International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts
“The Balkans and Greater Europe: Military Security and Stability”
13-14 December 1999, Venice, Italy
Acad. Georgi Arbatov, Director Emeritus, Institute of USA and Canada, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia [formerly: Director, Institute of USA and Canada; Member of Parliament; Member of Central Committee of Communist Party of Soviet Union].
*Office: Institute of USA and Canada, Russian Academy of Sciences, Khlebny per. 2/3, Moscow, Russia, Tel.: (++7-095) 290-5875, Fax: (++7-095) 200-4256
Home: Gagarinsky nep 16 apt. 32, Moscow, Russia, Tel./Fax: (++7-095) 291-3386, E-mail:
Prof. Vladimir Baranovski, Deputy Director, IMEMO (Institute of World Economy and Int’l Relations), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; Professor at the Moscow State Institute of Int’l Relations, Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation.[formerly: Project leader (1992-1997) at the Stockholm Int’l Peace Researce Institute (Sipri)].
Office: IMEMO, Profsoyuznaya Str, 23, 117859 Moscow, Russia, Tel.: (++7-095) 120 2461, Fax: (++7-095) 120 1450 or 310 7027, E-mail:
Home: Tsilirupi Str. 7-2-121, Moscow 117418, Tel.: (++7-095) 3311 463.
Ms Saida Bédar, Researcher at the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherches sur la Paix et d’Etudes Stratégiques (CIRPES), Paris, France
Office: CIRPES, 54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris, France, Tel.: (++33-1) 49542623 Fax: (++33-1) 49542169, E-mail: .
*Home: 8 Avenue François Bégué, 93240 Stains, France, (++33-1) 42358645 E-mail:
Dr. Alberto Bosi, Lecturer, Writer and retired Teacher, Boves (Cuneo), Italy
Office: Scuola di Pace di Boves, Boves (Cuneo), Italy, Tel.: (++39-0171) 492785
*Home: Via Felici 56, 12100 Cuneo, Italy, Tel.: see above
Gen. Luigi Caligaris, Brig. Gen. (ret,); Strategic Analyst [formerly: Defence Correspondent; Professor of Strategy; European Parlamentarian]
Home/Office: Via Paisiello 26, Rome, Italy, Tel.: (++39-06) 8557529 Fax: (++39-06) 8549990 E-mail:
Dr. David Carlton, Lecturer, Department of politics and International Studies, concenty CV4 7ALUniversity of Warwick, UK
Office: University of Warwick, UK, Tel.: (++44-1203) 52169, Fax: (++44-1203) 52414
*Home: Evesham Suite, The Grand, The Leas, Folkestone, Kent CT20 2LR, UK, Tel: (++44-1303) 243414
Mr. Mattia Costa, Humanitarian Projects Coordinator, Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy, Rome, Italy
Office: Via Firenze 38, 00184 Rome, Italy, Tel.: (++39-06) 4890 5101, Fax: (++39-06) 4891 6959, E-mail:
*Home: Via S. Caterina 34, 20041 Agrate (MI), Italy, Tel.: (++39-0339) 7199968, E-mail:
Dr. Annemarie Duprè, Coordinator of the SRM-FCEI (Servizio Rifugiati Emigranti – Federazione Chiese Evangeliche); Vice Moderator of Church Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME); Vice Moderator of Italian Refugee Council (CIR);
Office: SRM-FCEI , Via Firenze 38, 00184 Rome, Italy, Tel.: (++39-06) 48905101 Fax: (++39-06) 48916959 E-mail:
Home: Via P. del Fante 8, 00195 Rome, Italy, Tel.:(++39-06) 3223651
Amb. Peter Galbraith, Professor, National War College, Fort Lesley McNair, Washington, DC, USA [formerly: US Ambassador to the Republic of Croatia (1993-98); Senior Advisor, Committee on Foreign Relations, US Senate (1979-93); Member, US delegation to United Nations General Assembly (1980); Senior Legal Advisor, United Nations Environment Program (1988); Assistant Professor, Windahm College, Putney Vermont (1975-78)]
Office: National War College, Fort Lesley McNair, Washington, DC 20319-5066, USA, Tel.: (++1-202) 685-3641, Fax: (++1-202) 363-6475, E-mail:
*Home: 3534 Porter St. NW, Washington, DC 20016, USA, Tel.: (++1-202) 363-6241, Fax: see above, E-mail:
Air Marshal Sir Timothy Garden, Writer and broadcaster on foreign policy and security issues, London, UK; Trustee of World Humanity Action Trust; Board Member of NATO Defense College; Member of Defence Evaluation and Research Agency Analysis Board; Committee member of the Council for Arms Control; Member of a number of other academic advisory boards [formerly: Director of Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House) (1997-98); Commandant, Royal College of Defence Studies (1995-96); Assistant Chief of Defence Staff (1992-95); Assistant Chief of Air Staff (1991-1992); various Royal Air Force posts (1965-1991)]
*Home/Office: 14 Alvanley Court, 250 Finchley Road, London NW3 6DL, UK, Tel.: (++44-171) 435-2796, Fax: (++44-171) 209-0859, E-mail:
Ms. Kelly Greenhill, PhD Candidate, Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Office: MIT, E38-600, 292 Main Street. Cambridge, MA 02139, USA, Tel.: (++1-617) 253 8306, E-mail:
Home: 126 Lexington Road, Lincoln, MA 01773, Tel.: (++1 781) 259 – 1599.
Lykoura Vassiliki, Researcher, Institute of Defense Analysis, Ministry of Military Defence, Athens, Greece; PhD cnadidate in Graeco-Turkish relationships
Office: Institute of Defense Analysis, Ministry of Military Defence, Athens, Greece, Fax: (++30-1) 655 2085
*Home: Athineon 18, 175 61 P. Phaliro, Athens, Tel.: (++30-1) 984 6311, Fax: (++30-1) 417 1515
Prof. Dr. Ioan Mircea Pascu, Chairman, Defense Committee, Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of Romania, [formerly: Presidential Advisor;Deputy Defence Minister]
*Office: Parliament of Romania, Chamber of Deputies, Bucharest, Romania, Tel.: (++40-1) 314.12.12, Fax: (++40-1) 311.29.40, E-mail:
Prof. Ranko Petkovic, President, Yugoslav Association For International Law, Belgrade, Yugoslavia [formerly: Editor-in-chief, Review of International Affairs, Belgrade; Professor of Political Science, Belgrade]]
*Home: Vladetina 7, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Tel.: (++381-11) 32 32 361, E-mail:
Prof. George Rathjens, Secretary-General, Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs; Professor Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA
*Office: Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, AAAS, 136 Irving St., Cambridge, MA 02138, Tel.: (++1-617) 576-5022, Fax: (++1-617) 576-5050, E-mail: (or) E 38-614, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA, Tel.: (++1-617) 253-7282, Fax. (++1-617) 253-9330, E-mail:
Home: 39 Sewall St., W. Newton, MA 02465, USA, Tel.: (++1-617) 332-0767
Prof. Dr. Lilia Raycheva, Head of Radio and TV Department, and Vice-Dean of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, The St. Kliment Ohridsky Sofia University, Bulgaria; TV Producer
*Office: The St. Kliment Ohridsky Sofia University, 49 Moskovska Str., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria ,
Tel./Fax: (++359-2) 9861724, E-mail:
Home: 9 Dunav Str., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria, Tel.: (++359-2) 9803009
Prof. Carlo Schaerf, Professor of Physics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy; President and Director, International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts (ISODARCO), Rome
*Office: Department of Physics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, I-00133 Rome, Italy, Tel.: (++39-06) 72594-561, Fax: (++39-06) 204-0309, E-mail:
Home: via della Rotonda 4, I-00186 Rome, Italy Tel.: (++39-06) 6892340
Prof. Alessandro Silj, Secretary General, Consiglio italiano per le Scienze Sociali (CSS), Rome, Italy
Office: CSS, Via Brescia 16, 00198 Rome, Italy, Tel.: (++39-06) 8540564 Fax: (++39-06) 8417110
Home: Via della Giustiniana 301, 00188 Rome, Italy, Tel.: (++39-06) 33624498, Fax: (++39-06) 3321175 E-mail:
Mr. Hari Stajner, Director, Media Center, Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Office: Media Center, Makedonska 5, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Tel.: (++381-11) 3343225 Fax: (++381-11) 3343420 E-mail:
Home: Bulevar Lenjina 5, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Tel.: (++381-11) 122708
Francesco Strazzari, PhD Researcher, European University Institute Firenze, Italy; Collaborator, international Network Europe & the Balkans;
Office: European University Institute, Via Dè Roccettini 9, 50016 S. Domenico di Fiesole, Firenze, Italy, Tel.: (++39-051) 6234935 Fax: (++39-051) 440439, E-mail:
Home: Via Murri 132, 40137 Bologna, Italy
Edita Tahiri, Member of Parliament, Foreign Relations Committee Chair, Democratic League of Kosova, Str. Belgrade N.N.; Foreign Relations Advisor to President Ugova
Office: Democratic League of Kosova, Str. Belgrade N.N. Tel./Fax: (++3813)-38) 500428/25885
Home: Prishtina, Ulpiana D-9-V-7 Tel./Fax: (++ 381-38) 45604
Dr. Giancarlo Tenaglia, Member of Isodarco Board, Advicer of Pugwash Office in Rome, Pugwash Conferences, Italy
*Office: Pugwash Confernces, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, via della Lungara 10, 00165 Rome, Italy, Tel.: (++39-6) 687-2606, Fax: (++39-6) 687-8376, E-mail:
Home: Via Chiusi 14, 00139 Rome, (++39-6) 8107764, E-mail:
Dr. Gianna Urizio, TV producer, Protestantesimo – RAI 2, Rome, Italy; Vice President WACC – European Region
Office: Via Firenze 38, 00184 Rome, Italy, Tel.: (++39-06) 4825120 Fax: (++39-06) 4828728
Home: Via della Bufalotta, 29, 00139 Rome, Italy, Tel./Fax: (++39-06) 8182970
Prof. Dr. Radovan Vukadinovic, Director, Graduate Programme in International Relations, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia; [formerly: Dean, Department of International Relations (1980-82); Editor-in-Chief of journal of political sciences]
Office: Tel.:(++385-1) 45-58-022, Fax: (++385-1) 46-55-316
Home: Vrbaniceva 21, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, Tel./Fax: (++385-1) 46-47-545.