* Acceleration Grade/Subject -Students are able to move through age-graded classes in less time than their age peers. Contact the Principal’s office for a copy of the Acceleration policy, describing:

(1) the process to be used for evaluating students for possible accelerated placement,

(2) the methods for identifying students who may be granted early admission to kindergarten,

(3) procedure for identifying students to be accelerated in one or more individual subject areas,

(4) steps toward promotion to a higher grade level than their same-age peers, and

(5) courses of action to be granted early graduation from high school.

Once a student is identified as gifted, he/she will always be identified and will be eligible for services if provided.

Appeal Procedure

If you would like to appeal the identification process please follow these steps:

* A letter or email to the gifted coordinator at the above address which states your concerns.

* A meeting will be planned to discuss the parent’s concerns. This meeting will include the gifted coordinator, instructor and building principal.

* A consensus will be met within 30 days. This consensus will be in written form and presented to the parents.

Ohio Law

Ohio’s Gifted Operating Standards 3301-51-15 state that students can qualify as superior cognitively gifted by doing one of the following:

* score two standard deviations above the mean minus the standard error of measurement on an approved standardized intelligence test.

* perform at or above 95TH%ile on an approved standardized achievement test.


Eastern Local School District will accept outside testing data and, if necessary, will assess any child who transfers into the district within 90 days of the transfer. The parents may request this assessment through Julie Pekkala at the Ross-Pike ESD ().


Eastern Local School District offers an equal opportunity for all students to receive services after being identified as gifted and talented.


Eastern Local School District will provide at least two opportunities per year for assessment or recommendation of assessment by students, teachers or parents. Eastern Local School District accepts all assessment instruments that have been approved by the Ohio Department of Education. We will accept test scores from other school districts, assuming they meet ODE criteria.

for Pike County’s
Gifted Programs
LEAD, Creatopia,
Heart for Art, Masters of Music

Ohio Law


Acceleration Policy

Services Available


Local School District


QUESTIONS? .....please contact your building principal or

Julie Pekkala, Gifted Coordinator

at (740) 289-4171 ext.64203

P.O. Box 578Piketon, Ohio45661

What does “gifted” mean?

A student identified as gifted shows an ability to perform at a more advanced level when compared to other students of his/her age, surroundings, and familiarity.

How are students identifed?

Based on Ohio law, our district has a three step method to identify students who exhibit potential for performing at higher levels in the areas of superior cognitive ability, specific academic ability, creative thinking ability and visual and performing arts. This method is used throughout the school year at any time a referral is received from a teacher or parent.

Stage 1:Pre-Assessment

All students enrolled in Scioto Valley District are involved in this stage of identification. The following items are collected in this process: * Teacher Referrals * Parent Referrals * Test Data

* Portfolios/Exhibits * Grades * Progress Reports

* 2017 Music Referrals due Sep 15

* 2017 Art Referrals due Oct 15

Stage 1 Pre-Assessment promises equal access to the screening process for:

*culturally or linguistically diverse students

*students from low socio-economical backgrounds

*students for whom English is a second language

*students with disabilities

Stage 2: Screening

The following assessments are given during the screening stage of identification. Superior Cognitive

InView – a Measure of Cognitive Abilities

Screening Criteria: 120 Identification: 128

Specific Academic

Math * Science * Reading * Social Studies

TerraNova, 3rd Edition

Screening Criteria: 90th %ile Identification 95th %ile

Creative Thinking Ability

Scales for Rating Behavior Characteristics of Superior Students (SRBCSS) Creativity

Screening: 48 ID: 51

Visual and Performing Arts

Scales for Rating Behavior Characteristics of Superior Students (SRBCSS) Artistic/Musical

Visual Art Part V Screening: 59 ID: 61

Perf Art Music Part VI Screening: 37 ID: 39

Stage 3: Assessment

For students who score at the Screening cutoff, but not at the Identification level, additional assessments will be offered.

Superior Cognitive

Cognitive Abilities Test 7TH ed. Total or NV

ID = 127 K-1 (127 NV) ID = 128 gr. 2-12 (126 NV)

Otis-LennonSchool Ability Test

Screening Criteria: 120 Identification: 126

Specific Academic

Math * Science * Reading * Social Studies

Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) Identification: 95th%ile

Creative Thinking Ability

Screening = 108 CogAT ID = 112 NNAT ID = 110

Visual and Performing Arts Grades K-12

Display of work in Art or Music

Based on ODE Scoring Rubric Visual Art: 21 Perf Arts: 18

Notification by mail within 30 days

Gifted Service Options:

* LEAD Pull-out Program - Serves all identified superior cognitively gifted learners in grades 3-8 once each week with a Gifted Intervention Specialist. The teacher meets with the students in a resource room for an entire school day. Curriculum is differentiated and accelerated in area of ID as students focus on topics of interest and independent study.

* Creatopia - All 2nd grade students identified in creative thinking receive gifted services one full day each month from October – May, with the GIS who extends the curriculum to include creativity enrichment.

Written Education Plan:

Each student serviced in LEAD has a written plan stating his/her educational goals for the year, which is reviewed in the fall with input from parents and teachers. The WEP contains a description of services, annual goals, progress monitoring, and homework waiver. Student goals may be academic, social/emotional, creative thinking and careers.


Parents of identified students may choose to withdraw from services at any time by sending a written request or email to Julie Pekkala at the Ross-Pike ESD.