Introducing Concepts

Introducing Concepts

Introducing Concepts

Created by Renee Smith

Adapted from Cain, Daniels,Zemelman

Anticipation guide
Strategy Activity Plan
NCTM Grade 6-8 Standard(s) Addressed:
Geometry: Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships
Anticipation Guide worksheet
  1. Hand out Anticipation Guide worksheet to each student
  1. Have students answer questions on the worksheet without referring to any resources; be sure to tell students that they are not expected to know every answer, but they should use any prior knowledge or word knowledge they may have to do the best they can
  1. When students are finished with the Anticipation Guide, take a poll on whiteboard to see how many students agree or disagree with each question
  1. Students should keep their completed worksheets nearby during the lesson on Similar and Congruent Figures, so that they may correct their paper as needed during the lesson
  1. Following the lesson, discuss correct answers to worksheet with class; students should be able to volunteer correct answers that they have learned from the lesson. As this is taking place, teacher may ask students how many of them arrived at the correct answer the first time.

The anticipation guide will get students to make predictions about concepts or ideas that will surface in the reading or lesson. The Anticipation Guide is important because it challenges students to think about important concepts before actually learning about them. Students may know more than they think they know, or they may become more curious about the topic before starting the lesson. After using the Anticipation Guide, students will be focused on the main ideas in the lesson, and as they are learning, they may go back and think about how they answered the Anticipation Guide questions.

Anticipation Guide

Similar and Congruent

Name ______Date ______

Read the following statements, then for each, circle whether you agree or disagree. Write why agree or disagree.

1.Two polygons can be similar, even if they aren’t exactly the same size.

Before Lesson: AGREE or DISAGREE

During or After Lesson: AGREE or DISAGREE

2. Congruent polygons aren’t always the same shape.

Before Lesson: AGREE or DISAGREE

During or After Lesson: AGREE or DISAGREE

3. All right angles are congruent.

Before Lesson: AGREE or DISAGREE

During or After Lesson: AGREE or DISAGREE

4. We can use ratios to figure out if two figures are similar.

Before Lesson: AGREE or DISAGREE

During or After Lesson: AGREE or DISAGREE

5.All squares are congruent.

Before Lesson: AGREE or DISAGREE

During or After Lesson: AGREE or DISAGREE