Sunday Liberty Pole
Vol.2. No. 29; July 17, 2016
Publisher: San Fernando Valley Patriots Editor: Karen Kenney. Contributors: Duane “Bucky” Buckley (DB), Megan/Neuro7plastic (MN), Tom Adams (TA), Kyle Kyllan (KK), Aspen Pittman (AP), Dawn Wildman (DW),Carmen Otto (CO), Tom Zimmerman (TZ).
This “Liberty Pole” is one of hundreds erected in America asa symbol of the colonials’ resistance to Britishtyranny. The poles were often 100’ tall serving as places to meet or post political news. The Sons of Liberty erected the first one on May 21, 1766 in Boston. Historical records indicate these poles existed across America, especially in MA, PA, NJ, NY and GA.
International:Slaughter in Nice
Nice Terror Attack: PC Narrative Kills (Commentary/VIDEO); 7/16/2016 by Paul Joseph Watson: In-your-face charts on Islamic Terror, PC failures and the price of denial.
101 Muhammads Jailed by US Anti-Terror Agencies since 9/11; 7/16/2016 by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch: No dots to connect, here. Move along.
The Cost of Denial and Diversity; 7/16/2016 by Hugh Fitzgerald at Jihad Watch: Translated from the original Frencharticle by Alexis Brezet, editor of Le Figaro. The grief and outrage is palatable.
After Nice: Stop the Nonsense; 7/16/2016 by Robert Spencer. Somebody tell the EU and DC it's time to infiltrate and destroy ISIS.
Radio Series (Glenn Beck): Evil Progressive Donors—Historic Commentary.
Part I: George Soros
Part II: The Steyer Brothers
Part III: Hollywood
Part IV: Labor Unions
A Plan for Martial Law linked to RNC Convention?7/8/2016 by LestadoCodicus at The Real Strategy: Conspiracy theory of Dirty Politics? You decide.
Good Morning, Cleveland: Democrats plan an RNC"Trumpocalypse"7/16/2016 by LestadoCodicus at The Real Strategy: Like playing chess with a Gang Banger. (DB)
What Mike Pence Brings to a Trump Ticket (News/Commentary)7/14/2016 by Ken Klukowski at Breitbart (MN)
Congress publishes redacted Page of 9/11 Report; 7/15/2016 by Julian Hattem at The Hill: The Saudis on the 'hot seat".
Harvard Study shows True Rate of White Cop/Black Suspect Shootings7/11/2016 by Trey Sanchez: Study by Roland Fryer, Jr., ablack Harvard economics professor, shows no preference by cops to shoot blacks.Hey, BLM crowd: "Stat Facts Matter" in study of 1,332 shootings by policein 10 major U.S. cities between 2000 and 2015.
Mix Freedom Free Enterprise!
Time to Intimidate Big Government
Order “The Intimidation Game” online to put it on Amazon’s best-seller list! KimStrassel, columnist with the Wall Street Journal, is getting outstanding reviews on her book, the “Intimidation Game,” which chronicles the IRS Scandal and Big Government’s attack the First Amendment across the country from Washington, DC to grassroots CA. Buy several copies for gifts throughout this election year. As of this publication date, “The Intimidation Game” was on the Amazon New Releases best-seller list. Let’s make it No. 1!
NYT Censors KimStrassel's best-seller"The Intimidation Game"
6/30/2016 by Tim Graham at Media Research Council's News Busters: Hey, NY Times, "cooking the books" of Conservatives--especially this one on the First Amendment--kicks you out of the Fourth Estate and puts you in the Out House. Go edit yourselves. (DW)
National (continued):
"Can I speak my Mind for a Minute y'all?" (VIDEO)7/10/2016by Va'Shona Dixon: This rant by a black, Christian woman on black bigotry, leadership and politics went viral. She calls out Obama, Sharpton et al. This is the First Amendment as it was meant to be--absolutely free political speech. Don't tell the IRS.
How Many People will die due to #Black Lives Matter? (News/Commentary)7/9/2016 by John Hawkins at Town Hall: So, Black Lives Matter is lily white on shooting sprees on cops? Yeah, like hold an illegal fire cracker on July 4th has nothing to do with a kid losing their hand. Maybe we should try #Black Hate Kills. Start in Chicago, IL.
Black Lives Matter (BLM): Civil War (Commentary/Video)7/9/2016 posted by Black Pigeon Speaks on You Tube: Excellent stats on cop-on-black/white crime; Narrated with references.
Worst of Black Lives Matter (News/Video); 6/28/2016 posted by fakeenginer: Stunning 16-minute compilation of BLM in public and private.
National (continued):
Ben Shapiro holds BLM "Ferguson" argument to Common Sense (VIDEO)2/19/2016 posted by MrFortheloveoftruth: Discussion sponsored byKTTH 770 "Freedom in America" seriesin Seattle. This panel is on racism in America.
Muslims v Christ and the Torah, Bible and Quran; 4/27/2016 posted by The Endless Love of Jesus Ministries: Multimedia side-by-side comparison between the Bible and the Quran in less than 9 minutes. Clear, simple and interesting.
What it is like to be a Christian in Syria; 3/14/2016 posted by The Endless Love of Jesus Ministries: A little preachy, but evocative. Real risk, threat and fear in daily life.
Muslim Woman Gives Jesus One Week before Ending Her Life, Then...10/8/2015 posted by The Endless Love of Jesus Ministries: A miracle in Iran.
Converts: Muslim to Christian (Real-life Testimonies); 12/8/2015 posted by Our Testimony: Stunning level of bigotry and risk with some truly interesting facts--like Jesus is mentioned in the Koran more than Mohammed.
Meet the CA Tea Party Groups (VIDEO) Think you know who the TEA party is?
California/Los Angeles:
CA Farmsv CA Water Policy: Western Crops suck a Straw; 7/14/2016 by Susan Shelley at the Los Angeles Daily News: Got water? HR 5538 needs your urgent action.
California/Los Angeles (continued):
CA's Contradiction: Thumbs-up to Brown and Obama, down to US direction; 7/15/2016 by Matt Fleming at
Glimpse at CA's Most Competitive Congressional Races; 7/15/2016 The Associated Press in The Modesto Bee: Place your bets.
BLM'Occupies' City Hall steps inLos Angeles; 7/15/2016 by Ben Poston in the Los Angeles Times: Shades of"Occupy Wall Street" thugs.
In Case You Missed It:
EBT/SNAP System Down for days: Media silent; 6/11/2016 by Susan Swift Arnal at Politichicks: Government incompetence is a SNAP. Got milk?
Military Ban on Transgender Troops Lifted July 1; 6/25/2016 by Editorial Staff at American Military News: What's next, mice as bomb-sniffing dogs?
The Highlight Reels:
"I will Follow Him"--Andre Rieu (Music/Video)
"Amazing Grace"--Andrew Rieu (Music/Video)
Cool James Bond-style Ad from Peugeot (Commercial/Video)
10 Amazing Street Animal Rescue in India (Video/Music)
Crimes of Obama Administration--Ben Shapiro (Video)
At the Hearth: Our Editorial Page.
Nine Steps to Counter Jihad (News/Commentary); 7/13/2016 by Jamie Glazov at Truth Revolt: Simple, straight-forward, strategic. Obama will never use these tips.
The Kite that Helped Freedom Soar (Historic/Commentary)
6/11/2016 by Bill Bennett and John T.E. Cribb at the American Patriot's Daily Almanac
In the Matter of Paul Ryan (Commentary); 6/10/2016 by Charles Krauthammer at Freedom's BACK.
So White Guys are the Black Hats in the USA (Commentary); 6/11/2016 by John Hawkins at Town Hall: How about "content of their character?" (MN)
SCOTUS Decision: Countdown to 1A Oppression?7/7/2016 Craig Huey at Election Forum blog
My Meeting with Donald Trump--14 Things You should know; 7/7/2016 by Craig Huey at Election Forum blog: I wonder who "hit a knee" first?
Editorial policy: The “Sunday Liberty Pole” is published in a weekly newspaper-style with a focus on contemporary civics and ‘town square’ themes. If you have an opinion, comment or contribution (i.e. personal commentary on the news, or a favorite web site, story link), send an email (limit 100 words) with subject line Editor:Sunday Liberty Pole to for a future edition.
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