
A / Page
Annual Financial Report / 173-221
Asset Management / 151-152
Audit Advisory Committee / 145-146
Auditor General’s Reports - Financial Report and Standard Statements / 220-221
Auditor General’s Reports - Performance Statement / 129-131
Awards – Outstanding Achievements / 19-20
Best Value / 153-154
Business Continuity Management / 151
Calendar of Events / 21-23
Carers Recognition Act / 149-150
Categories of Documents / 149
Central Geelong Action Plan / 28, 80-81
Central Geelong Revitalisation / 28, 80
Challenges / 71, 84,
97, 109
Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities / 149
Chief Executive Officer / 50
Chief Executive Officer’s Message / 11
Citizenship / 150
City Plan Actions Update / 26
City Services (Division) / 51
Civic Accommodation / 28
Coastal Adaptation Program / 94
Community Engagement / 106
Community hubs / 65
Community Services (Division) / 52
Community Wellbeing Strategic Direction / 65-79
Conflict of Interest / 35
Contact Us / 227
Convention and Exhibition Centre / 29
Contractor Management / 151
Council Appointments to Committees and Groups / 43-45
Council Elections / 34
Council Meetings / 34
Council Meeting Attendance / 35
Council Priority Projects / 28-31
Council Services Delivered / 17-18
Councillor Code of Conduct / 35
Councillors / 36-42
Customer Service / 106
Delivering Community Priorities / 64
Development Contribution Plans / 157-160
Digital Geelong Strategy / 83
Disability Action Plan / 168-169
Documents Available for Public Inspection / 148
Domestic Animal (Dogs and Cats) Management Plan / 170
East West Traffic Movement / 29
Employee Excellence Awards / 58
Environment Management Strategy / 94-95
Facts and Figures / 8
Family and community centres / 65
Financial Performance - overview / 12-13
Freedom of Information / 147
Future Proofing Geelong / 93-94
Geelong Gallery / 29
Geelong Library and Heritage Centre / 80
Geelong Ring Road Employment Precinct / 30, 82
Glossary / 225
Governance and Management Checklist / 142-144
Grants – Community Arts and Community Festival / 161-163
Grants – Councillor Community / 164-167
Grants – External / 155-156
Greenway Project / 93
Growing Our Economy Strategic Direction / 80-92
Healthy Together Geelong / 65-66
Hooded Plover program / 95-96
How We Do Business Strategic Direction / 105-116
Iconic Floating Christmas tree / 80
Information Privacy / 147
Internal Audit / 145-146
Interpreter Services / 226
Karreenga Aboriginal Action Plan / 67
Land 400 / 30
Lara Town Centre Expansion Project / 83
Leisure service programs / 68
Local Government Community Satisfaction Survey / 108
Local Government Performance Reporting Framework / 107,
Local Laws / 150
Major Events / 82
Major Initiatives Update / 14-16
Mayor / 36
Mayor’s Message / 10
Mission Statement / 47
Moolap/Point Henry Study / 30
National Competition Policy Compliance / 149
Northern ARC / 31, 65
Occupational Health and Safety / 56-57
Onshore gas extraction and hydraulic fracking / 95
Organisation Structure / 48-49
Performance Highlights / 1
Performance Statement 2014-2015 / 120-128
Planning Framework / 25-26
Planning Process / 27
Planning and Tourism (Division) / 52
Population / 5, 8
Portarlington Safe Harbour / 31
Projects, Recreation and Central Geelong (Division) / 53
Protected Disclosure Act / 147
Ramblers Road foreshore / 96
Recognition of Service Awards / 59-60
Recreational facilities upgrades / 68
Risk Management Program / 150-151
Staff Profile / 54-55
Statutory Information / 147-152
Strategy and Performance (Division) / 51
Summary of Financial Performance / 175-178
Sustainable Built and Natural Environment Strategic Direction / 93-104
Tourism Greater Geelong and The Bellarine / 82-83
Values and Behaviours / 47
Victorian Local Government Indicators / 171-172
Vision / 2
Values and Behaviours / 47
Volunteers / 61-62
Ward Map / 33
Waste Management / 95
Yarra Street Pier project / 31


2014-2015 Annual Business Plan
The business plan the City will pursue over a 12 month period to achieve the objectives and strategies in the City Plan. / Infrastructure
Long term assets / structures that provide services to the community.
Property owned by the City. / Internal Audit
An independent appraisal function which examines and evaluates the City of Greater Geelong’s financial, management and internal control systems.
Best Value
The review of all services provided by Council to ensure they meet the quality and cost standards and the needs of the community. LGA s208A – s208G. / Local Laws
Those laws under the jurisdiction of the Council and enforced by City Staff and/or Victoria Police.
Capital Projects
Projects that result in the creation or improvement of an asset. / Non-capital projects
A discretionary project that does not result in the creation of an asset.
City Plan
The Council Plan that sets out the objectives and strategies the City will strive to achieve over a four-year period. / Ordinary Council Meeting
Regular scheduled Council Meetings held twice a month.
City of Greater Geelong / Performance Indicator
Indicators used to monitor the performance of the city in achieving its objectives in the 2013-2017 City Plan.
Council Priority Projects
Council’s key long term projects for the municipality, many of which require funding to be secured from State and Federal Government and/or the Private Sector. / Portfolio
A specific area of responsibility allocated to each Councillor.
Elected representatives of Council who serve a four year term. / Special Council Meeting
Those Council Meetings held for special purposes and in addition to the twice monthly ordinary Council Meetings.
Full-time Equivalent Employment – 1 FTE is equivalent to one person working 38 hours per week. / Strategic Directions
The four key areas that council will focus on over a four year period, as outlined in City Plan 2013-2017.
Financial Year
This document reports on the financial year from 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015. / Strategy
A plan to implement the long-term objectives of the organisation. See City Plan.
G21 – Geelong Region Alliance
A regional alliance of municipalities, business and organisations to plan for the future development in the Geelong Region. / Victorian Local Government Performance Reporting Framework
The framework is made up of 66 measures (representing service performance, financial and sustainability categories) and a governance and management checklist of 24 items which together build a comprehensive picture of council performance.
Administration of the City’s compliance with the LGA. / Ward
Defined electoral area to which a representative is elected as Councillor.

Interpreter Services


Interpreter Service

Please call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) on 131 450 and ask them to telephone the City of Greater Geelong on 03 5272 5272. Our business hours are 8.30am – 5.00pm.


إذا كنتم بحاجة إلى مترجم، الرجاء الاتصال بخدمة الترجمة الخطية والشفهية (TIS National) على الرقم 131 450، والطلب منهم الاتصال بوكالتكم City of Greater Geelong على الرقم 03 5272 5272. أوقات عملنا هي 8:30am – 5:00pm.


Ako vam je potreban tumač, molimo nazovite Službu za prevođenje i tumačenje (TIS National) na 131 450 i zamolite ih da nazovu City of Greater Geelong na 03 5272 5272. Naše radno vrijeme je od 8.30 - 17.00 h.


Na kɔɔr yïn athok/ raan ë thok waaric, alim ba yup të yenë ka cï kek gɔ̈t geriic ku kɔc waar thook thïn (TIS National) në 131 450 ku thiëc kek bïk yup në telepun de City of Greater Geelong në 03 5272 5272. Thää ye ɣok ke luui aye 8.30 nhiäkdur – 5.00 thëëi.


Aν χρειάζεστε διερμηνέα, παρακαλείστε να τηλεφωνήσετε στην Υπηρεσία Μετάφρασης και Διερμηνείας (Εθνική Υπηρεσία TIS) στο 131 450 και ζητήστε να τηλεφωνήσουν City of Greater Geelong στο 03 5272 5272. Οι ώρες λειτουργίας μας είναι 8.00-5.00.


Se hai bisogno di un interprete, per favore telefona al Servizio Traduttori e Interpreti (TIS National) al 131 450 e chiedi loro di telefonare alla City of Greater Geelong allo 03 5272 5272. Il nostro orario di ufficio è dalle 8.30am alle 5.00pm.


Ако ви треба преведувач ве молиме јавете се на Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) на 131 450 и побарајте од нив да се јават на City of Greater Geelong на 03 5272 5272. Нашето работно време е од 8.30 - 17.00 часот.


如果你需要口译员,请致电131 450联系翻译和口译服务署(TIS National),要求他们致电03 5272 5272联系City of Greater Geelong。我们的工作时间是8.30 – 5.00。


Если вам нужен переводчик, то позвоните в Службу письменного и устного перевода (TIS National) по номеру 131 450 и скажите переводчику, что вам нужно позвонить в City of Greater Geelong по номеру 03 5272 5272. Наш распорядок работы: 8.00 – 5.00.


Ако вам је потребан тумач, молимо вас да позовете Службу преводилаца и тумача (Translating and Interpreting Service - TIS National) на 131 450 и замолите их да позову City of Greater Geelong на 03 5272 5272. Наше радно време је 8.00 – 5.00.


Si necesita intérprete, llame al Servicio de Traducción e Interpretación - Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) al 131 450 y pídales que llamen a City of Greater Geelong al 03 5272 5272. Nuestro horario de atención es 8.00 – 5.00.

Sudanese – Arabic

لو داير مترجم، اتصل بخدمة الترجمة التحريرية والشفهية (TIS National) بالتلفون رقم 131 450 واطلب منهم يضربو تلفون لمجلس مدينة جيلونغ City of Greater Geelong على الرقم03 5272 5272. نحن بنشتغل من الساعة 8.30 صباحاً لغاية 5 العصر.


หากท่านต้องการล่ามโปรดโทรถึงบริการแปลและล่าม (TIS National) หมายเลข 131 450 แล้วขอให้เขาโทรถึง City of Greater Geelong หมายเลข 03 5272 5272. เวลาทำการของเราคือ 8.30am - 5.00pm.


Nếu cần thông ngôn viên, xin quý vị gọi cho Dịch Vụ Thông Phiên Dịch TIS Toàn Quốc. TIS Toàn Quốc qua số 131 450 và nhờ họ gọi cho City of Greater Geelong qua số 03 5272 5272. Giờ làm việc của chúng tôi là 8.30am - 5.00pm.


Contact Us


You can view a hard copy of the Annual Report at any of our Customer Service Centres or libraries.

If you would like a copy to keep, please contact Customer Service on the number below to arrange for one to be sent to you.

Electronic copies are available on our website

This document contains important information about the City of Greater Geelong. If you do not understand the content or would like further information please contact us via one of the following easy ways:


Pick up the phone between 8.00am and 5.00pm weekdays to call us on (03) 5272 5272.


Write to us at:

City of Greater Geelong

PO Box 104

Geelong 3220

Victoria, Australia


Send us a fax on (03) 5272 4277


Social Media






Get online and drop us an email at:

Mayor and Councillors



In Person

You can always visit us at any one of our conveniently located Customer Service Centres:

Geelong – Brougham Street

100 Brougham Street

Geelong West

Library, 153A Pakington Street


Library, 163 High Street


Corio Shopping Centre, Shop 4K

83A Purnell Road


18-20 Hancock Street

Ocean Grove

The Grove Centre

78 Presidents Avenue

Waurn Ponds
Library, 230 Pioneer Road