Kaliningrad, November 6-8, 2012
Program draft
November 6 (Tuesday), plenary presentations, 80 participantsTime / Presenter
8.45 - 9.45 / Participants registration
9.45 - 10.10 / IMS opening, welcome speeches
10.10 - 10.40 / Fran Westbrook, English Language Officer for the Russian Federation U.S. Embassy in Moscow "What We Talk about When We Talk about Culture"
10.40 - 11.40 / Prof. Elena N. Solovova, NATE Vice-President, Lomonosov MSU, Moscow"Формированиеиконтрольпредметныхиметапредметныхуменийвкурсеиностранногоязыка"
11.50 - 12.30 / British Council Deputy Director
12.30 - 14.00 / Lunch
14.00 - 15.00 / Prof. Stephen Stoynoff, Minnesota State University, USA
On the path to CrystalMountain: What can a trek teach us about our professional journey and English Language Teaching in the 21st Century?
15.10 - 15.50 / Prof Nancy Burkhalter,Senior EL Fellow, S-Petersburg
"Any Questions?: How Asking the Right Questions Can Promote Critical Thinking"
16.00 - 17.00 / Dr Liudmilla Kozhevnikova, SamaraStateUniversity"Multiple Intelligences"
November 7 (Wednesday), plenary presentations and concurrent sessions, 80 participants (2 groups x 40 participants)
Group 1 Room / Group 2 Room
10.20 - 11.20 / Prof. Stephen Stoynoff, Minnesota State University, USA
Workshop Classroom-based language assessment: Improving the Design and Use of Teacher-developed Assessments / Prof Nancy Burkhalter,Senior EL Fellow, S-Petersburg
Workshop"To the Moon! An Exercise to Encourage Critical Thinking"
11.30 - 12.30 / Prof Nancy Burkhalter,Senior EL Fellow, S-Petersburg
Workshop "To the Moon! An Exercise to Encourage Critical Thinking" / Prof. Stephen Stoynoff, Minnesota State University, USA
Workshop Classroom-based language assessment: Improving the Design and Use of Teacher-developed Assessments
12.30 - 14.00 / Lunch / Lunch
14.00 - 15.00 / Dr Olga Schegoleva,Stavropol
"American and Russian Best Practices in Standardized Testing in English" DVD Presentation / Dr Svetlana Suchkova, Samara
Workshop"What's your metaphor of teaching/learning?"
15.10 - 16.10 / Dr Svetlana Suchkova, Samara
Workshop"What's your metaphor of teaching/learning?" / Dr Olga Schegoleva,Stavropol
"American and Russian Best Practices in Standardized Testing in English" DVD Presentation
16.20 - 17.20 / Prof. Liudmila Gorodetskaya, Lomonosov MSU, Moscow"How the change of English effects teaching and testing”
November 8 (Thursday), plenary presentations and concurrent sessions, 80 participants (2 groups x 40 participants)
Group 1 Room / Group 2 Room
10.20 - 11.20 / Dr Liudmilla A. Kozhevnikova, Prof. Viktoria Levchenko, SamaraStateUniversityWorkshop"Portfolio assessment" / Prof. Stephen Stoynoff, Minnesota State University, USA
Workshop Using Authentic Materials and Communicative Tasks to Promote English Language Learning
11.30 - 12.30 / Prof. Stephen Stoynoff, Minnesota State University, USA
Workshop Using Authentic Materials and Communicative Tasks to Promote English Language Learning / Dr Lucie Betáková,University of SouthBohemia, Czech RepublicTesting speaking skills within the new state MATURITA exam
12.30 - 14.00 / Lunch
14.00 - 15.00 / CarolynWestbrookSouthamptonSolentUniversity (UK) Workshop “Investigating 'excessive assistance', plagiarism and washback in EAP writing” / Gerard Cullen, Dresden, Germany"Matching Language
Competences to the Requirements of the Global Labour Market"
15.10 - 16.10 / Prof. Elena N. Solovova, NATE Vice-President, Lomonosov MSU, Moscow"Планированиеязыковогоконтроля:проблемы.задачии перспективы."
16.20 - 17.20 / Dr Tony Green, University of Bedfordshire, UKProSET
project: Newmodules for teacher trainingin language assessment in the Russian Federation
17.30 - 18.00 / Certificates award, IMS closure
18.00 - 19.00 / Cheese and Wine Reception sponsoured by Cambridge University Press