____Meet with Career Services or the Professional Development Leaders located on the 1st floor of the School of Business to:
-Find out how to search for internships.
-Review your résumé and cover letter.
__W_ Complete Business-Link Professions Program Workshops themes 1 through 3 (
____Complete Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (session locations, dates and times listed at ithaca.edu/business/internships/harassment/).
____ Select a faculty sponsor.
____ Complete the Internship with Academic Enhancement application
- Internships withacademic enhancement receive 400-level credit.
- Credits count as either an open elective, business elective or toward your concentration.
- Internships completed outside of the fall and spring semesters are classes and you are charged tuition
per credit hour.
____ Attach an up-to-date resume.
____Submit completed application to the Professional Development Leaders (BUS 119)by the last Add/Drop date for the term in which you want to perform the internship experience.
- Every week, submit a one page single-spaced journal to your faculty sponsor stating:
-your tasks (what you are doing, defining experiences, how these experiences have shaped your view within your concentration and/or future career).
-the number of hours worked each week.
-cumulative hours worked thus far.
-your supervisor’s signature verifying your work hours.
- By mid-semester, students must consult with their faculty sponsor to determine a topic for the final paper. The topic will incorporate the student’s internship experience as it relates to his/her concentration.
- By the last day of classes, students will submit a 7-10 page final paper on the agreed upon topic to their faculty sponsor and field supervisor.
- Your supervisor must complete and submit an End of Semester evaluation to the Professional Development Coordinator detailing your internship performance. The evaluation is provided to your supervisor by the Professional Development Coordinator at the beginning of the semester.
- At the end of the semester, you must participate in a 10-minute presentation giving an overview of the company and its mission, describing your responsibilities, how you found the opportunity, what you learned, and what you would do differently. Participation in this presentation is required. YOUR GRADE WILL BE SUBMITTED ON HOMER AT THE COMPLETION OF YOUR PRESENTATION.
* Summer interns will have an “Incomplete” grade issued at the end of the summer term. A grade will be issued after a presentation has been made, which will take place within 3 weeks of the start of the fall semester.
Students will be evaluated based on the quality of weekly journal entries, evaluation from the supervisor, and completion of a final paper. A Pass/Fail grade will be issued by the faculty sponsor.
Credits Desired / Onsite Work Hours/Presentation/Search / Coursework Hours* / Total Work Hours1 credit hour / 50 / 10 / 60
2 credit hours / 100 / 20 / 120
3 credit hours
6 credit hours / 150
300 / 30
60 / 180
* Coursework hours include academic assignments to work on during your experience. They include weekly journal entries and a final paper.
I. Definition of Internship
An internship is a learning experience, which allows a student to synthesize his/her academic learning in the field of business with the real-world operations of an organization. The objectives set forth by each intern will involve, in a broad sense, the application of theories and concepts in business and related fields and a critical analysis of their findings.
It is necessary for each student to design his/her own internship with preset objectives and to arrange for a faculty sponsor and site supervisor to oversee its execution. The pursuit of an internship is a serious responsibility. Students will be representing the School of Business and IthacaCollege, as well as themselves. Interns are asked to carefully weigh their academic load and other obligations before committing themselves.
II. Eligibility
- You must have at least a 2.7 overall GPA.
- The internship should be related to your career goals of the student.
- You should have sufficient background and maturity to learn from the experience.
- The principles class for the subject area of the internship must have been taken.
- Corporate accounting -- Financial and Management Accounting
- Finance -- Business Finance
- International business -- International Business Operations
- Management -- Organizational Behavior and Management
- Marketing -- Principles of Marketing
- You must have completed Sexual Harassment Training offered by the Office of Legal Affairs (session locations, dates and times listed at ithaca.edu/business/internships/harassment/)
III. Requirements
- Review this form in its entirety.
- Select a faculty sponsor (one that matches with your area of interest).
- Identify your site supervisor
NOTE: Faculty sponsor and site supervisor responsibilities are in Appendix 1
- Submit to the Professional Development Leaders in BUS 119 before the last add/drop day for each term
- Students must complete at least 50 hours on site and at least 10 hours on coursework per credit hour earned. (for 3 credits 150 hours on site and 30 hours on coursework)
- Students must submit coursework:
1. A weekly log submitted to the faculty sponsor.
Responsibilities: Describe your tasks (what, how and why)
What is the value of the tasks you performed for the functioning of the organization?
Value of internship
Your own long-term and short-term goals
2. Must submit an academic paper (7-12 pages) reflecting on the internship. The subject matter of the paper should be agreed upon with faculty sponsor. Please note, this is not meant to be a research paper but a reflective exercise combining the knowledge gained through the internship experience with concepts from coursework.
3. 10-minute presentation at the end of the semester
Overview of company and its mission
How you found the opportunity
What you learned
What you would do differently
*Summer interns will have an “Incomplete” grade issued at the end of the summer term. A grade will be issued after a presentation has been made, which will take place within 3 week of the start of the fall semester.
Regardless of discipline all papers must include the following:
- Acknowledgement of those that helped with internship
- Provide information on the organization and your role within the organization
- Appendices attached to the paper:
Updated resume
Organization’s general literature
Organizational chart
References used (if appropriate)
AREA OF INTEREST / SUGGESTED TOPICSMarketing / Marketing Environments
• What aspects of the external environment (macro-environment) affect your organization? Give specific examples, with explanations.
• What are your organization’s strengths and weaknesses?
• Who are you organization’s competitors? What are their strengths and weaknesses?
• Does your organization do any marketing research? If so, describe the research process.
Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning
• How does your organization segment the market?
• What is the targeting strategy?
• What does your organization know about its targeted segments?
o Describe targeted consumer, and/or
o Describe targeted organizational customers
• What is your organization’s overall competitive strategy?
o Describe your organization’s positioning in its targeted segments. Does it match up with the overall strategy?
(continued on next page)
Marketing Mix
• Describe your organization’s product strategies
o New products
o Individual products, including core benefit proposition, features, design, quality, packaging, design, branding, and augmented
o Product portfolio
o Services (and how the problems with marketing services are addressed)
• Describe your organization’s distribution strategies
• Describe your organization’s pricing strategies
• Describe your organization’s marketing communications
o Do they take an integrated marketing communication approach?
o Advertising
o Sales promotion
o Publicity
o Personal selling
o New media and communications that cross the lines
(con’t) / Capital Budgeting
- Does your organization have a formal program in place to evaluate acquisition of fixed assets? If yes, what are the main people involved in the decision making?
- What techniques do they use? How do they prepare future cash flow estimates? What is their hurdle rate?
- Give an example of a recent decision made by your organization discus any non financial reasons used to justify the decision.
- How does your organization estimate its working capital needs?
- What are the main balance sheet items (inventory, accounts payable etc.) that contribute to the need to borrow on a short-term basis?
- What are some sources that your organization uses to finance its short-term needs?
- How did they select these sources?
- How does your organization decide on appropriate source of long-term capital?
- What are some of the pros and cons of the sources they use?
- Do they use investment advisory services in placing their debt or equity securities?
- What was the last time they sued financial markets to raise money publicly?
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Ratio analysis
- International financial issues
Management / Competition
• Discuss your organization’s competitors’ strengths and weaknesses
• Compare and contrast with your organization’s strengths and weaknesses
• Identify any strategic advantages.
• Are there hindrances or bottlenecks to work flow?
• Are there more effective or efficient ways to accomplish the same results?
• What is the primary type of communication
• Discuss its effectiveness?
Management styles
• Describe the management style of any one person within the organization and its effectiveness? Is this a management style that you would take on? Why or why not?
• Describe the management style in terms of topics you have studied such as leadership, motivation, teamwork, etc
Accounting / **Students must choose one of the following two options. The faculty sponsor will determine the date each paper is due.**
OPTION 1: Complete a research paper on an approved topic (10 – 12 pages).
Topic Approval: Research topics must be approved by the faculty internship sponsor no later than the end of the second week of the internship. Describe the topic in at least four sentences. Include in this description why this topic is an interesting topic for
you to research. Also include potential sources of information you expect to use.
Suggestions for paper topics:
Recent exposure drafts
Recent discussion memos
Emerging Task Force Issues
Proposed changes to the tax code
Contents of the paper:
• Introduce the issue.
• Describe what you think are the underling events or reasons leading to your topic. Why is the topic an important issue?
• Discuss the proponents’ and opponents’ views on the topic.
• Describe how the capital markets, specific industries, specific companies, or groups of individuals would be impacted if the proposed issue is implemented.
• Express your opinion.
OPTION 2: Write three papers (3 - 5 pages each). Choose three of the four paper topics below.
Paper 1: Analysis of your organization
• Describe the organization’s missions and goals.
• Describe the organizational chart (chain of command).
• Describe your tasks. Do you feel there are more effective ways to accomplish these tasks?
• Describe the organization’s policy on continuing education.
• Discuss the ways your internship benefits your career objectives.
Paper 2:Ethical considerations
• Discuss how the organization handles ethical issues?
• Discuss the ways you feel Sarbanes-Oxley has affected your organization. You must refer to specific requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley and provide the references in your paper.
Paper 3:Industry Analysis
• In what industry is your organization? Identify its competitors. What are your organization’s strengths and weaknesses?
• Using sources from the financial press, discuss your industry.
• What is the industry’s economic outlook? How is your organization affected by macroeconomic factors?
• Are there current issues being examined which will impact the industry? (i.e. Examine recent exposure drafts, discussion memos, emerging task force issues or changes to the tax code.)
• Based on your previous discussion, what is your opinion on the industry and specifically, your organization’s place within the industry.
Paper 4:Selected Topic
• Write a paper on a topic determined by the Faculty Sponsor and the student.
IV.Background Considerations
Compensation - Compensation for an internship will be handled by and negotiated between the student and field supervisor. Most internships are unpaid and are intended to further your education and work experience. However, some companies do compensate interns for their efforts. Students must receive either payment or academic credit for their time in order to be in compliance with federal employment laws.
Time of Internship - It is recommended that the internship take place during the student’s junior or senior years. A maximum of 3 credits will be awarded per credit internship. Please note that there is a six (6) credit limit on internships and experiential learning while earning a baccalaureate degree.
V. Approval Procedures
- It takes approximately two (2) weeks for applications to be reviewed and approved. Once the internship has been approved, the Assistant Dean’s office will register you for the internship. You are NOT able to register for an internship yourself. The deadline for receipt of paperwork to the Professional Development Leaders (located on the 1st floor of the School of Business) is the last day of drop/add period in which the internship is occurring. Even if the student and sponsors have reached a tentative agreement, students may not proceed with an internship past the second week of classes unless full approval has been accorded.
- The signatures required for approval are yours, your faculty sponsor, your site supervisor (immediate supervisor in the organization), the Professional Development Coordinator and the Assistant Dean. The signatures indicate that all parties agree to the proposal (which includes specific projects and work duties) and the academic value of the internship.
- The approved internship proposal will be retained by the Dean’s office. Upon completion of the internship your faculty sponsor will submit a pass/fail grade to the Registrar’s office.
6/30/78,(revised 8/86),(revised 2/91),(revised 4/93),(revised 12/97),(revised 2/01), (revised 5/1/4/01), (revised 4/22/03), (revised 3/15/06), (revised 2/28/08), (revised 2/25/09), (revised 8/10/10), (revised 6/23/11) , (revised 3/28/12)
May have contact with the Internship Field Supervisor:
At beginning of internship
At end of internship / Must post an opportunity on our website, sign and agree to the terms.
Must have contact with the student through email, phone, face-to-face visits, or review of journal on a weekly basis / Must provide meaningful work for the student. At clerical duties will fall on the intern, but this is also a learning and resume building experience for the intern, so there needs to be a balance.
Must make an assessment of the following:
Supervisor’s evaluation
Student journal
Student paper / Must provide a preliminary job description of what the student will be doing duration of the student’s internship. (this should be on business letterhead). If this information has already been submitted on our website please discard this task.
Submit a pass/fall grade at the end of the semester / Contact must be made with the faculty sponsor at least two times per semester. This can be by telephone, email or mail.
Must evaluate the intern at the end of the semester. A form is provided by the Professional Development Coordinator through the School of Business. Evaluation should be based on work, professionalism and educational preparation.
Ithaca College
To be eligible for an internship with academic enhancement, you must have :- A cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.70
- Completed the Principles class for the subject area of the internship and
- Be a junior or senior at the time of the internship
- Have completed Themes 1 through 3 of the Business-Link Professions Program workshops
ID #______
Semester in which this internship will take place: Fall 20___ Winter 20___ Spring 20___ Summer 20____
Month/Year Sexual Harassment Prevention Training was completed: ______
Apply internship credit for: GBUS 49800 OR Open ElectiveORConcentration (List: ______)
Number of credits requesting for this internship (Circle One): 1 2 3 6
Credit bearing internships are academic classes. Tuition is charged for each credit if you choose to do it outside of the fall/spring semester or if you go over 18 credits during the fall or spring semester.
Local Address ______
Local/Cell Phone ______Email address______
Degree Program______Concentration ______Cumulative GPA______
#academic credits completed prior to the start of the internship:_____ # of previous internship credits: _____
Sponsoring Organization______
Department Name ______
Supervisor Name______Title ______
Phone ______Email address ______
Company Website ______Organization Type: For Profit ____ Not For Profit ____ Government ____
Paid______Non-Paid ______
Name of Faculty Sponsor: ______
OFFICIAL USE ONLY:XXXX49800 Concentration ______OR Open Elective ______
Credits______CRN #______Registration Date______
Please answer the questions below.
- What skills do you hope to gain or improve from this internship?
- What are your career goals?How will this internship assist you in working toward these goals?
1. I understand that being an intern is a serious responsibility, and that I will be representing theSchool of Business and IthacaCollege, as well as myself. I have carefully considered my academic load andother commitments and am able and willing to devote the time and energy necessary to make my internshipexperience a successful one.