Directorate E: Sectoral and regional statistics
Unit E-4: Regional statistics and Geographical Information /
Pilot studies on the provision of harmonized land use/land cover statistics
(Synergies between LUCAS and the national systems)
(LUCAS Grant, Part B)
Final report

EUROSTAT/Contract No.:40301.2012.002-2012.602

Doc. No.:Final report part B




This document outlines the project activities during the 21.12.2012 - 21.06.2014 period of the implementation.

Affiliation/Function / Name / Date
Prepared / Expert in Agriculture Department in Central Statistical Office / Tomasz Milewski / 2014.06.20
Approved / Director of Agriculture Department in Central Statistical Office / Artur Łączyński / 2014.06.20
Authorized / YYYY.MM.DD
Accepted / EUROSTAT/ Project Manager / YYYY.MM.DD


Name / Date / Signature
Signature of authorisation and overall approval / YYYY.MM.DD
Signature of acceptance by EUROSTAT / YYYY.MM.DD


Affiliation / Name / Address / Copies
EUROSTAT / 5, rue Alphonse Weicker
L-2721 Luxembourg / electronic copy
Contractor / electronic copy

Document Status Sheet

Issue / Date / Details
1.0 / 2014.06.20 / First Document Issue

Document Change Record

# / Date / Request / Location / Details

Date:20.06.2014Final report, part B Page1/13








2.2.2 USE OF LAND………………………………………………………………………10





2.2.7 LAND AND BUILDINGS REGISTER (EGIB) ………………………………………....16





2.5Data flow

2.6Quality assurance


3Feasibility study on integration with a LUCAS survey or how LUCAS data can be derived from national data

4Proposal on how to implement the next national in-situ data collection integrated with the LUCAS survey requirements

4.1 Initial assumptions

4.2 Rules for determining samples for analysis

4.3 Compiling information on samples for interviewers

4.4 Conducting field survey and developing results

4.5 Issues relating to survey periodicity

4.6 Automation of field research

5Cost estimate for running a national survey integrated with LUCAS requirements

6Benefits and drawbacks of integrating the national in-situ survey and LUCAS

6.1Organisational issues

6.2Quality issues

6.3Financial issues

6.4Project implementation drawbacks and critical issues

7Other future activities

8Action list of future activities


Pilot studies on the provision of harmonized land use/land cover statistics (Synergies between LUCAS and the national systems) – Part B - refers to the production of a feasibility study and delivering a concrete plan on how to integrate a national in-situ survey implementation with the LUCAS requirements.

On 21 December 2012, between European Commission represented by Mr Pedro Diaz Munoz, Director of Directorate E, Sectoral and Regional Statistics and Central Statistical Office, represented by Mr Janusz Witkowski – President of the CSO, the grant agreement entitled “Pilot studies on the provision of harmonized land use/land cover statistics (synergies between LUCAS and the national systems)”, agreement number:40301.2012.002-2012.602 has been signed.

The project under implementation constitutes an attempt at harmonising the land use and land-cover statistics as part of the existing databases by way of analysing the definitions and opportunities to combine information from various datasets. In the long run, the results of the pilot survey will allow database harmonisation, e.g., for the purpose of agricultural statistics or with a view to implementing the INSPIRE directive.

The project work is being carried out by a team comprising statisticians – employees of the Central Statistical Office in Warsaw (the Agriculture Department, the Programming and Coordination Surveys Department, and the Regional and Environmental Surveys Department) and employees of the Statistical Office in Olsztyn, with substantial support provided by subcontractor - national experts from the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography and national experts from: the General Directorate for Environmental Protection, the Forest Research Institute, the Space Research Centre, and the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture and from - Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation (IUNG). The project cooperation has been conducted in working groups and consultative meetings.

Having received an invitation from Eurostat in July 2012 to apply for a subsidy for The Pilot Survey on the Supply of Harmonised Statistical Data Regarding Land Use and Land Cover (correlations between the LUCAS system and the national system), the Agriculture Department organised a working meeting with experts, both from the statistical sector and various Polish institutions that generate databases comprising information which (based on preliminary analysis) is convergent with the scope of LUCAS data. The meeting attendees conducted a preliminary analysis of the project assumptions, and expressed the need for close cooperation between several national institutions administrating databases on land use and sowing areas. After the meeting, official letters were sent to the managers of external institutions enquiring about their willingness to participate as subcontractors in the project.

2Analysis of a national in-situ data collection survey


The main objective of the analysis of the Polish national in-situ data collection survey was to check, if the existing data thematically covers the obligatory land cover and land use LUCAS classes.

Polish national in-situ data collection survey:

  • Surveys conducted by CSO:

Farm Structure Survey (FSS)

Use of land

Periodic assessment of crop

Production of major agricultural crops

Production of major horticultural crops

  • Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) -conducted by Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARMA).
  • Land and Buildings Register (EGiB)
  • Monitoring the chemistry of Polish arable soils - survey conducted by Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation IUNG
  • Database of Topographic Object (BDOT)


2.2.1Farm Structure Survey 2010

The agricultural census covered about 1.8 million of agricultural holdings. The frame for the full survey was prepared on the basis of the list of holdings prepared for the census. When creating the list, an object-oriented approach was adopted for the first time, which meant that at the first stage the holdings (objects) were identified, their coordinates defined (they were located spatially) and their holders were identified on the basis of data from administrative sources.The data on land use and sown area were collected as of 30 June 2010. For domestic purposes, the farms with the smallest area, as well as those of little economic importance (meeting very low national thresholds) were included in the sample survey carried out jointly with the census.

For the needs of the Eurofarm database (in a format compatible with the "Manual for data suppliers, survey 2010, rev. 7"), 1 506 620 records from the agricultural census were sent to Eurostat.

Farm Structure Survey 2010 (FSS 2010) was conducted in the period from 1 September to 31 October 2010 as of 30 June 2010.

The legal basis for the FSS 2010 and the survey on agricultural production methods were provided by:

a) The Regulation of the European Parliament and the European Council (EC) No. 1166/2008 of 19 November 2008 on farm structure surveys and the survey onagricultural production methods and repealing Council Regulation (EEC) No. 571/88 (EU Official Journal No. L 321 of 1 December 2008);

b) The Law of 17 July 2009 on the National Agricultural Census in 2010 (Journal of Laws of 10 August 2009, No. 126 item 1040);

c) The Law of 29 June 1995 on official statistics (Journal of Laws of 1995, No. 88, item 439; of 1996, with further amendments);

d) The Official Statistics Survey Programme.

The time and scope of the census, the organisation rules and implementation of the census work, respondents’ obligation to provide information, and the method of collecting and protecting the data, were specified in the above mentioned acts.

The FSS 2010 was the first census conducted since Poland’s accession to the European Union. The membership of Poland in the EU is connected with many obligations, including the need to provide information in the field of agriculture in the scope and within time limits defined by Community law.

The need for the FSS 2010 stemmed also from the necessity to:

provide an information base on farms, required for the implementation of national,regional and local agricultural and social policies in rural areas,

analyse the changes which took place in agriculture in the years 2002-2010,

fulfil the obligations of Poland in the area of providing information for the needsof international organisations other than EUROSTAT (FAO, OECD and other),

create a sampling frame for sample surveys on various topics in the field ofagriculture implemented in the subsequent years.

A new solution in the process of data dissemination will be provided by the Analytical Microdata Base (AMB), in which depersonalised data obtained in the census, and the survey on agricultural production methods are located. Within the AMB, the dedicated the External User Application provides the possibility to access products free-of-charge and to order paid and unpaid products meeting individual requirements of users. The data will be also available through the Geostatistics Portal. Furthermore, the Local Database contained the census information on different levels of territorial division.

2.2.2. Use of land


To provide up-to-date information on land by the type of agricultural land and groups of users within administrative borders, and by the domicile of the farm user. The study is also to provide information on changes in the land structure of agriculture, and in particular such phenomena as:

–the transfer and management of the resources of the Agricultural Property Agency (ANR),

–the transfer of land between farms.

The results will be used to prepare an account of land by the type of agricultural land, for the domestic and international purposes, including Eurostat.

Subjective scope

Private farms, state agricultural farms, cooperatives, public- and private-sector companies, and other entities which use agricultural land(sample 66000 about 2,5% of population).

The property of the Agricultural Property Agency.

Objective scope

–the use of land by the type of agricultural land,

–the land and building register - the national summary report on the land covered by the land and building register - aggregated data (by voivodeship - NUTS 2);

–the transfer of property into the resources of the Agricultural Property Agency,

–the directions and forms of Agricultural Property Agency's property management, determining the number and size of farms, the transfer of land between farms, changes in area-based farm groups.

Data sources

CSO reports: "Report on the use of land, sown area and crops”, "The use of land, sown area and livestock”.

Data from the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGiK) from the land and building register system and the annual Agricultural Property Agency report.

Data from the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARMA), farm-information system.

2.2.3 Periodic assessment of crop


To provide up-to-date information on the forecast sown area, including spring and winter crops, estimated winter and spring losses on agricultural and horticultural crops, the assessment of crops in classification levels, the early estimates of which allow the estimates of the yield on individual crops. These areas are also assessed against the current and future situation in agriculture and any losses on the stored crop production.

The results will be used to prepare the spring and autumn assessments of crops, and for determining the areas of winter and spring crops at the early-estimate stage, also for the purposes of Eurostat.

Subjective scope

Private farms - on the basis of field expert assessments. State agricultural farms, cooperatives, public- and private-sector companies, and other entities which use agricultural land(sample 22000 about1% of population).

Objective scope

Crop assessment in terms of:

–the estimated sown area of cereals, root plants and the area of permanent grasslands,

–evaluating the crops in classification levels,

–evaluating the blooming of fruit trees,

–the percentage of estimated losses in the sown area.

The spring assessment of agricultural and horticultural crops covers the survey of losses in the weight of the stored crop production.

Data sources

CSO reports: "The report on agricultural crops on the basis of the spring assessment", "The assessment of the pig livestock and the production of pigs for slaughter" and the assessments and estimates of field experts.

Information from surveys conducted by the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography on the basis of the teledetection method, and methodology and implementation works carried out in cooperation with the CSO on the basis of satellite and computer technology.

2.2.4Production of major agricultural crops


To provide up-to-date information on the yields and crops of the primary agricultural crops at the forecast and estimate level (preliminary and initial estimates) pre-output estimate and output yield and crops, the assessment of the collected production and the estimated directions of uses for the obtained plant production.

The results will be used to prepare the estimates of major crop productions for the domestic and international purposes, including Eurostat.

Subjective scope

Private farms, State agricultural farms, cooperatives, public- and private-sector companies, and other entities which use agricultural land(sample 22000 about1% of population).

Objective scope

–preliminary estimate (survey at the stage of forecasts and estimates – using the method of expert studies conducted by CSO field experts) – covers the production of early potatoes and basic cereals,

–initial estimate – covers the production of cereals by species and form of use, edible pulses, oil-bearing plants, meadow hay, the assessment of the condition of harvested area of maize for green forage, potatoes and sugar beets (in classification levels). Estimates conducted using the method of biometric measurements in the randomly-selected private farms (winter cereal plantations) in combination with the assessments by field and central agricultural experts and on the basis of the reporting results from state farms, cooperative farms and companies.

–pre-output estimate – covers the production of cereals by species and form of use, edible pulses, oil-bearing plants, potatoes, sugar beets, maize for green forage. Estimates conducted using the method of biometric measurements in the randomly-selected private farms (potato plantations) and the estimates of cereal, rape and agrimony yields using the representative method (interviews at the randomly-selected private farms) in combination with the assessments by field and central agricultural experts and the reporting results from state farms, cooperative farms and companies,

–output estimate (survey at the stage of output assessments) – covers the production of grain and straw from cereals of various species and forms of use, the production of oil-bearing plants, including spring and winter rape, sugar beets, fibrous plants and other industrial plants, potatoes, feedpulses by species, forage crops on arable land and from permanent green areas according to directions of use (for forage, seeds, green fertilisers), supplementary feeds (after crops and companion crops, feed root leaves, straw from pulses, chaff from legumes, beet pulp).

Producing estimates using the representative method (interviews in randomly selected private farms for selected crops) in combination with the results of assessments by field and central agricultural experts and the reporting results from state farms, cooperative farms and companies, as well as the balance sheet settlement method. For selected crops, the harvested amount planned for sale is surveyed and an estimate of the directions of the production outcomings is performed. For some crops, estimates of the amount of forecast loss in storage and the amount of reserves held are performed.

Data sources

CSOreports: „Report on the use of land, sown area and crops”, “Report on the area and production of forage and other plants by use”, “Land use, sown area and livestock”, “The survey of winter cereal yields”, “The survey of potato yields”, “The survey of cereal, rape and agrimonia yields”, “The survey of yields of certain agricultural crops”; assessments and estimates by field experts; data of the Agricultural and Food Quality Inspection and the Agricultural Market Agency.

2.2.5 Production of major horticultural crops


Providing current information regarding fruit and vegetable crops by tree and fruit shrub species, including plantingsof trees and shrubs and grubbing, as well as the area of forest and shrub nurseries, the area of farming, yields and production of vegetables and fruit crops at the stage of forecasts (initial estimate), pre-output estimate and output yield and production, as well as an assessment of crop production quality.

The results will be used to prepare the estimates of the major horticultural crops for national and international purposes, including that of Eurostat.

Subjective scope

Individual, state, cooperative farms, farms owned by public and private sector companies and other entities, which are users of agricultural land(sample 45000 about 1,7% of population).

Objective scope

–initial estimate – covers the production of field vegetables and the spring evaluation of production of vegetables under cover by species and the individual species of tree fruit and berry fruit – based on the results of assessments by horticultural field and central experts and the results of reports from state farms, cooperative farms and companies.

–pre-output estimate – covers the production of field vegetables by species and the individual species of tree fruit and berry fruit –the estimate is made using the method of horticultural expert assessments at the voivodship and central levels,

–output estimate (survey at the stage of output assessments) – covers the production of field vegetables by species; the autumn production of vegetables under cover of many species and the area of flowers under cover; the production of tree fruit by species; the productionof berry fruit by species, the evaluation of grubbing and plantings of fruit trees and shrubs, the area of forest and shrub nurseries using the method of field and central horticultural expert estimates in connection with the output of reports from state farms, cooperative farms and companies. The survey also covers the amount of loss in the stored crops.