International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day


Local sponsors can help cover event costs. If you would like to pursue finding local sponsors, werecommend that you first develop an event program, consider anticipated event attendance, create an estimated budget, and then decide whether to contact potential sponsors.


  • Sponsors can donate money or in-kind gifts such as event space, food, or printing services.
  • Local foundations, businesses, or interested survivor families can act as sponsors.
  • The earlier you secure sponsors, the better, since you may want to acknowledge their contributions in your publicity materials and/or your event program.


  • Make a list of possible sponsors.
  • Decide what, specifically, you will request from each potential sponsor. It is more effective to ask for something specific than to ask for general support.
  • Call potential sponsors ahead of time and set up an appointment with the appropriate person so that they can be prepared to speak with you.


Use of the sample sponsorship packet (letter and form agreement) at the end of this document is optional; you may feel more comfortable making verbal or less formal agreements with your community members. If you do decide to use the letter and the form, fill in the blanks and customize the documents as you like.


  • Limit your sponsorship letter to one page.
  • If you’ve organized a Survivor Day event before, write about your accomplishments and explain how a sponsorship will help create a better event this year.
  • Proofread carefully; ask a volunteer to be a second proofreader.
  • Consider putting the letter and form agreement in a folder for a more polished presentation.
  • Include in the packet a Survivor Day information cardand AFSP brochure.

Ask volunteers to take sponsorship packets to businesses they frequent or with which they have a connection.


Please bear in mind the following when meeting with potential sponsors.

When asked why a particular business should sponsor your event, tell them how this sponsorship will benefit them. You can offer to

  • acknowledge the business in writing on your flyers and/or event programs or with a sign next to any food, beverages, or flowers that they’ve donated;
  • acknowledge the business in your opening and/or closing remarks on the day of the event;display business cards or promotional flyers at your event at an appropriate location.

Be open to other ideas that the sponsor may have about promoting their business, but use discretion. We recommend that you do not allow companies to sell products at your event or to approach attendees in any way.

Be specific.

For example, if you are approaching a restaurant, don’t ask for a donation of food; instead, ask for a light lunch of sandwiches and salads, water and soft drinks, for approximately thirty attendees. Instead of asking for flowers, ask for forty roses—one per attendee. If you are asking someone for a cash donation, let them know what your fundraising goal is in terms of covering expenses like space rental, audiovisual fees, or food.

Be prepared for a “maybe” or a “no.”

  • If a potential sponsor is not ready to commit, give them time to think, but leave them the packet and your contact information, and follow up with them after a few days.
  • If you asked for a cash donation and they decline, ask if they would be willing to make a donation at a different level, or if they would help publicize your event by displaying or distributing posters or flyers.
  • If you asked for an in-kind donation and they decline, see if they are willing to offer a discount to help reduce your overall budget.
  • A lot of businesses plan their budgets a year in advance, so if they say, “No, we can’t do it this year,” find out when you can submit a sponsorship request for the following year.


  • Regardless of the outcome, we recommendsending a thank-you note.
  • If they haven’t committed yet, follow up your meeting with a phone call and ask them if they have any more questions.
  • If they have committed to a sponsorship, have them fill out the sponsorship agreement form. Give them your information and get a contact person’s name and information at the company. Keep in touch, especially in the week leading up to the event.
  • Invite sponsors (and a guest) to attend your event for free. You can even send them a special “sponsor invitation” in the mail.

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

Your event date

Your city, state


Name of business or individual:
If business, list contact person/title:
Address line 1:
Address line 2:
City: / State: / Zip:
Phone: / Fax:
I would like to: (Please check all that apply)
Make a gift in the following amount:$
Please make checks out to local organizer, Fill in your name or name of your organization
Donate the following product(s)/service(s):
Value of total product donation: $
Authorized signature:

Please return this agreement to:
Fill in your name and/or name of your organization [If a 501(c), note your tax-exempt status and tax ID.

If the sponsorship benefits an AFSP chapter, note that AFSP is a 501(c)(3), tax ID 13-3393329.]

Fill in your daytime phone, address, email, fax

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

Insert date

Dear Friend, [Whenever possible, personalize the letter with a name instead of a generic greeting.]

The holiday season is a particularly difficult time for survivors of suicide loss. To help, we are bringing the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)’s International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day here to Fill in your city and state on Fill in your event date. This day was created in 1999 by the US Senate, and every year thousands of suicide loss survivors around the world participate in Survivor Day events to share their experiences, gain insight, and find comfort in the knowledge that they are not alone.

Because our event is being organized independently by local volunteers, we’d welcome your help. Please consider sponsoring our event by making a donation or providing an in-kind gift. We are currently in need of funding to cover the following expenses: Fill in as appropriate, e.g., space rental. We would also welcome the following in-kind gifts: Fill in as appropriate, e.g., a light lunch for about 40 attendees, or free photocopying for 500 flyers.[If the hosting organization on whose behalf you’re seeking a donation for your event is a 501(c), note your tax-exempt status and tax ID here.]

Sponsors who provide a minimum donation value of Fill in as appropriate [This amount may vary depending on whether you expect to have just a few sponsors or several, and what the economy is like in your area] will be acknowledged in print in our promotional materials and event programs. [Make changes or deletions as appropriate.] We will acknowledge all sponsors for their generosity at the event.

We invite you to take this opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of survivors of suicide loss in our community. By supporting this event, you will be sending an encouraging message to them that they are not alone and that they are surrounded by a community of people who care.

If you wish to make a separate contribution to the future work of AFSP, we appreciate your donation. AFSP is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (tax ID 13-3393329); all contributions are tax-deductible.

If you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience at Your phone number and email.


Your Name