International Study Tour: Blb20115-M

International Study Tour: Blb20115-M




Examiner: Dr. A. Chamaru De Alwis

Learning Outcomes

  1. Ability to work together as a team to identify, critically evaluate and select appropriate methodologies to address a range of complex business problems.
  1. Ability to critically evaluate both individually and as part of a team, complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgements in the absence of complete data, and employ appropriate decision-making in complex and unpredictable situations.
  1. Ability to critically analyse and reflect your own contribution in terms of individual and team objectives and outputs.


Attendance of all scheduled activities on the study tour is mandatory. In order to receive 20 marks for this course, students are required to complete assignments that answer basic questions about the institutions they visit. Students are expected to dress in a respectable fashion during official visits (business casual), and conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. Rude or boorish behavior is not acceptable and will lead to a deduction of points from your participation grade.

Assessment Criteria

Assessment will be made on the sound understanding and effective application of theory and techniques. To pass the assignments, key aspects of the business must be identified and key analytical tools and techniques appropriately used. To achieve a distinction, a complete analysis of the situation is expected along with a sound understanding of theoretical tools and their effective and creative application; a coherent structuring and effective presentation will also be expected.

NB: It is expected that the overall presentation of the assignments, including document design, style and quality of writing, referencing, use of tables, diagrams and appendices, will be of 'reasonable' standard. As such, assessment of assignments takes presentation into account. Assessments that do not meet the standard will be penalised (the required quality standards have been discussed during the teaching sessions).

Assignment Background–The International Business Project

You are a team of business consultants whose client is a corporate organisation that specialises in investing in industries and markets where there are opportunities for growth. In the past your client has confined its activities to the traditional Developing countries focusing on industries whose recipes have become stale or where regulatory or technological change or a change in political and economic factors have offered opportunities for the implementation of new business models. Now, the company is looking to Asian developing countries for opportunities.

You have been asked to visit a Malaysian owned company and investigate the cultural implications of doing business in the Malaysia



Individual Written Assignment – An Investigation into the Cultural Implications of Doing Business in the Malaysia (20% weighting)

Instructions to students:

  • This is an individual assignment
  • The word count for this assignment is 1,800 words excluding appendices, diagrams, tables and bibliography (Penalties will be applied in cases where the word limit is grossly exceeded).
  • You are allowed up to 3 pages of appendices (for supporting material only)
  • The assignment must be typewritten (word processed) and in a font size of no less than 12 points.
  • You must reference any material that you use. You must also include a bibliography. Please use Harvard Referencing style.
  • ONE copy of your written assignment together with an electronic file on a CD must be handed into Business School Reception Leek Road no later than 14:00 on 15thNovember 2014
  • MBA Office will be strictly applied in the event of plagiarism/late submission

Assignment tasks

  1. Using appropriate theories investigate,analyse and evaluate the main cultural similarities and differences that exist between the Sri Lanka and Malaysia. In your opinion, and based on the evidence that you have gathered, can you foresee any problems for Sri Lankan firms wishing to invest in this in Malaysia ?

Total 20 Marks

General Guidelines:

  • You are strongly recommended to apply theory covered to structure and present your answers. The answers and appropriate theory should encompass a wide range of paradigms drawn from one/more modules if appropriate. Try to focus on the enduring strategic lessons of the companies involved and on the underlying business and political environment, rather than the more tactical, detail and short term aspects of press comments on these events.
  • Use facts (statistics, quotes and other data) to support your analysis and argument and make sure you achieve clarity in your response to the questions. Marks will be awarded, or lost, for the use of numeracy, literacy and properly referenced research findings.

International Study Tour - Marking Guidelines:


  • The answer will lack the structure, content and use of appropriate terminology that would be expected from a student able to conduct a disciplined analysis using subject specific theories and show the ability to apply those theories and models to cases or in “live” situations.
  • The answer will not balance academic theory and its practical application.
  • There will be little, if any, evidence of the student having "read around" the subject matter. As such the piece will contain few, if any, academic references or, if they do, sources are unlikely to be consistently and/or accurately cited and referenced using Harvard.
  • The answer may be inconsistent in approach as well as content - sometimes minor areas, or inappropriate theories, might be discussed at length while relevant or seminal theories are omitted all together. Indeed it may not be clear exactly which theoretical area or practical problem the student is analysing.
  • Any conclusions to resolve the practical problem discussed will not result from a disciplined analysis of that problem
  • Will not demonstrate understanding of the limitations inherent in the available data or gaps in the data.
  • Any answer containing plagiarism will be failed


  • Sufficient issues are addressed in order to distinguish between the rote learning student and those students with the ability to generate a required level of independent thought processes but which is inadequate to achieve a merit or distinction due to inconsistency or due to insufficient understanding.
  • The answer will use a structure and terminology that shows an ability to undertake disciplined analysis of the issues presented.
  • Content and structure indicates some ability to evaluate and analyse and make logical conclusions about relevant issues that interweave practice with theory.
  • In pass answers some aspects of the analysis may be covered more extensively than others that indicate a less insightful critique of particular concepts.
  • Uses some but limited academic referencing
  • Will understand the limitations inherent in the available data or gaps in the data.
  • A satisfactory grasp of the requirements necessary to conduct an analysis of practical subject specific management issues; an ability to critique some relevant concepts.
  • The answer will make some clear and logical conclusions to the problems posed.


Apart from the attributes of a PASS paper, these papers will have the following features:

  • Evidence of critical analysis and evaluation of a wide range of issues and strategies to demonstrate extensive reading, and application of theoretical concepts.
  • Clear understanding of the theory related to the relevant subject area being examined.
  • There will be a consistent level of analysis and critique applied throughout
  • A balanced overview of the topic, incorporating practical application of theory resulting in well thought out and clearly articulated conclusions.
  • Use of relevant academic references demonstrating a wider understanding of the issues than just those addressed in formal studies.


Apart from the attributes of a MERIT paper, these papers will have the following features

  • Structure and content that distinguishes it as being well rounded in both structure and content with practical and theoretical aspects of the paper being more balanced and with conclusions put forward based on sound theory and data.
  • Strong evidence of having read extensively around the chosen topic with extensive referencing of the key theories and arguments proposed and which encompasses the creative application of academic knowledge in such a way that it may well lead to the extension of such academic knowledge.
  • Consistency in the arguments used to evaluate and critically analyse the strategies and theories reviewed as well as in the utilisation of basic analytical tools.
  • Will be able to discuss data limitations and the consequences of those limitations to the analysis being undertaken
  • Demonstrates and understanding of theoretical concepts and their wider context than that of a “merit” paper, but which clearly and methodically stays focused on the issues at hand.


You will have committed plagiarism if you:

  • Copy extensively from the work of others (from sources such as books, magazines, journals, web sites for example) and submit the work as your own. NB It is desirable to cite the work of others as long as you reference your sources properly.
  • Copy another student’s work and submit it for assessment under your own name
  • Allow another student to copy your work and they then submit it for assessment under their name

Specific Guidelines:

  • You must contextualise your answers in the contemporary and changing environments of the industries involved. An answer that lacks reference to current events in the industry and its business environment will be too narrow to be entirely satisfactory.
  • You are strongly recommended to apply subject specific theory to structure and present your answers. The answers and appropriate theory should encompass a wide range of paradigms drawn from one/more modules if appropriate. (Try to focus on the enduring strategic lessons of the companies involved in the Malaysia and on the underlying business and political environment, rather than the more tactical, detail and short term aspects of press comments on these events).
  • Use facts, e.g. statistics, quotes and other data from lectures and company visits in Malaysia, to support your analysis and argument and make sure you achieve clarity in your response to the questions. Marks will be awarded, or lost, for the use of numeracy, literacy and properly referenced research findings.

NB: It is expected that the overall presentation of the assignments, including document design, style and quality of writing, referencing, use of tables, diagrams and appendices, will be of 'reasonable' standard. As such, assessment of assignments takes presentation into account. Assessments that do not meet the standard will be penalised (the required quality standards have been discussed during the teaching sessions).

Note: Student who do not participate for the tour, will be received a separate assignment.