Team Form 2015

This form is part of your booking form and therefore must accompany the ‘Booking Form’,‘Crew Form” and full payment.

Everyone walking with a team must be included in the team lists below (even adults etc. listed elsewhere).

A team cannot have less than four Scouts. Max team size is Six (Seven if only one team in Troop).

Only the scores from FOUR Scouts will be counted no matter how many participate, also on some bases only FOUR Scouts will be allowed to participate in the activity, others in the team will not be able to help.

= Adult enabler:Only allowed for special reasonsor needs. Please detail special needs in detail on a separate page, your request must be need and risk assessed by the organising committee before being allowed. OBE has a full inclusion policy; all Scouts can enter no matter what their needs may be.

Troop Name:

PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Names as written may appear on certificates AGE is that on LAST day of camp (years).

Team Name: / Team Name:
Scout / Full name / Age / Scout / Full name / Age
1 / 1
2 / 2
3 / 3
4 / 4
5 / 5
6 / 6
 / 
Team Name: / Team Name:
Scout / Full name / Age / Scout / Full name / Age
1 / 1
2 / 2
3 / 3
4 / 4
5 / 5
6 / 6
 / 
Team Name: / If any information changes then please notify us as soon as possible preferably by email, if not it may delay your Scouts from being able to take a full and active part in the event.
Note: Copies of full parental permission to camp forms must be brought with you and handed over when you book in – This includes all Scouts, Young Leaders and simplified forms for ALL ADULT members.
Please only book Scouts onto teams that you know will be attending, alterations will cause considerable work after the closing date.
Scout / Full name / Age

Please use a second sheet if needed.

Team Form – Operation Bald Eagle – Notes

If you wish to fill in this form on your computer please click on the left hand side of each box

Multiple Troops: Should two or more Troops wish to attend together, maybe as a centrally organised or catered District event, then that is fine. But please book the teams in under their own Troops (Scout Groups) names, a separate Team Form for each would be preferred. This allows us to register a team against a Troop as well as a District which will then be printed on any certificates and awards that team achieves. A single covering booking form is sufficient which combines all the teams. If two Troops are joining to make one team then please use a suitable “Troop Name” and treat as one single Troop. (i.e. The 1st & 7th Lower Hill Troop)

Teams: must consist of at least four Scouts and no more than Six Scouts.

Exceptionally Seven Scouts are allowed in a team, if that is the total number of Scouts attending from your Troop.

All Scouts in a team must be fully invested Scouts, Team members can be from different Troops (please indicate)

All Scouts must be within the normal age range for Scouts (PO&R) during the whole of the event, if not then a copy of the appropriate written permission from your District Commissioner and the written recommendation and reasonsfrom your County Special Needs Commissionermust be included with this form.

Please note that the event is mainly set up for teams of four. To get the best experiences and chance to “having a go” teams with more than four members will find that some members might have to sit out on some activities and will not be allowed to take part. We would therefore recommend teams of four where possible.

Should team composition or balance change, please notify us as soon as possible, a lot of work is done in the days before the event that will need to be altered when changes are made.

Enablers: If required an adult “enabler” will be allowed to be part of a team to assist an individual. If this is necessary please record the enablers name alongside the star on the relevant teams list, please also star the appropriate Scout member of that team.

Permission for an enabler to be part of the team will be the decision of the Operation Bald Eagle organising committee. The committee have a great deal of expertise and experience working with Scouts who have disabilities and difficulties both within Scouting and professionally as well.

You will need to submit a separate report giving a thorough description of your Scout with special needs and their abilities together with the reasons why they will need assistance. This report must contain the nature and description of the problem, why and when it arises, what is required to overcome any difficulties, any diagnosis and advice that GP’s and other health care professionals have given, also include the wishes and feelings of the Scouts parents. This report must be submitted without delay as it will need to go before the committee for consideration.

Please note that the Night hike, although in the dark and in unfamiliar territory, is extremely well marshalled, not only at each base but also at each main way point. Scouts are able to get immediate assistance at any of these places. Their progress around the hike is also closely monitored thought out the event. Because of this an enabler will not be allowed on a “just in case” basis, but rather only where a real need is identified.

Enablers must be Adults and hold a Scouting appointment (Occasional Helper will do). Their appointment must be registered at HQ. They must be listed in the Team List as well as on the Crew Form. On the Crew Form an enabler will be considered as helping with Operation Bald Eagle, please mark them as such, they will not be require to pay a fee.

Operation Bald Eagle is committed to including all Scouts as far as possible in all aspects of the event.

Team Names: Please choose, with your Scouts, an appropriate team name. Your teams will be allocates a team number but it is much better when they also have a creative and imaginative team name. The only restriction is that the name is suitable for a Scouting event. Please record the team name in the box above each team list.

Ages: Please record the Scouts age in years, as on the last day of the event.