KU Student Senate

Student Executive Committee

International Room, Kansas Union

3 October 2016. 7:30pm

  1. Call to Order
  2. 7:36pm
  3. Danny: Motion to move CCO from Regular agenda to top of the agenda
  4. Seconded, passed
  5. Line-Item Request CCO
  6. Insia Zufer, Co-Director: defer to Allyssa

a)Allyssa Castilleja, Treasurer: Communication duties split by Development & Creative Director. 10 hours now, 5 hours more for both of them

b)Brittney Oleniacz - hourly rate the same?

(1)Insia: yes, just five more hours

c)Taylor Zabel - Change in overall salary?

(1)Insia: yes

d)Allyssa - it should be 5 hours


(a)15 hours to 5

(b)Total $13.20

(2)Not giving them more money


e)Danny calls to question, passed

  1. Approval of September 19 Minutes
  2. Danny: I emailed 9/19 minutes
  3. Motion to approve 9/19 StudEx minutes, approved
  4. Member Reports
  5. Danny Summers, StudEx Chair, Student Senate Chief of Staff
  6. Outreach

a)Connor and I have been meeting with about 20 Senators so far, 15 minute meetings, they’ve been going really well. We go through outreach, details, answer any questions. Kind of to direct senators tailored by their interest.

  1. Elections Code

a)Workshop on Sunday, attendance wasn’t great; still working on things on my end, please send any interested people my way

(1)Amy Schumacher - in collaboration with elections/multicultural groups?

(a)Danny: yes, they’re linked. We haven’t brought up elections in multicultural org tour, would be good idea to direct conversation

(b)Abdoulie Njai: something we can talk about at next Board of Advisors meeting

  1. First Generation Peer Mentorship

a)Jacob, Abdoulie, Stephonn, Gabby

b)Met with trio, good information

c)Jacob sent out an email on listserv to senators with interest in this platform; send Jacob’s way

  1. New Senator legislative training

a)OMA is pretty swamped, so Adam Steinhilber (Senior Senator) and I decided to do legislative training and cultural competency training separately

b)Date not finalized

  1. Stephonn Alcorn, Student Body President
  2. Been meeting with multiple multicultural orgs & these leaders, telling them about Senate
  3. Multicultural Board of Advisors first meeting last week

a)Great conversations, Abdoulie will highlight Wednesday in officer report

b)Concerns about Student Code (sent up to Chancellor & Provost)

  1. Meeting this week with groups for our mental health platform

a)Leadership in Watkins Health Center/CAPS

  1. Gabby Naylor, Student Body Vice President
  2. No report/already covered
  3. Amy Schumacher, Student Senate Graduate Affairs Director
  4. GTA insurance ending July 1

a)Stephonn: reasoning? Federal law change?

(1)Amy: Board of Regents, based on federal ruling. Mizzou did this last year, we held on longer than some. It has to do with how the federal gov’t views work hours and how it classifies employees. Grad students have union (who negotiate wages every two years) are holding emergency meeting

b)Adrian J: because of ACA?

(1)Amy: yes

  1. Tomorrow is next GSAB meeting
  1. Taylor Zabel, Finance Committee Chair
  2. We approved about $5800
  3. Tabled bill from Slavic Student Association (forms not in)
  4. Amy also tabled BSU travel fund request (no representative there to speak on it)
  5. Bill to fund IPS

a)Last committees, we thought $500 would go to headquarters for cultural adjustment training, but Nanyi [Deng] said this doesn’t go to HQ. I would suggest we table this.

  1. The bill Allyssa just passed through

a)Section 8.5.6 (Amendment to Appendix I) needs to also be amended perhaps

  1. Zoya Khan, Multicultural Affairs Committee Chair
  2. All bills passed, untabled one
  3. Open conversation on MA charges

a)Came to decision to release statement on Safe Spaces, hope you all had opportunity to read

b)Made decision we are a collective body and released statement collectively (voted, released Friday)

c)Trying to best serve our constituents

d)Strikes charge #6 (MA overlooking MEF) because no longer relevant

e)We want to actively engage in our charges and have conversation throughout the year

  1. Allyssa: answer back from Trinity on sitting on MEF board?

a)Zoya: they said it would be conflict of interest

(1)Abdoulie: But they have two open positions that any Senator can sit on

  1. Mattie Carter, Student Rights Committee Chair
  2. All bills passed, no amendments
  3. New senators and members joined us, committee was very respectful and quiet so that Jasmine could participate
  4. Regarding the Code, I’m going to K-State with Bill and Lance to present something on it; I’ll keep you updated
  5. Adrian Janowiak, University Affairs Committee Chair
  6. Three bills passed, one was tabled from cycle prior (Electronics Engineers bill)
  7. 2017-047 Graphic Designer bill failed in Finance so we tabled it
  8. Caitlin McNulty (Associate Senator for UA) gave good officer report; excited to have her on board
  9. Dylan Jones, Jacob Murray, Brittney Oleniacz; SenEx Representatives
  10. Brittney

a)I wasn’t at SenEx meeting

b)Graduate insurance meeting tomorrow

  1. Jacob

a)Looking into University policy on making policies

b)Scope of policy library

c)Bit of misunderstanding during meeting

d)Dylan: last SenEx meeting new budget efficiency to Senate?

(1)Jacob: we need to address ad hoc committee

  1. Dylan

a)Going to bring charge to University Senate (budget efficiency) and talk about how to budget seats on that committee; need to look at budget and cut costs. Will be discussed Thursday and I will report on

  1. Regular Agenda
  2. Approval of October 5 Full Senate Agenda
  3. Abdoulie: Can you add my officer report?

(1)Gabby: yes

  1. Dylan: guest speaker this week?

a)Gabby: People from health senator, we help fund them; will talk about this and SHAB

b)Stephonn: timely because October is Mental Health Awareness Month

  1. Dylan: fee increase for Watkins/CAPS?

a)Taylor Z: they hired a nurse practitioner, fee increase for CAPS

  1. Taylor Z: move to place Bill 2017-048 to bottom of agenda

a)Mattie: why are we doing this now and not next cycle?

(1)Stephonn/Taylor: waiting on response from general counsel

b)Dylan motions to call to question, seconded, agenda approved

  1. Cycle 3 Statement of Cash Flows\
  2. Handed out to members, Allyssa said nothing important to report on
  4. 2017-048 Appendix I (funding amendment) to top of agenda moved by Danny, approved

a)Stephonn: simple changes to reflect new law, we met on Friday. Taylor found another quick place to put these changes. Look at line 31 - “except religious students associations excluding…” and we included the Statute number instead of “SB 175”

(1)Lines 41 and 45

(2)Footnote includes the text of the law

(3)This reflects other change as well


(b)Article 8

(4)Other Regents schools waiting for us to move on this

(5)General Counsel approved this today

b)Allyssa: I think you can refer the same footnote twice

c)Dylan: erasing footnote and changing 2 to 1?

(1)Danny: yes

d)Mattie: Going to be put on regular agenda?

(1)Stephonn/Danny: yes

e)Motion called, approved

f)Bill approved

  1. Student Senator Code of Ethics Complaint
  2. Motion by Danny to move into executive session

a)Moved out of executive session

  1. Adjournment
  2. Adjourned 8:30pm