Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron

International Sailing Fund

Application Form

The Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron International Sailing Fund was established in 1980 with the objective of the fund being to assist members to participate at the highest level of international sailing and maintain our prestigious sailing history.

The International Sailing Fund receives income from, a members levy paid with the annual subscriptions and half of the proceeds from the annual Charity Corporate Regatta. With limited income and this objective in mind it is essential that the fund is managed in a proper way to ensure its continued viability.

This means there are restrictions on the amount allocated from the fund in any one year and also on the amount allocated to any one team or individual in any one year. It is also important to be aware that no retrospective applications for funding will be considered.

All applications are considered by the Sailing Committee with a recommendation being forwarded to the General Committee for approval. No retrospective application will be considered.


1. All applicants shall be full financial members of the RNZYS.

2. Applications must be received at least two months before the event/regatta begins.

3. The RNZYS reserves the right to accept /deny any application and no correspondence will be entered into.

The purpose of the funds allocated to your team is to provide assistance in meeting some of the costs incurred by competing in these regattas i.e. entry fees and travel expenses and they must only be used for this purpose. As members of the RNZYS and recipients of a grant from the International Sailing Fund you and your team are requested to comply with the following;

·  Represent the RNZYS in an appropriate and professional manner.

·  Fly the RNZYS Burgee on your yacht during the regatta(s).

·  Display the RNZYS logo on any team regatta clothing.

·  Email daily reports to the RNZYS Sailing Office for distribution to members ().

·  Write an event report for inclusion in RNZYS publications and on the RNZYS website.

·  Act as ambassadors for New Zealand.

·  For an agreed period of time any trophies awarded to your team are made available for display in RNZYS international trophy cabinet.

·  Contribute personal time to the RNZYS to assist with club activities such as the Charity Corporate Regatta, the LION FOUNDATION Youth Training Programme, Umpiring and Race Management.


1. Helmsperson details

Name RNZYS Membership No______

Address ______Phone

Email Mobile

Application for

2. Crew Details

Name RNZYS Membership No ______

Name RNZYS Membership No ______

Name RNZYS Membership No ______

Name RNZYS Membership No ______

Name RNZYS Membership No ______

3. EVENT DETAILS: Please attach the following information to allow RNZYS to calculate the cost of the regatta.

If multiple events, please provide a summary of all events.

International Event National Event Match Racing Fleet Racing Other

(Please specify)

Event ONE name: Entry accepted (proof): ______

Event entry fee: NOR:

Airfares: Other:

Type of boat: Number of crew:

Event TWO name:______Entry accepted (proof): ______

Event entry fee: NOR:

Airfares: Other:

Type of boat: Number of crew:

Event THREE name: Entry accepted (proof): ______

Event entry fee: NOR:

Airfares: Other:

Type of boat: Number of crew:

4. Please state your involvement in RNZYS Programmes ie: Coaching, Umpiring, Race Management, Boat Maintenance, Team Billeting, Regular Racing, Corporate Member, Corporate Sponsor, etc.

5. PAST PERFORMANCES: Indicate 3 relevant past performances – please be specific ie: Event name, types of boats, crew positions, etc:


7. OTHER MATTERS: Please list any other matters of relevance to your application (willingness to assist club in company, race management, billeting, etc) – proposed assistance.

Approved funds for a successful application will be electronically transferred to your bank account. Please list bank account details below.

Name of Bank: Branch:

Account Name:______Account Number:


1.  I agree to the terms and conditions of this Application.

2.  The information provided by me in this application form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

3.  I understand that if the RNZYS discovers that I have supplied any false information or have misled it in any way, this application may be rejected immediately and without discussion.

4.  In the event of funds being allocated and transferred to my bank account and I am unable to participate in the specified event/regatta, I agree to immediately return all such finds without delay.

Print Name: Signature: Date:

FORWARD TO The Sailing Director,

P.O.Box 46 182, Herne Bay, Auckland 1147

Phone 360 6809 Fax 360 6802 Email: