Cereal Club
February 1, 2008
7:20: Raffle (t-shirts and stickers)
Intro: JASON divides kids up into three groups—Snap, Crackle, and Pop! sells game “Green Oatmeal”
Need: 3 kids (one from each group) who think they have the stomach to eat green oatmeal in an eating contest (each contestant gets a prize)
As soon as the game is over, ALEX comes up front and has kids sit down facing screen. Alex asks, “So how exactly do you make green oatmeal?”
CARLY cues Green Oatmeal video, gets a reaction from kids.
Game: “Frosted Mini Wheat Toss” CARLY explains game
Need: 2 people per team, one to be the tosser and one to be the catcher. Separate teams on sides of duct tape lines. ANGELA and ANGELICA will be in charge of setting up the catchers; ED and DAWSON will be in charge of setting up the tossers.
This involves two representatives from each team playing. One is at one end of the room holding an upright bucket on their head. The other is at the other end with a bucket of water and boxes of Large Shredded Wheat. The representatives dunk the shredded wheat one by one and then attempt to throw them across the room in the buckets on their team member's head.
Game: “Cheerio Face-Off” CARLY explains game, ALEX and ANGELICA help set up.
Need: one representative from each team, who will come up to the table (one at a time) and spread butter or cream cheese on his face. We will pour cheerios all over the card table and the kid has 10 seconds to stick cheerios to his face without using their hands. Count after each time, one who gets the most cheerios on face wins!
Game: “Rice Krispy Fruit Dig”
We will have three buckets filled with milk and rice krispies as well as a variation of fruit. The teams compete to dig out the pices of fruit (and fruit only) using only their feet.
Game: Cereal Eating Relay
Each team (use as many from team as possible, starting with kids who haven’t done anything) will line up behind duct tape line. One at a time they run to the table, fix themselves a bowl of cereal and eat it, go back, and tag the next team member.
IF TIME for another game, will do contest to see who can shoot a cocoa puff the farthest out of their nose.
If not time, Carly will come up front and introduce Ed, who will be giving the talk.
Cereal Mania
5 games that all involve cereal:
- Snoot Shoot
The youth shoot Trix, Kix, or Cocoa Puffs out of their noses. The team whose Puff goes the farthest wins. Chariots of Fire or Rocky theme adds cheesiness. - Rice Krispy Marble Dig
Fill a small swimming pool full of Rice Krispies & marbles. Add water (milk is better, use the powdered kind to save $$$). A representative from each team takes off their shoes and socks and digs the marbles out with their toes. - Shredded Wheat Toss
This involves two representatives from each team playing. One is at one end of the room holding an upright bucket on their head. The other is at the other end with a bucket of water and boxes of Large Shredded Wheat. The representatives dunk the shredded wheat one by one and then attempt to throw them across the room in the buckets on their team member's head. - Cereal Eating Relay
Five members from each team line up. One at a time they race to a table where they fixthemselves a bowl of cereal and eat it, go back, and tag the next team member.
*A Young Life Extra:Cereal Box Puzzle
Cut off the front panel of several cereal boxes — one for each group you've formed.Then cut up each panel into puzzle shapes- one for each person in the group. Mix together all the pieces and give one to each person and have them compete to find their cereal.
Cheerio Face-Off
Items Needed: Cheerios (or generic substitute), soft butter or margarine, face cleanser, hand towels, card table
Choose one volunteer from each grade.
Spread Cheerios all over card table.
One volunteer covers their own face with butter and has ten seconds to stick Cheerios to face, without hands. Repeat with other three volunteers. Have another leader start counting the Cheerios stuck to face.
Take digital pics and show on screen afterward!
Green Oatmeal
Get 3 or 4 brave volunteers with strong stomachs who race to eat a bowl of green oatmeal the fastest.This is best if recorded on camera and projected on the big screen.Award a first, second and third place so all contestants keep eating til done.
When they finish have one of your staff ask, "Hey ‘Jonathan,' where do you get green oatmeal?"You answer, "That's a good question, and show them.
Play a pre-recorded video of you and another staff member in your office, home, wherever, with a large (very large) pan or bowl of oatmeal.Drop green food coloring in it and then dialogue about how to stir it."Do you have a big spoon?""No.Do you?""No.""Then what are we going to use?""HEY!I got an idea!"
Each person in the video takes off his shoes and socks.This is a great opportunity to show close-ups of your feet when the socks come off. (pre-dirty your feet with some grease - Pam - between each toe).Then stick your feet in the oatmeal and start sloshing around in it to mix it up.As the camera tilts up to your faces, both can say, "That's how you make green oatmeal!"
Note: For obvious health reasons, don't use that oatmeal as the oatmeal they eat! The look on their faces and reaction from the audience is priceless.