Career Connect Frequently Asked Questions
Updated September 29, 2017
(Please note new format and sections)
1. Co-enrollment in other LWIAs in IWDS
The Partnership is developing written procedures for handling customers who are co-enrolled in LWIA07 in Career Connect and other LWIAs (e.g. LWIA90) in IWDS. In the meantime:
· The Partnership is adding an open “Co-enrollment” WIOA service in Career Connect to co-enrolled customers. This service will help identify co-enrolled customers.
· If you need to Exit a co-enrolled customer from Career Connect, please send a request to the Help Desk BEFORE you complete the exit. The Partnership will work with you, the LWIA90 Career Coach and Commerce to complete the Exit properly in both systems.
2. Must Complete the “Status and Follow-up” field for ALL Quarterly Follow-ups
When completing a Quarterly Follow-up in Career Connect, you must complete “Status at Follow-up” field (in the Current Status at Follow-up section of the screen) even though the system has a note that is only required in certain instances. This field goes to the IWDS “Other Status at Follow-up” field and the record will not send to IWDS without it.
3. Exiting Customers over 120 days without a service
When requesting a customer to be exited because they are over 120 days without a service, please complete the Closure screen as you normally would to complete the closure. This includes, updating the employment and answering all questions with the red asterisks. Please note that you will not be able to answer the “Case Closure Exit Reason.” When submitting your request to The Partnership, please include the Exit Reason.
4. All users have been updated so that you can now change/edit the Training Related Placement question. You do not need to send a Help Desk ticket to change this field.
1. Some Career Coaches cannot see their Case Load (This has been resolved)
Converted IWDS records were often attached to a duplicate staff ID. We have given all the Career Coaches the ability to work with any cases within their office until we can transfer all the caseloads. In the meantime, you can search for you customers by name & assign them to yourselves. We will let each agency’s Program Manager/Site Director know once the caseload issue is resolved.
2. Please do not Enter Follow Up Services for Exited Customers in Career Connect (This has been resolved. Please resume entering Follow Up services for exited customers).
Please hold off on entering follow up services in Career Connect. When this service is entered in Career Connect it is causing an error in IWDS that removes the exit reason. We have a ticket in to our vendor and will let you know when you can resume entering Follow Up services.
3. When Exiting/Closing Customers Who are Employed (This has been resolved. You should now be able to select an existing job and attach it to the Quarterly Follow up instead of re-entering it): When exiting a customer whose application was converted from IWDS, and they are working, you will need to re-enter the employment job at exit. We have found that if you are selecting the job from the work history in Career Connect, it is not populating on the Exit Summary screen in IWDS. In order to make that happen, please re-enter the job details for the employment at exit in Career Connect.
4. Updating Quarterly Follow Up: (This has been resolved. You should now be able to select an existing job and attach it to the Quarterly Follow-up instead of re-entering it)
When updating a customer’s Follow Up status and job after the customer has been exited, please re-enter the job so it will transfer to IWDS. This is the same issue as noted above in #3.
1. Navigating Completed Applications
1) Best option is to use the Application Summary link, which provides a view of all application screens:
2) If you need to go in to the Wizard view (), use the tabs or progress bars at the top to navigate.
If you find any other applications that have a Participation but are showing in Career Connect as “Partial” or “Incomplete” please submit a Help Desk ticket with the name and User ID of the customer.
2. Jobs only transmit from CC to IWDS if they are:
1) Dislocation jobs (from the CC WIOA Application)
2) Job at Exit (from the CC Closure screen)
3) Job at Quarterly Follow-up (from the 4 CC quarterly follow-up screens)
If you are updating employment associated with DW Eligibility, Exit or Quarterly follow-up you have to do the following to get it to transmit it to IWDS.
1) DW Job: – a) Update the job in the Employment screen of the WIOA application and click next; b) update the relevant fields on the State Specific screen of the application and click next c) Click “Finish” on the Eligibility and Grants scree of the application.
2) Job at Exit: a) Edit the job using the Edit link in the Closure screen and click save; b) Click “save” at the bottom of the Closure screen
3) Job at Quarterly Follow-up: a) Edit the job using the Edit link in the quarterly follow-up screen and click save; b) Click “save” at the bottom of the quarterly follow-up screen.
As always when making edits in CC, it’s good to check that they transmit to IWDS correctly.
(Please note previously asked questions are saved by date on the Zen Desk website under FAQ’s)
Q1: Do we have to create a new IEP/ISS for existing customers?
A1: Please recreate the IEP or ISS in Career Connect for all active customers carrying over to PY17. (If you plan on exiting the customer by June 30th , you do not need to recreate the IEP/ISS.)
Q2: IEP/ISS can only be backdated as far back as 90 days.
A2: If you are entering the IEP/ISS in Career Connect, and the original IEP/ISS is over 90-days old, backdate the Career Connect IEP/ISS 90-days and add a Case Note. (The Partnership is developing a standardized case note template for this purpose.)
Q3: How will the ISS/IEP's be transferred over in IWDS?
A3: The ISS/IEP will not be transferred to IWDS. Commerce does not need the ISS/IEP for federal reporting or performance. The ISS or IEP Service Activity will be transferred to IWDS.
Q4: Every time I bring up a customer in Career Connect, I get a message that their record is incomplete.
A4: Career Connect stores more customer-level data than IWDS, so some fields are blank. We recommend that you update the customer record (My Individual Profile > General Profile) the first time you work with each customer in Career Connect. Incomplete fields are highlighted in yellow. You will continue to get the message for each customer until you update the customer record.
Q5: Why does the application say the customer is currently participating in Wagner Peyser?
A5: This is because the Wagner Peyser application is automatically created when you complete the Customer Profile in Career Connect. This applies to all customers, 1A, 1D & 1Y.
Q6: When I am entering a Dislocated Worker that has been “fired” what should I select for Lay-off reason?
A6: Please choose “lack of work” as the lay-off reason.
Q7: Which column of the Income Table is for our area?
A7: The "Metro" column has the income guidelines for our area (LWIAs 7, 1, 2, 5, 6 & 10). The "Non-Metro" column has the income guidelines for the rest of the state.
Q8: I cannot enter a Job Referral & Placement service for my Youth customer.
A8: Please enter the “Develop ISS” service first, and then you can enter the Job Referral & Placement service.
Q9: Can we enter placement information prior to case closure?
A9: Yes. All jobs can be entered in the My Individual Profiles > Personal Profile > Background section of the Customer record. Jobs entered in Background can be selected (if applicable) when selecting the Entered Employment at Case Closure. Please Note: Do not enter the placement information on the Case Closure screen unless you are “exiting” the customer.
Q10: What is the difference between Closure and Exit?
A10: For all practical purposes, there is no difference between Closure and Exit in Career Connect. Once you complete the Closure screen, the customer is Exited from WIOA. The only exception is if the customer has not had a service for over 120 days. In that case, Commerce has to Exit the customer.
Q11: Are Business Service Representatives (BSR) / Job Developers required to addend additional training before being issued Career Coach privileges in Career Connect?
A11: Yes, the Partnership will be conducting additional Career Coach training soon. If you or your staff members need training, please send a request to the help desk indicating the number of staff people and what kind of training they need (e.g. BSR, Career Coach, or both).
Q12: Is it necessary to go back and update scholarship information (i.e. Pell Grant, etc.) for the ITA activity, or is it just at the time of creating the activity
A12: No, you only need to enter the originally projected numbers. If there is a major change in the funding sources you may want to make a case note regarding the change.
Q13: How will I know if a customer has had an ITA before 2012?
A13: If a customer received an ITA prior to 2012 and was exited, you will probably not see the prior ITA in Career Connect. You do not need to worry about whether the client may have had an ITA prior to 2012 as long as you determine that they currently are suitable and eligible to receive an ITA. However, if the client voluntarily brings up prior training issues (e.g. that they dropped out of training, etc.) you may use that information as a part of their assessment in determining if the client is a good candidate for another voucher.
Q14: The school that I am enrolling my client in has multiple locations however the relationship with the school is listed under a different location from the one that my client is attending. What do I do when I am enrolling them if the location is different?
A14: In Career Connect the relationship number only corresponds to one location. For example the relationship for City Colleges is associated with City Colleges of Chicago with Malcom X’s address but your client may be attending a program offered at Olive-Harvey. In this case you should enroll them under the main relationship and make a case note which details which location where they will be attending classes.
Q15: Where will EdAssist be looking in Career Connect to determine if the client is suitable and eligible to receive and ITA for training?
A15: At this time we will be asking EdAssist to check to ensure that they are enrolled in WIOA, for Adults and Dislocated Workers, that the State Specific screen shows that they have been certified for training, they have a service for an IEP or ISS as well as the reviewing the IEP/ISS. The IEP, for Adults and Dislocated Workers, or the ISS for Youth, will be reviewed for evidence that the client has been determined suitable for training and to receive an ITA. There should be an employment goal which relates to training (e.g. become a Truck Driver) along with an objective which justifies why they need to attend training.
Career Connect Help Desk
Remember to check out the Career Connect Help Desk at for Career Connect training materials, procedures and updates like these. You can also submit tickets directly through the Help Desk website or by emailing .
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