II International Conference
17—19 November 2011
Udmurt State University (Russia)
November 16, 2011 (Wednesday)
TIME / EVENT / VENUEArrival day
13.20 – 14.40 / Round table discussion:
“Foreign languages as a tool in international educational cooperation”
Olga Golubkova, Tatiana Kasatkina
Udmurt State University (UdSU) / campus bld. II,
room 310
15.00 – 16.20 / Lecture:«Changemanagement into Bachelor and Master - Experiences from Germany»
Dr. Peter Pez
Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany / campus bld. I,
room 229
14.00 – 18.30 / Seminar: “Cross-Cultural Training for lecturers”
Nicole Spaeth
Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany / campus bld. II,
room 308
15.00 – 17. 00 / Round Table: “Hungarian Cinematography as a Cultural and Educational recourse in a HEI”
Erika Asztalos, UdSU Visiting lecturer,
Viktor Krutkin
Udmurt State University / campus bld. II,
room 210
14.00- 18.00 / Social activities*
(for international visitors and Russian participants from other regions only)
November 17, 2011 (Thursday)
TIME / EVENT / VENUE09.00 – 10.00 / Registration for conference participants / campus bld. I,
3d floor
lobby at the Meeting Hall
Opening ceremony
10.00 – 12.00 / Plenary session
Welcome addresses
-Aleksandr Volkov, President of the Udmurt Republic
-Andrei Kuznetsov, Minister for Education and Science of the Udmurt Republic
Honorary Professor Awarding Ceremony
Keynote speakers:
- Semen Buntov, Rector of Udmurt State University
- Dr. Pusztay János, University of West Hungary
“Working and Surviving Together (Cooperation Prospects in Higher Education and Research”
- Dr. Harald Süssenberger, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany
“Promotion of the Region and Local Companies by University Research and Teaching: Some Activities and Experiences at Georg-August-University Goettingen (Germany)”
- Sergei Islentiev, Head of Federal Migration Service in Udmurt Republic
“Migration Policy of Udmurt Republic under Current Conditions” / campus bld. I,
3d floor
Meeting Hall
12.00 – 12.45 / Press Briefing with Udmurt Republic Government officials and Rectors of Russian and European universities
“Russian and International Experiences with Multi-tiered Systems of Higher Education” / campus bld. I,
3d floor
Meeting Hall
13.00 – 14.00 / Lunch
14.30 – 17.30 / Working Group Session I.
Implementation of Multi-tiered Systems of Higher Education: Research and Experiences
Aleksandr Baranov, Udmurt State University
Natalia Morova, Mari State University / campus bld. I,
room 229
Working Group Session II.
Innovative Technologies as a Factor of Quality Assurance in Education
Loubov Fedorova, Irina Voytovich, Udmurt State University
Pusztay János, University of West Hungary / campus bld. II,
library reading room
Working Group Session III.
Cross-cultural Communication as a Factor for Development of Key Competences
Olga Golubkova, Udmurt State University
Olga Minina, Syktyvkar State University / campus bld. II,
room 308
Working Group Session IV.
Academic Mobility as a Mechanism of Modernization in Higher Education
Maria Beznosova, Aleksandr Makarov
Udmurt State University / campus bld. I,
room 211
Working Group Session V.
Integration of Research and Education: Institutionalization of Innovative Ideas and Projects at a University
Nikolay Leonov, Udmurt State University
Dr. Harald Süssenberger, Georg-August-University Göttingen / campus bld. I,
room 003
15.30 – 16.00 / Coffee break / campus bld. I,
3d floor
lobby at the Meeting Hall
17.00-20.00 / Ceremonial meeting devoted to the 80th anniversary of the Udmurt State University / State Opera and Ballet Theater of Udmurt Republic
November 18, 2011 (Friday)
TIME / EVENT / VENUE09.30 – 11.00 / Round Table discussion:Innovation Networks for Technology Transfer: Challenges and Prospects
Nikolay Leonov, Udmurt State University
Dr. Harald Süssenberger, Georg-August-University Göttingen / campus bld. I,
room 003
10.00 – 13.00 / Working Group Session I.
Implementation of Multi-tiered Systems of Higher Education: Research and Experiences / campus bld. I,
room 229
Working Group Session II.
Innovative Technologies as a Factor of Quality Assurance in Education / campus bld. II,
library reading room
Working Group Session III.
Cross-cultural Communication as a Factor for Development of Key Competences / campus bld. II,
room 308
Working Group Session IV.
Academic Mobility as a Mechanism of Modernization in Higher Education / campus bld. I,
room 211
Seminar: “Culture mapping of Finno-Ugric World in the Context of Geography”
Andrei Kudryavtsev, Udmurt State University / campus bld. IV,
room 002
11.30 – 12.00 / Coffee brake / campus bld. I,
3d floor
lobby at the Meeting Hall
13.00 – 14.00 / Lunch
Closing Ceremony
14.00 – 15.30 / Final Plenary Session
Performance of Udmurt State University Choir
Keynote speaker:
Dr. Rafael Guzmán Tirado, University of Granada, Spain
“Globalization and challenges for minority languages in linguistics of the XXI century”
Discussion of the Conference results
Approval of the Conference Resolution / campus bld. I,
3d floor
Meeting Hall
16.00 – 18.00 / Rector’s Reception / university cafeteria
campus bld. II
November 19, 2011 (Saturday)
TIME / EVENT / MEETING POINT10.00 – 14.00 / Social activities*
(for international visitors and Russian participants from other regions only)
Visit to Tchaikovsky Home Estate in Votkinsk / campus bld. I
Departure Day
* Detailed Social programme is attached
Social Programme
(for international visitors and Russian participants from other regions only)
November 16, (Wednesday)
Time and Meeting point – 1.30 pm, Monument to Pushkin, in front of the 2nd building of UdSU
14.00 – 16.30 / Visit to National Museum/ Exposition “We are the Udmurts”: manifold world of Udmurt village in XVIII –beginning of XX century (household and wedding interior, objects of profane rites, collection of national costumes, implements, instruments of labour etc.)
17.00 – 18.00 / The Kalashnikov Museum and Exhibition Complex of Small Arms
/ Exposition
“A Man’s Destiny”
(devoted to M.T. Kalashnikov, a world-famous arms designer – stages of his lifetrack)
November 19, (Saturday)
Meeting point: campus bld. I, lobby
10.00 – 14.00 / Visit to Tchaikovsky Home Estate in Votkinsk/ Theatricalized excursion "Scenes from family life of Tchaikovsky”