Academic Urology at Erlanger
Name: / Referring MD: / Date:DOB: / Level of Education: / Occupation
Marital Status: / Ht: / Wt
Please describe your problem:
Location? / When did you first notice it?
Associated Symptoms?
Does anything improve it? / Make it worse?
Communication Issues: / Do you have an Advanced Directive?
Language Spoken: / Race:
Circle any Medical Problems that apply: / Please list all surgeries / Year
Heart Disease / High Blood Pressure
Pacemaker/Defibrillator / Stroke/Seizure
Lung Disease / Kidney Problems
Diabetes / Bleeding Problems
Bowel Problems
Medication / Dose / Frequency / Medication / Dose / Frequency
Have you ever or do you use the following? / Occupation?
Tobacco? / Alcohol? / Drugs?
Family History of diseases
Please check if you have ever had any of the following symptoms:
General / ENT / Respiratory / Neurologic / Genitourinary□ Fever / □ Hearing loss / □ Short of breath / □ Dizziness / □ Painful urination
□ Chills / □ Dentures / □ Chronic Cough / □ Numbness/tingle / □ Frequent or urgent urination
□ Headaches / □ Nose bleeds / □ Emphysema / □ Difficult balance / □ Urine leakage
□ Weight Loss / □ Sore throat / □ Tuberculosis / List Other: / □ Urinary tract infections
List other: / List other: / List other: / □ Blood in Urine
Psychological / □ Kidney problems
Eyes / Cardiovascular / Gastrointestinal / □ Depression / For Men / For Women
□ Double vision / □ Chest pain / □ Abdominal Pain / □ Anxiety / □ Erection problems / # pregnancies
□ Glaucoma / □ Heart disease / □ Constipation / List Other: / □ Testicular lump
□ Blurred vision / □ Blood pressure / □ Diarrhea / □ Prostate procedure / # vaginal deliveries
List other: / □ Heart murmur / □ Rectal bleeding / Hematologic / □ Elevated PSA
□ Ankle swelling / □ Use Antacids / □ Clotting Disease / List other: / Difficult deliveries?
List other: / List other: / □ Anemia
Patient Name / DOB / Home phone number / Cell phone number / Work Phone number
Academic Urology Permission Form
May we leave medical information on your voicemail or answering machine? (circle) Y N
In the event that we are unable to contact YOU, please list the names and phone numbers of any family member(s) or friends that we may discuss your patient information with; by signing this form, you are giving Academic Urology permission to speak with and/or leave messages regarding test results, procedure scheduling, future appointments, medication issues, or any other instructions on your voicemail or with the person(s) listed below. This information will remain effective for the duration of your care unless terminated in writing by you.
Authorized Person(s) / Relationship / Phone Number1.
Name: / DOB:SSN: / Address:
City/State: / Zip:
Home phone number: / Cell phone number:
Is it okay to leave a voicemail/message on your phone regarding medications, labs, appointments, or instructions? Y N
Employer: / Address:
Work phone number: / City/State: / Zip:
Primary Insurance: / Subscriber:Relationship: / DOB: / SSN:
Secondary Insurance: / Subscriber:
Relationship: / DOB: / SSN:
Name: / Relationship:Address: / City/State: / Zip:
Home phone: / Cell phone: / Is it okay to leave a voicemail/message on your phone regarding medications, labs, appointments, or instructions? Y N
Name: / Relationship:
Address: / City/State: / Zip:
Home phone: / Cell phone: / Is it okay to leave a voicemail/message on your phone regarding medications, labs, appointments, or instructions? Y N
Pharmacy Name:Phone: / Fax:
Medication/Food Allergies:
(Please list first and last name)
Primary Care: / Phone: / Fax:Referring Physician: / Phone: / Fax:
Cardiologist: / Phone: / Fax:
Other: / Phone: / Fax:
Academic Urology at Erlanger
Bladder Questionnaire
Please check or indicate the appropriate response for each question
1. Do you ever leak urine or lose control of urination? Yes No
2. If you lose control, do you know when it happens or do you find yourself wet?
Know when it happens Find myself wet
3. How often do you lose control and wet yourself or your pads?
When you cough or sneeze? Never Monthly Weekly Daily
When you engage in physical activity? Never Monthly Weekly Daily
When you raise yourself from sitting? Never Monthly Weekly Daily
When you rise to standing position? Never Monthly Weekly Daily
4. How often do you wear pads or other forms of protection because of wetting?
Never Monthly Weekly Daily
5. On average, how many pads do you use a week? ______
6. On average, how wet are you when you change your pads? Dry Moist Damp Wet
7. How bad does loss of urinary control bother you on a scale from 1 to 10? ______
8. How often must you push or strain to start urinating? Never Monthly Weekly Daily
9. How would you describe the usual force of your urinary stream?
Strong Weak Interrupted Dribbling
10. How often do you lose control of urination and wet yourself or your pads because you feel a strong urge
and cannot stop it? Never Monthly Weekly Daily
11. How many pregnancies have you had? ______
How many vaginal deliveries? ______
How many c-section deliveries? ______