Tomorrow we’re going to read three stories. One story is about a tomcat and a mutt. Sometimes different animals don’t get along with each other so well. When a cat gets angry what kind of noise does it make? When a cat sees another animal it doesn’t like what does it do with its body to scare the other animal away?
Word Introduction: / ¹ 1-2 minutes
Here are some words we will read in tomorrow’s story.
FTouch the word, say it, have students repeat. Use the same procedure with remaining words.
ü Call on individual children randomly to read the words independently.
Introduce word meanings: / ¹ 5-10 minutes
FTouch and read the sentence with the students: 1. Jan had on a velvet bonnet.
A velvet bonnet is a kind of hat for a lady. Do you have a favorite hat you like to wear? What color is it? What kind of hat is it?
FTouch and read the sentence with the students: 2. Jess, my big tomcat, sat on a sunlit hilltop.
In this sentence the word tomcat means a big tough cat. A hilltop is the very top of a hill. I’m going to read this sentence again. This time I want you to close your eyes and try to picture what I’m saying. “Jess, my big tomcat, sat on a sunlit hilltop.” Keep your eyes closed. Tell me about the picture in your mind. What color was the tomcat? How high was the hilltop? Anything else? You can open your eyes now.
Activities continue on the following page
FTouch and read the sentence with the students: 3. Bess and her doll have a picnic.A picnic is when we eat outside in a nice place like a park. What do you take along on a picnic? I’m going to read a list of items to you. Put your thumbs up if I say something that you think should go on a picnic.
A blanket
A vacuum
Cups for water
A desk
A basket
x Correction Procedure: If students make an error, stop them, model the word and have them read it again.
Phonics for Reading Level 1
Lesson 16
velvet bonnet tomcat hilltop picnic
1. Jan had on a velvet bonnet.
2. Jess, my big tomcat, sat on a sunlit hilltop.
3. Bess and her doll have a picnic.
Phonics for Reading Level 1
Lesson 16