Fund Criteria
- The funding is for community groups working in England.
- This fund is open to registered charities, constituted community groups and other charitable organisations including Social Enterprises and CICs.
- National organisations with local branches (with their own management committee and bank account) can apply.
- New groups that fulfil all the other criteria are welcome to apply.
- Projects do not have to be led by a youth group.
- The fund is to deliver social action opportunities amongst young people age 10 to 20 years old when the programme begins, or 25 for disabled people.
- Applications should be for a project that lasts up to a year.
- Projects do not have to last a year, e.g. they can be one-off events
- Repeat funding is a possibility.
- Community groups that can draw in match-funding are encouraged to apply. The presence of match funding will not affect our assessment of your application.
- Projects can deliver opportunities in a range of contexts and settings: for example online, extracurricular, in clubs and groups, informally, or as part of structured programmes.
- Groups should engage young people in ongoing regular volunteering OR demonstrate how another youth-led method will be as effective at engaging young people in social action. (For example regular ongoing volunteering may not be achievable for the young people you engage).
- Core costs are eligible if the other criteria are met, including how the project meets the principles of great youth social action.
● Reflective
● Challenging
● Youth-led
● Socially Impactful
● Progressive
● Embedded
More details about the principles can be found on the #iwill website. It is important to read these before applying.
oSeek to increase participation from young people from lower social economic groups and people who might not usually take part in social action, e.g. engage new volunteers.
oEmbed skills in young people / the wider community while delivering. For example, listening skills, maths and English, cooking, media and communications, evaluation and capturing success.
oClearly demonstrate principles of great youth social action. For example: an enjoyable project that enhances young people’s social lives, provides the opportunity to meet new people, positively impacts the wider community and develops longer term connections between volunteers and the wider community.
oHave a plan to measure and report positive changes made.
oDemonstrate sustainability beyond the life of this grant.
Appropriate incentives for young people can be used if they will genuinely engage people who might not otherwise be engaged. Cash incentives cannot be used (although expenses incurred while volunteering can be paid in cash). Incentives should emphasise social activities when possible. For example those that take part in youth social action would be in with a chance to win vouchers, time credits, tickets to a show, or a social dinner in a restaurant together.
oStatutory services – statutory organisations cannot bid for the fund.
oActivities promoting party political activity.
oCapital costs / equipment. (Purchase of refreshments for volunteers is okay).
oIndividual sponsorship.
oActivities generating private profit.
oFaith groups are welcome to apply but activities which evangelise or proselytise religious beliefs will not be eligible. Projects that only work with one faith are also not eligible.
Name of your organisationAddress line 1
Main contact person (These are the details that will be used for correspondence purposes)
Job title
Daytime telephone
Address line 1 (or write ‘use organisation’s address for correspondence’)
What type of organisation are you?
You do not need to be a registered charity or company limited by guarantee to apply, but we do need to know more about the “status” of your organisation. If you are a sub-group, committee of a larger group or a local branch of a national charity, we can only fund you if you can demonstrate that you operate independently. This usually means you have separate rules & regulations, an independent committee, a separate bank account and are responsible for generating your own income
Type of organisation / Please supply registration number if relevantA registered charity / Y/N
Company limited by guarantee / Y/N
Charitable Incorporated Organisations / Y/N
Unincorporated club or association / Y/N
Other / Y/N
If other please specify…
Are you part of a larger regional or national organisation? / Y/N
Organisation's annual income for past financial year
Staffing and volunteers - how many of each of the following are involved in the organisation?
We need to know more about how your group is managed i.e. the structure. Please tell us if you have any staff, full-time or part-time. How many people are on your management committee (we recommend this is a minimum of 4).
Full time staff / workersPart time staff / workers
Management committee
Volunteers (excluding management committee)
Please describe the overall aims and objectives of your organisation and the activities or services your organisation provides
Please tell us about your group’s aims and objectives and give a short description of what your organisation does at the moment (usually found in your governing documents). For example, "We aim to give young people something positive to do and encourage them to develop new skills and interests. We are a youth club that meet every Tuesday night from 6pm – 9pm. We provide a number of free activities to local young people to meet and support their ideas and interests.
To help us understand the difference you make please tell us how you have helped an individual in the past and the change your organisation has made to their life.
Please provide a case study of a person whose life has been considerably enhanced by your project or organisation.
A good structure will include:
- The demonstration of need
- The difference made to the life of the beneficiary
- A quote from the beneficiary
NB If you are a new organisation please specify, we do not expect you to have previous examples and this will have no bearing on the success of your application.
Please explain why the people in your community need your organisation?
Please demonstrate the need for your organisation within the community. For example "Our areas is one of the most deprived authorities in the country, ranking 18 out of 326 English authorities. We are the only youth club in our village which is 20 miles from the nearest town. It is vital that our young folk have something positive and constructive to do and that is what we provide."
Project nameProject funding / start date
Project funding / end date
Which local authority will the activity take place in?
Please provide a postcode which represents the geographical area you will benefit.
What needs and disadvantage will your project address and what opportunities will you create? Please detail both the disadvantages of young people in your area, as well as the social action projects that they will take part in to help their community.
Please demonstrate how you meet the following quality principles of great youth social action:
● Reflective
● Challenging
● Youth-led
● Socially Impactful
● Progressive
● Embedded
More details about the principles can be found here
Please briefly tell us how your organisation addresses each youth social action principle.
What positive changes would this grant make to the lives of people who use your project/service? Please detail the skills the young people will gain and the benefits that their social action projects will bring to their community.
Please explain what will change for whom? This is your opportunity to explain your expected outcomes. An outcome describes the benefits or changes that will happen as a result of your work i.e. the impact your work is having.
Please explain how you will measure and report on the positive changes made?
You might have informal discussions with users, do questionnaires, gather people together in one place, conduct interviews and arrange focus groups. You need to tell us how you will monitor and report on this project through the life of the grant. We suggest, for instance, that you keep a log of users of your services, participants on your courses, enquiries you deal with etc. You should also use this section to tell us how you will know whether you are being successful or not in meeting your objectives.
Please tell us about your organisation's experience of helping people and the impact of your previous work; you may also want to tell us about the people involved in your project and why you are confident in their ability to make the project succeed.
This is about your organisation’s track record in delivering the proposed project or similar work you have delivered in the past. If you are new to delivering this type of work, please tell us about the skills you have in your organisation, that will help to ensure the project will achieve the intended impact. You can also tell us about any partners. If you have delivered projects successfully in the past, please be as specific as possible about what was achieved.
Will the work continue beyond the life of this grant? If so, please indicate in what way and what funding you have secured or need to secure to deliver it.
Please explain how you will fund your project if it is to continue after this grant, and what steps you have in place to make your work more sustainable (i.e. future funding application, income generation ideas, etc
Which category best describes the impact your project will have?
Improve people's life skills, education, employability and enterpriseMaximise people's ability to strengthen community cohesion and build social capacity
Provide people with opportunities to access local services, achieve greater social justice and to reduce inequality, exclusion and disadvantage
Advance people's physical and mental health, wellbeing and safety
Connect people with the arts, culture and heritage
Transform people's access to, and engagement with, their environment and public spaces
How many people will benefit from this funding?
People benefiting directly / Volunteers benefiting / Other people benefitingBeneficiaries
Please select a single option to represent the primary beneficiary group for this grant by inserting the number ‘1’ in the appropriate box
Please list any other beneficiary groups who will benefit from your grant by inserting the number ‘2’ in one or more boxes
Black, Asian and minority ethnic / Long-term unemployed / People with mental health issuesCarers / Men / People with multiple disabilities
Children and young people / Not in education, employment and training (NEET 16-24) / People with physical disabilities
Ex-offenders/offenders/At risk of offending / Older people / People living in poverty
Families/Parents/Lone parents / People with alcohol/drug addictions / Refugees/asylum seekers /immigrants
Homeless people / People in care or suffering serious illness / Victims of crime/violence/abuse
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered groups / People with learning difficulties / Women
Local residents / People with low skill levels
Primary Ethic Group
Please select a single option to represent the primary ethnic group for this grant by inserting the number ‘1’ in the appropriate box
Please list any other ethnic groups who will benefit from your grant by inserting the number ‘2’ in one or more boxes
White / Mixed / Asian and Asian BritishWhite British / Black Caribbean and White / Indian
White Irish / Black African and White / Pakistani
White East European / Black and Black British / Bangladeshi
White Gypsies and Travellers / Caribbean / Other Asian
Other White / African / Other Mixed Ethnicity
Chinese & other group / Other Black / All ethnicities
Chinese / Asian and White
Please select a single option to represent the primary issues that will be addressed by this grant by inserting the number ‘1’ in the appropriate box
Please list any other issues that will be addressed by this grant by inserting the number ‘2’ in one or more boxes
Arts, culture and heritage / Education, learning and training / HousingAnti-social behaviour / Employment and labour / Language, culture and racial integration
Building skills and improving access to employment / Emergency/Rescue services / Mental health
Bullying / Gangs / Renewable energies and recycling
Caring responsibilities / IT / Technology / Rural issues
Stronger communities/Community support and development / Harmful practice / Sexual abuse
Counselling/Advice/Mentoring / Health, wellbeing and serious illness / Social inclusion and fairness
Crime and safety / Homelessness / Sport and recreation
Disability and access issues / Offending/At risk of offending / Stigma/Discrimination
Domestic violence / Poverty and disadvantage / Substance abuse and addiction
Economy / Reducing isolation / Supporting family life
Environment and improving surroundings / Refugees/Asylum/Immigration / Violence and Exploitation
Financial exclusion and financial illiteracy / Religion
Primary Age group
Please select a single option to represent the primary age group for this grant by inserting the number ‘1’ in the appropriate box
Please list any other age groups who will benefit from your grant by inserting the number ‘2’ in one or more boxes
0 to 4 / 5 to 12 / 13 to 1819 to 25 / 26 to 65 / Over 65
Name of Bank/Building Society
What is the total project cost £ ______
How much has been raised so far£ ______
How much money are you applying for£ ______
Budget breakdown summary - Please provide a breakdown of costs under thefollowing headings (inclusive of VAT):
Staff costs
Requested Amount:
Total Cost:
Volunteer costs
Requested Amount:
Total Cost:
Operational/activity costs
Requested Amount:
Total Cost:
Office, overhead, premises costs
Requested Amount:
Total Cost:
Capital costs (Equipment)
Requested Amount:
Total Cost:
Publicity costs
Requested Amount:
Total Cost:
Other costs
Requested Amount:
Total Cost:
Please send the following information with your grant application:
- A copy of your governing document
- A copy of your most recent accounts or income and expenditure statement
I agree that our contact details can be shared with others: Y/N
Please provide contact details for an independent person who can be contacted and can talk knowledgeably about the work your organisation does in your community.
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Please sign and date your application below to confirm that the above information is correct.
If you work with children and young people:
- If your project plans to engage with children, have you included a copy of your child protection policy?
- Please confirm that all people who will be working with children are CRB checked
I confirm that the information given on the application form is true and my group has formally agreed that I can act on their behalf. I confirm that I have read the pre-application guidance and attached all required additional documents.
Please direct any queries to:
FAO: Grant Administrator
Postal Address:52 Prospect Close
WR14 2RD