Software Realisation Standard / GS3

Software Realisation Standard


1. Scope

2. Terms and Definitions

3. Invitation to Tender Response

4. Requirements

4.1Management System

4.2Project Management

4.3Requirements Management

4.4Verification, Validation and Testing (VV&T)

4.5Project Estimation

4.6 Configuration Management



1. Scope

This standard defines the generic requirements for the supply of software, including software provided as part of a composite hardware and software product, and software support services. It applies to bespoke developments, adaptive engineering, maintenance services and proprietary products.

2. Terms and Definitions

For the purpose of this standard the following definitions shall apply.

ConfigurationItem, shall mean a collection of hardware, software, documentation or any of its discrete components treated as a unit for the purpose of configuration management. Any item that if changed would necessitate change in any other item, or would change as a result of changes in any other item, shall be treated as a Configuration Item.

Configuration Management, shall mean the management of all items of hardware, software and documentation such that the status of every version and its component parts and the relationships between them, is known at alltimes.

Intermediate product, shall mean the output of any activity or task carried out to fulfil the requirements of the contract.

Project, shall mean the collection of tasks needing to be completed to fulfil the requirements of the contract.

Software, shall mean all object code, source code, firmware, and the documentation necessary to make, test, install, maintain and operate it.

3. Invitation to Tender Response

To each "Requirement" in Section 4 of this Generic Standard you must indicate whether you are "Compliant", "Partially compliant" or "Non-compliant" as appropriate. This declaration must be followed by a concise description that supports your response.

If you have already responded to this issue of Generic Standard 3 within the last 6 months and intend to refer to all or part of your earlier submission, you must state

  • the date the previous submission was made;
  • the tender reference number;
  • the buyer to whom the submission was sent;
  • the relevancy between the submissions.

You should note that BT reserves the right to validate the information given in your submission.

4. Requirements

4.1Management System

4.1.1 / The supplier shall provide details of any relevant certificates or registrations held. These shall include all departments and locations contributing to the project.
eg accreditation to ISO and BS standards, CMMI. If you are working towards accreditation, you should provide details and planned dates for completion.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.1.2 / The supplier shall have a process that addresses all of the activities relating to the software throughout its life. The supplier shall describe the software life-cycle stages applicable to this project and provide details of the processes for tailoring the management system to specific projects.
You should describe the process for software development and the lifecycle to be followed eg waterfall, RAD. You should indicate the standard development process for your organisation and explain the circumstances in which this process might be adapted and how control is maintained.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.1.3 / The process covered by requirement 4.1.2 shall be documented, controlled, reviewed, maintained and improved.
Eg how is the process communicated to the supplier’s people. Is it held on the intranet, in paper form? Who owns the process and how does the supplier ensure it works and is relevant to current working methods used by its people?
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.1.4 / The process covered by requirement 4.1.2 shall include all activities to be performed by the supplier and any sub-contractors, associated companies or operating divisions. The supplier shall provide a description of how sub-contractors are selected and their activities monitored.
If subcontractors are to be used on the project, please say what their role will be.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.1.5 / The supplier shall define measurable entry and exit criteria for each activity in the process covered by requirement 4.1.2.
Provide examples of entry and exit criteria for phases of development as appropriate to the lifecycle being followed eg waterfall, iterative and describe how these are defined.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information

4.2Project Management

The supplier shall include project management in the activities covered under the requirements in section 4.1. The supplier shall provide information on the methodology followed ie whether inhouse or externally recognised and any supporting tools.

4.2.1 / The supplier shall include project management in the activities covered under the requirements in section 4.1. The supplier shall provide information on the methodology followed ie whether inhouse or externally recognised
Eg PRINCE, accreditation to industry recognised bodies held by its project managers eg APM
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.2.2 / The supplier shall plan and document all of the project activities and measure and monitor progress against said plans.
Please provide details of tools and documentation used as part of the planning activity and how progress is tracked.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.2.3 / The supplier shall manage the project pro-actively using risk management techniques. The supplier shall record and monitor identified risks and the actions planned to reduce them and report to BT all risks that may impact on the supplier’s ability to meet the requirements of the contract. Any risks associated with the ITT response should be listed here.
The supplier should give examples of the risk management techniques deployed and how risks are logged.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information

4.3Requirements Management

4.3.1 / The supplier shall include requirements management in the activities covered under the requirements in section 4.1. Information on methods and tools used for requirements management should be provided here.
Eg how are requirements captured, developed and managed. What tools if any are usedeg requirements databases,
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.3.2 / The supplier shall ensure that requirements are demonstrably traceable through specification, design, coding and testing.
The supplier shall give details of the process for ensuring traceability
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.3.3 / The supplier shall analyse all requirement change requests and any adverse impact on the product shall be agreed with BT prior to implementation.
The supplier shall give details of their change management and impact assessment process.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information

4.4Verification, Validation and Testing (VV&T)

4.4.1 / The supplier shall include VV&T in the activities covered under the requirements in section 4.1. The supplier shall describe the test policy and provide details of tools and methods used for document review, problem management and metrics collection.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.4.2 / The supplier shall document the rationale and objectives of test activities.
Please describe where this is done.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.4.3 / The supplier shall document detailed plans for testing the Software and intermediate products
Please describe the process for test phases derivation, activities, dependencies, assumptions, constraints etc
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.4.4 / The supplier shall test the software and all intermediate products against defined acceptability standards and document the results.
The supplier should describe how acceptability standards would be defined and how they would show that these have been met.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.4.5 / The supplier shall measure and monitor the quality of the software against defined goals.
The supplier should describe how quality goals for the project would be established.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.4.5 / The supplier shall monitor the results of testing and apply Root Cause Analysis techniques with appropriate corrective action.
The supplier should give examples of the criteria for root cause analysis and any techniques used for analysis.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information

4.5Project Estimation

4.5.1 / The supplier shall include estimation in the activities covered under the requirements in section 4.1. Details of tools and methods used should be provided.
The supplier should describe the process for estimation and any estimating models used eg inhouse or industry standard, use of function points.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.5.2 / The supplier shall base estimates on documented historical data.
The supplier should indicate how access to historical data is made available to its people for estimating purposes.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.5.3 / Estimates shall be subject to review throughout the life of the project and replanned as necessary. The supplier shall report to BT all revisions to plans that may impact on the supplier’s ability to meet the requirements of the contract.
The supplier should describe the process for review and any relevant criteria.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information

4.6Configuration Management

4.6.1 / The supplier shall include configuration management in the activities covered under the requirements in section 4.1. The supplier shall identify and define all configuration items, components and work products. The methods and tools used for configuration management should be described here.
The supplier should describe the process for establishing and maintaining the integrity of all relevant elements which will form part of the project.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.6.2 / The supplier shall apply change control to all configuration items. The supplier shall describe the process for baselining the configuration and tracking changes.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.6.3 / The supplier shall carry out maintain configuration management records and carry out configuration audits.
The supplier shall describe the process for keeping records and ensuring that these are correct.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information


4.7.1 / The supplier shall ensure that people working on the project are competent in their role and have relevant experience of similar projects, technology and working practices.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information
4.7.2 / Project skill requirements shall be reviewed, and timely and effective action taken to overcome deficiencies.
Compliant / Partially Compliant / Non Compliant
Supporting Information


Issue 5: November 2005 – Complete revision incorporating items from GS3 supplement and buyer feedback

Issue 6 May 2014 – Reviewed and up issued. Two questions under project management have been amalgamated, minor changes to wording and correction of numbering. No Material changes tomeaning or content

Issue 6: (05/14) / © British Telecommunications plc 2014 / GS3-1of 9