Internship and Career Possibilities is an international campaign that's building a movement to unite the world around solutions to the climate crisis—the solutions that science and justice demand.
Our mission is to inspire the world to rise to the challenge of the climate crisis—to create a new sense of urgency and of possibility for our planet .We work hard to organize in a new way—everywhere at once. In October of 2009 we coordinated 5200 simultaneous rallies and demonstrations in 181 countries, what CNN called the 'most widespread day of political action in the planet's history.' In October 2010 we organized a 'global work party' all over the world, with over 7000 events in 187 countries. People put up solar panels, dig community gardens—and sent a strong message to our leaders: 'If we can get to work on solutions to the climate crisis, so can you.'
ACORN An Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is the nation’s largest community organization of low and moderate-income families, with over 175,000 member families organized into 850 neighborhood chapters in more than 70 cities across the country.
Black Youth Vote The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation seeks to empower black youth by educating them about the political process and training youth to identify issues and influence public policy through participation. Black Youth Vote seeks to have a presence on all Historically Black Colleges & Universities and any campus with significant numbers of black students.
The Brennan Center for Justice The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law unites thinkers and advocates in pursuit of a vision of inclusive and effective democracy. Our mission is to develop and implement an innovative, nonpartisan agenda of scholarship, public education, and legal action that promotes equality and human dignity, while safeguarding fundamental freedoms.
Campaign for America’s Future CAF and its sister organization, the Institute for America’s Future, work to revitalize the progressive agenda and fight to make our economy work for working people.We play a vital role in creating and coordinating national progressive policy and mounting campaigns on “kitchen table issues.”
The Campaign Finance Institute The Campaign Finance Institute is a non-partisan, non-profit institute, affiliated with The George Washington University that conducts objective research and education, empanels task forces and makes recommendations for policy change in the field of campaign finance.
The Campaign Legal Center The Campaign Legal Center is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization which works in the areas of campaign finance, communications and government ethics. We represent the public interest in administrative and legal proceedings where the nation's campaign finance and related media laws are enforced: at the Federal Election Commission (FEC), the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and in the courts.
Center for American Progress The Center for American Progress is a nonpartisan research and educational institute dedicated to promoting a strong, just and free America that ensures opportunity for all. We believe Americans are bound together by a common commitment to these values and we aspire to ensure our national policies reflect these values.
Center for Economic Development Committee for Economic Development is an independent, nonpartisan organization of business and education leaders dedicated to policy research on the major economic and social issues of our time (including campaign finance reform) and the implementation of its recommendations by the public and private sectors.
Center for Governmental Studies Center for Governmental Studies is a West L.A. nonpartisan nonprofit improves civic engagement in communities and governments. We use research, advocacy, technology and education to improve the fairness of governmental policies and processes, empower the underserved, and improve communication between voters and candidates.
Citizen Works Works strengthens citizen participation and power by providing people with the tools and opportunities to build democracy. We seek to challenge the narrow corporate view with a sustained effort to build citizen-initiated democracy and real institutional accountability.
Clean Elections Institute Clean Elections Institute encourages participation in the electoral process and seeks to build confidence in democratic institutions.
Common Cause Common Cause is a nonprofit, nonpartisan citizen's lobbying organization promoting open, honest and accountable government. We represent the unified voice of the people against corruption in government.
Council for Excellence in GovernmentThe Council works to improve the performance of government at all levels and government's place in the lives and esteem of American citizens. We increase citizen confidence, participation in government, and understanding of government and its role. Programs include the Center for Democracy and Citizenship.
Demos helps build a society with high levels of electoral participation and civic engagement, and a fair economy through research and advocacy.
FairVote is dedicated to fair elections where every vote counts and all voters are represented. As a catalyst for reform, we conduct research, analysis, education and advocacy to build an understanding of and support for more democratic voting systems. We promote full representation and instant runoff voting.
Feminist Majority Foundation Feminist Majority Foundation (FMF), which was founded in 1987, is a cutting edge organization dedicated to women's equality, reproductive health, and non-violence. In all spheres, FMF utilizes research and action to empower women economically, socially, and politically. Our organization believes that feminists - both women and men, girls and boys - are the majority, but this majority must be empowered.
Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund and Leadership Institute Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund is recognized as the leading national political organization that identifies, trains and supports open lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender candidates and officials. We are the only national organization committed to increasing the number of openly gay and lesbian public officials at federal, state and local levels of government.
Greenlining Institute Greenlining Instituteis an organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for low-income and minority communities. Its Democracy Project works on campaign finance reform.
Idealist Idealist is a project of Action Without Borders. In this site you will find over 58,000 nonprofit and community organizations in 165 countries, which you can search or browse by name, location, or mission, thousands of volunteer opportunities in your community and around the world, and a list of organizations that can help you volunteer abroad.
Innovations in Civic Participation Non-profit social change organization that provides expertise, ideas, information, and advocacy support in the United States and foreign countries to develop and strengthen policies and programs that promote political and civic engagement through service.
The Institute on Money in State Politics The Institute on Money in State Politics is a national nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to accurate, comprehensive and unbiased documentation and research on campaign finance at the state level. The Institute develops searchable databases, makes them available to the public online, and analyzes the information to determine the role campaign money plays in public policy debates in the states. The Institute also publishes studies and provides technical assistance and training to reporters, academic researchers and public interest groups that work on state policy issues.
This site offers job hunting tips, stories, ideas and more. This list gives you access to 2200+ progressives nationwide. This list is used for posting jobs, tips, events, fundraisers and networking.
Justice at Stake at Stake is a national campaign working to keep our courts fair and impartial. More than 40 state and national partners work together to protect our courts from political attacks, special interest pressure, and attempts to undermine their power.
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Leadership Conference on Civil Rights was founded in 1950 by three giants of the civil rights movement – A. Philip Randolph, founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters; Roy Wilkins, Executive Secretary of the NAACP; and Arnold Aronson, a leader of the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council. It is the nation’s premier civil rights coalition, and has coordinated the national legislative campaign on behalf of every major civil rights law since 1957.
League of Women Voters of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. The LWV provides people with the tools to get involved in the democratic process at the federal, state and local levels.
National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium The National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to advance the human and civil rights of Asian Americans through advocacy, public policy, public education, and litigation.
National Council of Negro Women, Inc The National Council of Negro Women, Inc (NCNW) is a voluntary nonprofit membership organization helping women of African descent to improve the quality of life for themselves, their families and communities. NCNW works through advocacy and community-based programming in the United States, Egypt, Senegal and Zimbabwe. Through its national affiliated constituency-based organizations and 250 community-based sections, NCNW has an outreach to four million women. It has Consultative Status at the United Nations.
National Women’s Law Center Since 1972, the Center has expanded the possibilities for women and girls in this country. The Center uses the law in all its forms: getting new laws on the books and enforced; litigating ground-breaking cases in state and federal courts all the way to the Supreme Court; and educating the public about ways to make the law and issues that cut to the core of women’s and girls’ lives in education, employment, family economic security, and health – with special attention given to the needs of low-income women and their families.
Native American Rights Fund The Native American Rights Fund is a non-profit organization that provides legal representation and technical assistance to Indian tribes, organizations and individuals nationwide.
N.O.W. The National Organization for Women is the largest organization of feminist activists in the United States. NOW has 500,000 contributing members and 550 chapters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Since its founding in 1966, NOW’s goal has been to take action to bring about equality for all women. NOW works to eliminate discrimination and harassment in the workplace, schools, the justice system, and all other sectors of society; secure abortion, birth control and reproductive rights for all women.
People for the American Way PFAW’s purpose is to meet the challenges of discord and fragmentation with an affirmation of "the American Way." By this, we mean pluralism, individuality, freedom of thought, expression and religion, a sense of community, and tolerance and compassion for others. People For the American Way will reach out to all Americans and affirm that in our society, the individual still matters; that there is reason to believe in the future - not to despair of it - and that we must strengthen the common cords that connect us as humans and citizens.
PIRGs The state Public Interest Research Groups are a network of independent, state-based, citizen-funded organizations that advocate for the public interest. Since 1970, we have been delivering results-oriented citizen activism to protect our environment, encourage a fair and sustainable economy, and foster a responsive democratic government. We uncover threats to public health and well-being and fight to end them, using the time-tested tools of investigative research, media exposes, grassroots organizing, advocacy and litigation.
Population Connection Over population threatens the quality of life for people everywhere. Population Connection is the national grassroots population organization that educates young people and advocates progressive action to stabilize world population at a level that can be sustained by Earth’s resources.
Public Campaign Public Campaign is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to sweeping reform that aims to dramatically reduce the role of special interest money in America's elections and the influence of big contributors in American politics.
Public Citizen We fight for openness and democratic accountability in government, for the right of consumers to seek redress in the courts; for clean, safe and sustainable energy sources; for social and economic justice in trade policies; for strong health, safety and environmental protections; and for safe, effective and affordable prescription drugs and health care.
Rock the Vote Rock the Vote’s purpose is to say that the new generation has a different future in mind: a future where our government leads the way to foster the values of tolerance and diversity, not divisiveness and conformity. Where young people can afford higher education, find a good paying job with access to health care, and where marriage is about love, not sex.
USAction USAction and our affiliates in 24 states join together to win social, racial and economic justice for all. We connect issues to elections and policy to politics.We seekto take our democracy back from the corporate elite and the well-heeled special interests that dominate the political process today. USActioncampaigns to strengthen social, economic and health security for all Americans. We get Americans involved in the political process and promote policies that hold corporate influence in check.
Young People For Young People For (YP4) is an intergenerational and diverse network of student leaders, activists and young elected officials dedicated to building youth progressive power in America. Young People For is committed to protecting and promoting our nation’s core values by identifying, engaging and empowering young leaders and activists and equipping them to work toward positive social change in their communities and across the nation.
Washington Center TWC is an independent organization that provides internship programs and academic seminars to college students from across the country and around the world.
Wellstone Action Wellstone Action is a national center for training and leadership development for the progressive movement. Founded in January 2003, Wellstone Action’s mission is to honor the legacy of Paul and Sheila Wellstone by continuing their work through training, educating, mobilizing and organizing a vast network of progressive individuals and organizations.