City of Potterville

319 N. Nelson, Potterville, Michigan 48876

Minutes – Regular Meeting

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Meeting was called to order @ 7:04 p.m. by Ron Norman, Deputy Mayor.

The pledge of allegiance recited.

Roll Call: present: D. Hartson, R. Norman, L. Amey, K. Antcliff, M. Storie, J. French

Absent: J. Bussard

Approval of Agenda:

Motion made by member M. Storie, supported by member K. Antcliff, to accept the as presented. Motion carries (6-0) (1 Absent).

Approval of Minutes:

Motion made by member M. Storie, supported by member L. Amey, to approve the minutes of the Regular Council meeting on April 18, 2013, and the Closed Session Council Meeting on April 18, 2013. Motion carries (6-0)(1 Absent)

Authorization of Bills:

Motion made by member L. Amey, supported by member D. Hartson, to accept the bills as presented with additions. Roll Call vote (yes: Norman, Amey, Antcliff, Storie, French, Hartson) (Absent: Mayor Bussard) Motion Carries (6-0)(1 Absent)

Public Comment for Agenda /Non Agenda Items:

Mary Ritter, Benton Township Supervisor, 5207 Gresham. Mary presented City Council with a letter from Benton Township in regards to the Interlocal agreement. No Comment.

Brian Titus, made statement that his opinion is to let the interlocal agreement go. What is the cost savings? Wanda states a cost savings of around $40,000. Brian also stated that if we do another special assessment we will not get the Charter Amendment Overturned.

Commission/Committee Reports:

Please note that all reports are written with the exception of additional items mentioned and/or added during oral report.

Joe Bristol, DDA, Money is being raised for the Fallen Heroes Memorial. They will be setting up a booth in Veterans Park during Gizzard Festival to help cover the costs of the memorial. Cost to be around $10,000. Gizard Festival banners to go up downtown the first week of June. Safety Mulch for Imagination Station and Mulch for the remainder of City Park is set to be delivered by May 24. To be done before Gizzard Festival. Hardware is almost finished being cleaned out. Went to Training – TIPS with Chief Peacock. Trying to get entire staff trained for Gizzard Festival. Fireworks will be set to music from 107.3.

Planning Commission did not meet(no quarum). Spoke to Chair Swanson regarding B1 District Issues.

TIFA – Reviewed Plans for Community Building and Community Pavilion. 90% complete. Dollar General will be paying for the resurfacing of their parking lot. TIFA will not be providing the funds.

Department Reports: Administration

Wanda Darrow, City Manager , Howlitzer is here. Military will be here on 05/17 to verify it’s presense. Wanda asked if, after Mary Ritter’s letter tonight, it was okay for her to seek letters from other agency’s regarding Fire/EMS. Council okayed . Tenative offer to be given to DDA regarding the Hardware at the next meeting. EVIP will increase 5-7 % or more. Phase 1 is to be closed out on 05/17. Wanda expects to be asked for an extension. Chris Lucas has been nominated for an International Water / Sewer award. Wanda only has 2 more easements to be signed.

Jodi West, Treasurer, was questioned by Joe French as to why the water bill on the delinquent list are so high. Jodi explained that it was for an entire year. Not just the last 3 months. Issues with foreclosures, renters, and so fourth.

Parks: 176 kids this year vs 60some last year. Baseball field is to be reseeded will not be ready this year. Sprinkler guys will be here on Tuesday. M. Storie asked if we spray for mosquitos at the park? Wanda, yes we do and it is to be done tomorrow.

Assessor, W. Darrow answered question by L. Amey regarging assessment rates. She states that assessments will be decreasing 5-6%.

Chief B. Peacock, Police Department, Went over statistic report. 149 Total Calls. Attended Festical Service Training with Joe Bristol. Sherif’s department has been contracted to help with security for Gizzard Festival. Crime Mapping program is in the works. A agreed upon charge has been determined. It is currently in the testing phase and should be ready when the new web site goes live. We will be using community policing funds. Stop Sticks have been purchased for two of the patrol cars. Trying to update all of the outdated equipment.

Chief Tim James, Fire Department, Radios have been programmed with the school for emergency frequency. It is a non repeated freq. with only about ½ - 1 mile radius. Also an Event Freq for sporting events. Trainers at the school will be able to call over to ambulance with radio instead of have to run and get them.

DPW, Punps in the Sewer Plant are down . Had to borrow one from City of Charlotte. We have three pumps none of which are working. We may need to purchase one before Rural Development Project starts.

Unfinished Business

Proposed Charter Changes / Ordinances – For Discussion.

Motion made by member M. Storie, supported by L. Amey to amend Unfinished Business to read Proposed Charter Changes / Ordinances – to set date for Public Hearing – For Action. Motion carries (6-0) (1 Absent)

M. Storie – Proposed Charter Changes / Ordinances – Please look at changes that have been sent to you and e-mail with any questions so that we can limit council discussion at public hearing. Would like to add Fireworks Ordinance. Would like to adopt the state guidelines regarding Fireworks. We would like to do one Public Hearing for all Ordinances.

Motion made by member M. Storie, supported by member L. Amey to set Public Hearing date of June 2o, 2013 at 7:00pm for Ordinances, Fee’s, Truth in Taxation and 2013-2014 Budget. Motion Carries (6-0) (1 Absent)

New Business:

Resolution for Delinquent Water / Sewer bill for Tax Roll (13-0516-01) – For Action


RESOLUTION NO. 13-0516-01



At a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Potterville, Eaton County, Michigan, held at the City Hall in said City on the 16 day of May, 2013, at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Norman, Hartson, French, Amey, Antcliff, Storie

Absent: _Bussard______

The following Resolution was offered by _French and seconded by _Antcliff.

WHEREAS, the City of Potterville has the authority, and is required, by Sec. 38-62 of the City Code of Ordinances to place delinquent utility bills on the City tax roll; and

WHEREAS, those properties that have utility bills which have been delinquent for more than 90 days as of May 1, 2013 are attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A.

THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Potterville City Council that the Clerk shall publish in a newspaper published at least weekly within the City notice to all owners of property within the City that all unpaid utility rates, fees, penalties and charges which have remained unpaid for a period of three months or more, as of May 1, 2013 which have not been paid by May 30, 2013, will be transferred to the tax roll and assessed upon the City tax roll against the properties to which the utility was supplied or furnished, and the unpaid rates, fees, penalties or charges accrued shall be collected with and in the same manner as city taxes are collected .

All resolutions and part of resolutions insofar as they conflict with the provisions of this resolution shall be and the same are hereby rescinded.

Adopted :

Yeas:_Amey, Antcliff, Storie, French, Hartson, Norman

Nays: __None______

Motion made by member J. French, supported by L. Amey to enter into Closed Session at 8:04pm. Motion carries (6-0) (1 Absent)

Motion made by member J. French, supported by member K. Antcliff to return to Open Session 8:16pm. Motion carries (6-0) ( 1 Absent)

Motion made be member J. French, supported by K. Antcliff to allow City Manager, W. Darrow, to move forward with the Police Union Contract and enter into agreement. Roll Call Vote: ( Ayes: Antcliff, Storie, French, Hartson, Norman, Amey) ( Nayes: None) (Absent: Mayor Bussard) Motion carries (6-0)

Public Comment for Non-Agenda Items & Community Announcements

Graduation for Potterville Class of 2013, Thursday, May 23, 2013 at 7:00pm.

Memorial Day parade and picnic to be held Monday, May 27, 2013.

Council discussed briefly the Interlocal Agreement. Generalized questions only.

Motion to Excuse Absent Members

Motion made by member M. Storie, supported by J. French to excuse Mayor Jeff Bussard from the meeting. Motion carries (6-0) (1 Absent)

Motion to Adjourn:

Motion made by member M. Storie, supported by J. French adjourn meeting at 8:35pm. Motion carries (6-0) (1 Absent)

Respectfully submitted,

Brandi J Brace

City Clerk