Internship Site Summary

Please fill out the following summary of your agency and attach any available program information (e.g., literature or brochures) regarding the services your site provides.


Name of Agency: __CHARLEE of Dade County______

Agency/program Website: __ ______

Address: __155 South Miami Ave. Suite 700 Miami, Fl 33130______

Stipend: ____Yes __x_ No Amount per semester: $______

Site Practice Domain: ____ Forensics/Corrections ____ Eating Disorders

(Check all that apply) ____ Substance Abuse ____ Developmental dis.

____ Crisis Intervention __x__ Abuse/Trauma

____ Geriatrics ____ Chronic Mental Illness

____ Other: ______

Setting: ___ Hospital ___ School ___ Correctional Institution

_x__ Residential _x__ Group Home _x__ Outpatient

___ PHP _x__ Other: ____Foster Homes______


Number of trainees needed per semester: __1-2______

Number of days__variable___ and hours_____ per week available for students to work.

Days/hours Flexible _x___Yes ____No, explain: ______

Evening and weekend hours available: _x__Yes ____No

Special skills required: ____willing to drive and desire to work with children and teens.__

Attendance required at particular meetings: Treatment reviews, staffings, and medication clinics.


Description of agency/program: _Full case management/child welfare/not for profit/private organization. Services for children in foster homes as well as to children in our residential programs- Gladstone Center is a 20 bed facility for sexually abused girls. 7 group homes, 1 crisis group home for boys, 1 group homes for teen girls and their babies. Therapeutic Services in residential program and therapeutic services for children in foster homes. Full case management and mental health case management. ______

Experiences that students will engage in, check all those that apply:

__x_ Assessments _x__ Individual Therapy _x__ Couples/family therapy _x__ Group Therapy _x__ Report Writing __x_ Consultation

_x__ Other: __multi-disciplinary staffings, medication management, monthly school staffings, and administrative meetings.______

Supervision Description: __Meet weekly in group supervision as well as individual supervision.______

_2+ # of supervision hours that agency will provide supervision per week.



___ Adult _x__ Child _x__ Adolescents ___ Couples _x__ Families ___ Geriatrics


_x__ Caucasian ___ Native American _x__ African American ___ Asian

_x__ Hispanic ___ Appalachian __x_ Other: ___Haitian______

Special Needs:

___ Physically Challenged _x_ Developmentally Disabled ___ Visual/hearing impaired

Presenting Problems (please rank the top three presenting problems):

__3_ Anxiety ___ Domestic Violence ___ Phobias

___ Chemical Dependency ___ Job-related ___ Psychosis

___ Chronic Pain ___ Learning/academic _1__ PTSD

_3__ Delinquency ___ OCD _2__ Depression

___ Relationship Issues ___ Parenting ___ Stress

___ Divorce ___ Personality Disorder ___ Other: ______

Other Information about your agency/site, which would be help for prospective trainees:

__Opportunity to understand foster care population-interact with case managers & other mental health professionals regarding treatment interventions-attend training, work with foster families as well as biological families, family therapy, therapeutic visits, attend dependency court hearings, attend medication clinics. ______

Please return form via email to Lisa Lewis Arango,