Teacher rubric for olden days task

Success criteria / Indicators of student performance /
/ High / Medium / Low /
Ability to organise material for presentation / Provides an effective structure to enable categorisation of pictures or drawings. / Provides a structure which is not always clear and consistent,
but enables some categorisation of some pictures and drawings. / Provides a structure that does not facilitate categorisation.
Sequences pictures to clearly show change in gender roles over time. / Sequences pictures to show change in gender roles over time, but occasionally lapses into inappropriate placement. / Numerous pictures out of sequence, impeding the demonstration of change in gender roles over time.
Clearly and effectively uses a strategy to indicate transition. / Generally uses a strategy to indicate the transition of pictures, with occasional ambiguities. / Ineffectively uses a strategy to indicate the transition of pictures.
Ability to categorise information / Groups pictures and drawings into clear categories to indicate concepts of male and female roles in the past and present. / Groups pictures and drawings into categories which may not be clear or cover all of the concepts. / Shows uncertainty about placement of pictures and drawings into categories.
Content relevant to the task / Includes relevant pictures and writes text clearly showing a wide range of different roles. / Includes some relevant pictures and text showing a range of different roles, as well as some that are not relevant. / Includes a large amount of irrelevant material as well as some relevant but limited examples.
Demonstrates significant under-standing of the connections between gender roles of the past and the present by:
·  comparing and contrasting characteristics of past and present gender roles
·  identifying the roles and responsibilities of male and female family members
·  explaining some possible reasons for changes, eg lots of mums work outside for money now, so dads have to do more
·  identifying continuity in some gender roles over time
·  explaining some of the ways in which technology has contributed to changes in gender roles
·  drawing on information in the original stories of families that they have listened to or read. / Demonstrates some understanding of the connections between gender roles of the past and the present by discussing two or three aspects. / Demonstrates little understanding of the connections between gender roles of the past and the present by discussing one aspect, by confused discussion with no links or by no discussion.
Ability to communicate effectively in speech / Uses appropriate and precise vocabulary
to effectively communicate ideas. / Occasionally lapses into the use of inappropriate or imprecise vocabulary which does not impede communication of ideas. / Uses inappropriate or imprecise vocabulary that impedes communication of ideas.
Consistently uses effective key words as a clear marker of the passage of time. / Generally uses effective key words as a marker of the passage of time. / Uses some effective key words as a marker of the passage of time.



* The level of language used in this rubric means that it would not be shared with the students, but a completed rubric could provide a record for the teacher.
