology, July 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden
Unsafe Places, Insecure Selves: Roma blaming Roma neighbourhoods
XVII. ISA World Congress of Sociology, July 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden
Making Up History: Europeans, savages and others
Praxis Workshop, June 2010, The Open University, UK
Provincial Places: places gone missing in-between
Openspace, May 2010, The Open University, UK
Translations of the Ever Same
Translation and the Challenge of (Methodological) Difference Workshop, December 2009, Warwick University, UK
OnWhat We Think We Know About People: the illusion of familiarity
Praxis Conference, October 2009, The Open University, UK
Private property, John Locke and the uses of land in Americas.
Royal Geographical Society-IBG Conference, August 2008, London, UK
Disrupted Geographies of Modernity: “peripheries” and “centres”
Connected Histories Conference, July 2008, Warwick University, UK
Boredom: malaises of modernity
NYLON seminars, June 2008, LSE, UK
Performing Boredom: notes on class in a small provincial town in Turkey
PG seminars, June 2008, The Open University, UK
Forced Population Exchange in Turkey, 1915-1955.
11th Anniversary Mediterranean Studies Association International Congress, May 2008, Lüneburg University, Germany
Connecting the Disconnected: developing a methodology
Doctoral Programme Conference, May 2008, The Open University, UK
“Distant Lands We Love So Much”: orientalist fantasies of the Republican elites
Contemporary Turkish Studies Graduate Conference March 2008, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK
Blind Spots of Development: small towns in Turkey
CCIG, On the Intersections of Citizenship, Identities and Governance, September 2007, The Open University, UK
3-Years PhD Research Grant from The Open University
Fellowship, Philosophy of Science Workshop, Sabancı and Boğaziçi Universities, July 2004
75th prize at ÖYS, University Entrance Exam, 1997
Turkish (native)
English (fluent)
German (Sprachdiplom)
Participant and observer in the 1st Mediterranean Social Forum, July 2005, Barcelona, Spain
* As a researcher of the UNRISD project on alter-globalisation movements.
Member of the organizational committee for preparatory meetings of the 1st Mediterranean Social Forum, April 2005, Istanbul, Turkey
Member of the organizational committee for counter activities against the CEO meeting of Asian Development Bank, May 2005, Istanbul, Turkey
* My role was to mediate between international participants and the committee, and to organise actively the logistics of their stay.
Instructor of Photography Seminars, BUFOK, Boğaziçi University, 1998-2003, Turkey
* Apart from teaching basic photography skills and dark room techniques, the seminars also included advanced reading groups and discussions on “seeing”.
Instructor of Photography Seminars, Marmara University Photography Club, 2002, Turkey
Personal exhibition consisting of photographs and short stories: “Childhood was Horrifying”, Boğaziçi University, 1998, Istanbul, Turkey
- Essays in Turkish about a number of political issues such as anti-militarism, Kurdish problem, and environmental activism. The blog is for reaching a larger audience and communicating my research interests in a different genre.
- An archival project for soldiers' first-hand experiences during their military service.
Reader in Human Geography
The Open University
Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA
Tel: +441908 655370
2- Prof. Giles Mohan
Development Policy and Practice
The Open University
Tel: +44 1908 654316
3-Prof. Engin Işın
Professor in Political and International Studies
The Open University
Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA
Tel: +447515356509