Application Form

International Human Rights Program – Proposal-Based Internships


Summer 2010

Name:______Year of Studies:____

SessionalAddress: ______

City, Province, Postal Code: ______

Phone Number: ______E-mail: ______

Please attach to this application

i)your resume

ii)a photocopy of your most recent law school transcript (if you are an upper year student)

1.Please check all that apply to you for the academic year 2009-2010[1]:

___a)I am receiving bursaries and interest-free loans from the Faculty of Law.

___b) I am receiving interest-free loans only from the Faculty of Law.

___c) I am receiving government student financial assistance (i.e., OSAP, BC Student Assistance Program, US Stafford or Perkins loans). Please specify from which province/jurisdiction you are receiving funding:

___d) I am receiving needs-based funding from this organization (please specify):

___e) I am not receiving Faculty of Law financial aid or government student financial assistance.

2.General Demonstration of Interest and Prior Experience (250 words maximum):

Describe your interest in international human rights law or other areas of international or public interest law and any relevant prior experience. Indicia of interest include, but are not limited to: past employment (law or non-law), volunteer positions, courses, extra-curricular activities and/or publications. If you have not had the opportunity to demonstrate your interest in international human rights, please explain what factors informed your decision to apply for this internship. If you have a substantive area of interest, please indicate if you are interested in any of the following:

  • General international human rights and human rights machinery
  • International women’s human rights
  • Aboriginal, indigenous and minority rights
  • Children’s rights
  • Civil and political rights (e.g. freedom of expression, right to vote)
  • Economic, social and cultural rights (e.g. housing rights)
  • Reproductive and health rights
  • Refugee and citizenship rights
  • Labour rights
  • International humanitarian or criminal law
  • Corporate responsibility
  • International environmental law
  • International trade law
  • International development work
  • Disability rights
  • Comparative law (e.g. South African or Israeli law compared with Canadian Charter law)


Please list all courses that you will be taking during the 2009-2010academic year.

Please highlight those that are related to international law or human rights.

4.Language Abilities

Please list knowledge of languages beyond English, indicate your proficiency and describe whether foreign language ability will be relevant for your internship.

5.Internship Proposal (750 words maximum)

Please describe your proposed internship. Kindly provide the following details:

  • What issues or problems do you think you will engage?
  • Why are these problems important?
  • How will your work address these problems?
  • What kinds of contribution do you feel you can make to the host organization or institution?
  • What do you hope to take away from the experience?
  1. Host Organization Details

Please provide the full name of the host organization, a description of its work or mandate, its mailing address, telephone number, the name of your proposed supervisor or partners and their email address.

  1. Letter of Support

Kindly submit a letter or email message of support for your proposal from the host organization or, if there is no host organization, a short statement describing your efforts to consult with human rights professions or others working in related fields who will help you to develop your proposed internship (200 words maximum).

  1. Project Budget

Please advise the Selection Committee of your anticipated living expenses and the cost of travel to the internship site or sites (including air fare -- if applicable-- and visas and inoculations). If you expect that your expenses will exceed $5000, you are eligible for up to $2500 in additional funding. If you need additional funds, please explain why and state clearly how much additional money you are requesting.

Return three copies of this application form, your resume, financial aid information (if applicable), and law school transcript to Kara Norrington, in Room 302, 39 Queen’s Park, by 10 a.m. on January 29, 2010.


[1]This information is not determinative of whether or not you receive the internship but will assist the Selection Committee in the allocation of available funds that have financial aid or residency requirements.