Dear Parents,
Thank you to all of those parents who came into school for our open morning; your support is always appreciated. It was also good to be able to welcome other interested parents into the school and for our visitors to see the nursery in action.
As you will be aware, the meeting arranged for parents regarding the safe use of the internet had to be postponed as very few parents had indicated that they would be attending. The ICT consultant has said that she will organise another meeting some time next term.
Our school website is currently under construction and I am hoping that parents will be able to access it early in the New Year. I will of course notify parents when it has been completed!
Staff are busy organisingsome creative art and craft sessions for the last week of this term. The theme of the sessions will be Christmas and the children will be organised into mixed age groups so that children from each class will work as a group and will spend time with each teacher in the school during that week.
We hope that older children will be able to help younger ones with the activities as well as working on their own things.
If any parents would like help during any of these sessions, please feel free to join us. The sessions will take place on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and Friday morning. If you are able to help, please contact the school office, letting us know which day you would like to come in.
The children from the nursery and Class 1 enjoyed a super couple of hours in the sunshine at HidcoteGardens. They took part in a letter search and had an opportunity to explore some of the grounds. All of the children (and staff!) were very enthusiastic on their return.
A reminder that the Christmas fair will be held on Saturday 1st December
(12-2pm). If anyone would like to help, please see Karen Smith.
As in previous years to help support this event we will be having a non uniform day on the Friday 30th November: the children’s ‘fine’ for not wearing uniform that day will be a donation of chocolate for the chocolate tombola stall!
Parents should also have received some raffle tickets for the ‘Christmas Hamper’. The hamper will be displayed at the Christmas Fair - any donations for the hamper gratefully received before then. If you would like to donate anything, please send it to the school office or put it in the box which is outside the gate to the courtyard. If any one would like more tickets, please see Karen Smith.
The football team have been very busy over the last three weeks and have played matches against Stow Primary, Willersey Primary and St Catharine’s. They have played very well in all of the matches and we were all particularly pleased for the team when they won their match against Willersey as this was the first match that had ever been played on our own school field. The team were exceptionally well supported at that match and it was lovely to see that some children and parents had stayed to cheer the team on even though they weren’t involved in the football club.
I would like to thank Mrs Curnock and Mrs Walker for all of their hard work in running the club and also Mr Ellis who volunteered to take on the difficult job of referee!
Another group of children have also taken part in the first round of a floorball tournament which is being held at Gloucester. The tournament is being organised by Great Britain Floorball Youth Group and the children will travel to Gloucester for a number of matches over the next few months.
Yours faithfully
K Hoodless
Head teacher