ISME2015Registration Form
International Sympsoium on Management Engineering 2016
October28 -31, 2016
Shimane Prefecture Convention Center, Matsue, Shimane Prefecture Japahttp:
All attendees for ISME2016 are requested to register. This form must be received with payment in JPY (Japanese Yen). Please note that at least one author per paper must register.
The registration fee includes the Conference CD Proceedings, Welcome Reception,Coffee Breaks, Lunches, Half-day tour, Banquet.
Please send the completed Registration Form by E-mail to:
Date / , 2016First name / Family name
City / StateProvince / Country
Mailing Address / PostZIP Code:
Paper No.
Invited Session / If you are a non-student presentor and will talk your paper for 30 minutes, send us the form before June15, your paper will be evaluated and selected as an invited talk paper.
(1)Afirst-authored student presentorcan nominate his/herselffor a student award.
(2)A non-student presentorcan nominate his/herself for the best paper.
(3)All nomineesshould register only one paper with the conference fee.
NominatedPaper No / If you have plural papers, please choose one of them to nominate.
Presentor / (1) Student Presentor
(2) Non-student Presentor
(1) Student attendant (2) General attendant (3) Repeater (4) Committee
Any documentation / If you need any documentation, please write their detail to .
Special Issues / Special issues will select papers which present at the conference with the registration fee.
Payment Options: (please tick √) (Date: , 2016 )
Early bird / Non-early BirdNot later than10th Oct, 2016 / Later than10th Oct, 2015
Regular / 50,000 JPY / 60,000 JPY
Committee / 40,000 JPY / 60,000 JPY
Repeater / 40,000 JPY / 60,000 JPY
Student / 30,000 JPY / 40,000 JPY
Banquet fee / 10,000 JPY / 10,000 JPY
One-Day Tour / 10,000 JPY / 10,000 JPY
Total Amount / Total Amount
[ ]Bank transfer (by JPY):
[ ]Credit card: [ ] Visa [ ] MasterCard
email the photo scaned
to ,
and receive our confirmation.
Credit Card No: ______
Expire Date: month year Code: (three or four digits on the back)
Card Holder’s Name: ______
Authorized Signature: ______
Credit card payment will be processed by one time reduction. Refundable till July15, 2015
All the enquiries can be sent to Prof. Junzo Watada at , +81-90-3464-4929,
IPSGraduateSchool, WasedaUniversity, 2-7 Hibikino, Wakamatsu. Kitakyushu 808-0135 JAPAN
Bank: / The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, LTD / Bank Code: 0005Branch: / Kitakyushu Branch / Branch Code: 650
Account No: / 0039423 / SWIFT CODE: BOTKJPJT
Name: / ISME
1. Payments sent by bank transfer must be free of charges for ISME2016.
2. An Official Receipt for the payment will be passed to the registrant on the conference site.
3. After you completed the payment through the bank, please send a copy of the payment receipt (from your bank) with Paper No. by E-mail to .
4.Payments can be refundable without handling fee until15 September, 2016.