Project ID: 2016-002-001

Main Study

May 2016

Questionnaire Number: ...... id. [………………………………]

Version code: ...... s1. [ - 1 - ]

Interview Date: [-!- “DD/MM/YYYY” Format]s2. [ ………/ ………/ 2016]

Interview Beginning Time: [-!- 24 Hours Format (i.e.: 14:30)]s3. [……:……]

Hello, my name is ______. We are conducting an academic survey, with Syrians living in Turkey…

[-!- IF NECESSARY] Your responses will be kept strictly confidential. Results will be reported in aggregate form only for all respondents. We will not report your individual responses, nor will we identify you as a participant in the survey. This survey is for research purposes only.

Gender [-!- Do not read]s4. [ ……… ]

1.Male99.[-!- Do Not Read]Don’t Know/Not sure/ Refused


Age.How old are you?

[Record Age]...... s5. [ ……… ]


A.01.What is the name of the neighborhood where you live here in Turkey?

[Name of the Province] ...... a011. [ ……… ]

[Name of the District] ...... a012. [ ……… ]

[Name of the Neighborhood]...... a013. [ ……… ]

99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

A.02.What percentage of this neighborhood would you say is Syrian? [-!-Record in percentage]

[percentage]...... a02. [ ……… ]

99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

A.03.On any given day, what portion of the people you talk to outside the household are also Syrian refugees? None, very few, about half, almost all, or all? a03. [ ……… ]

1.None 99.[-!- Do not read]Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.Very few

3.About half

4.Almost all


A.04.On any given day, how many times do you run into people that come from the same town/neighborhood as you in Syria? None, 1-2 times, 3-5 times, 5-10 times, or more than 10 times? a04. [ ……… ]

1.None99.[-!- Do not read]Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.1-2 times

3.3-5 times

4.5-10 times

5.More than 10

A.04a.Do you know any neighborhoods in this city where a lot of Syrians live?a04a. [ ……… ]



[-!- Ask A.04b only if the respondent said “yes” to A.04a (A.04a= “1”)]

A.04b.If yes, can you please tell us the names of these neighborhoods?

[Name of the Neighborhood]...... a04b1. [ ……… ]

[Name of the Neighborhood]...... a04b2. [ ……… ]

[Name of the Neighborhood]...... a04b3. [ ……… ]

[-!- Ask all]

A.05.Do you have family members or relatives who are still in Syria?a05. [ ……… ]

1.Yes99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused


[-!- Ask A.05a only if the respondent said yes to A.05 (A.05=1)]

A.05a.If yes, do you regularly communicate with them?a05a. [ ……… ]

1.Yes99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused


[-!- Ask all]

A.06.How closely do you follow the news from Syria? Very closely, somewhat closely, not too closely, or not at all closely? a06. [ ……… ]

1.Very closely99.[-!- Do not read]Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.Somewhat closely

3.Not too closely

4.Not at all closely

A.07.Do you have any job that pays?a07. [ ……… ]

1.Yes99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused


A.08.How many people live in your household? [-!-Record in Number]

[Number of People Living in Household]...... a08. [ ……… ]

99.[-!- Do not read]Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

A.09.Do you have any children?a09. [ ……… ]

1.Yes[-!-Continuıe with A.09A]99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.No[-!- Skip to A10]

[-!- Ask A.09a only if the respondent said yes to A.09 (A.09=1)]

A.09a.If yes, how many children do you have?

[Number of Children]...... a09a. [ ……… ]

99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

A.09b.For each of your children, can you please tell how old are they?

How old are your children?
[1] / Child 1 / a09b01. [ ……… ]
[2] / Child 2 / a09b02. [ ……… ]
[3] / Child 3 / a09b03. [ ……… ]
[4] / Child 4 / a09b04. [ ……… ]
[5] / Child 5 / a09b05. [ ……… ]
[6] / Child 6 / a09b06. [ ……… ]
[7] / Child 7 / a09b07. [ ……… ]
[8] / Child 8 / a09b08. [ ……… ]
[9] / Child 9 / a09b09. [ ……… ]
[10] / Child 10 / a09b10. [ ……… ]
[11] / Child 11 / a09b11. [ ……… ]
[12] / Child 12 / a09b12. [ ……… ]
[13] / Child 13 / a09b13. [ ……… ]
[14] / Child 14 / a09b14. [ ……… ]
[15] / Child 15 / a09b15. [ ……… ]

A.09c.Are any of your children married? a09c. [ ……… ]

1.Yes99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused


A.09d.Are any children under the age of 18 in your family married?a09d. [ ……… ]

1.Yes99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused


[-!- Ask all]

A.10.Do you have plans to learn Turkish?a10. [ ……… ]

1.Yes99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused


A.11. How much Turkish would you say you understand? None/a few words, enough to get by in markets, enough to have conversations with Turks, or almost fluent/fluent? a11. [ ……… ]

1.None/a few words99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.Enough to get by in markets

3.Enough to have conversations with Turks

4.Almost fluent/fluent

A.12.Which languages do you speak other than Arabic and Turkish?

[Languages]...... a121. [ ……… ]

[Languages]...... a122. [ ……… ]

[Languages]...... a123. [ ……… ]

1.Kurdish90.[-!- Do not read]Other [-!- Please write above]

2.French99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused



A.13.Do you own the following items?

Yes / No / [-!- Don’t Read]
Don’t Know/
No Answer / (A.13)
1 / Phone (landline) / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1301. [ ……… ]
2 / Dishwasher / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1302. [ ……… ]
3 / Washing machine / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1303. [ ……… ]
4 / Refrigerator / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1304. [ ……… ]
5 / Oven / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1305. [ ……… ]
6 / Desktop or Laptop computer at home / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1306. [ ……… ]
7 / Cellphone (that is not a smartphone) / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1307. [ ……… ]
8 / Credit card / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1308. [ ……… ]
9 / Car / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1309. [ ……… ]
10 / Smartphone / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1310. [ ……… ]
11 / Microwave oven / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1311. [ ……… ]
12 / Digital camera / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1312. [ ……… ]
13 / Tablet computer (Ipad etc.) / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1313. [ ……… ]
14 / Plasma or LCD TV / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1314. [ ……… ]
15 / Internet connection at home (other than through a smartphone) / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1315. [ ……… ]
16 / Running water / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1316. [ ……… ]
17 / Indoor toilet / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1317. [ ……… ]
18 / Central heating / 1 / 2 / 99 / a1318. [ ……… ]

A.14.Thinking about your time in Syria before the war, would you say most people you know would categorize a household like yours as having lower income, lower-middle, middle, upper-middle, or upper income? a14. [ ……… ]

1.Lower income99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.Lower middle



5.Upper income

A.15.In your current condition here in Turkey, would you say most people you know would categorize a household like yours as having lower income, lower-middle, middle, upper-middle, or upper income? a15. [ ……… ]

1.Lower income99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.Lower middle



5.Upper income

A.16.What was the highest level of education attainment you have completed? [-!-Choose one]a16. [ ……… ]

1Grade school99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.Secondary school

3.High school,

4.A two year or vocational college,

5.A four year college,

6.Graduate school

A.17.What was your primary profession in Syria? [open ended]

[Profession]...... a17. [ ……… ]

A.18.Interview Location:

[Location]...... a18. [ ……… ]

1.House 90.Other [-!- Please write above]




We are going to ask a few questions about the area of your home in Syria. We are talking here about the home where you lived in Syria most of the time before or in the beginning of the war, not your family's place of origin or where you moved to after losing one home.

B.01a.What governorate was your home in Syria in?

[Name of the Governorate]...... b01a. [ ……… ]

B.01b.Did you live in an urban or rural area?b01b. [ ……… ]

1.Urban99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused


[-!- Ask B.01c only if the respondent said “URBAN” to B.01b(B.01B = “1”)]

B.01C What city and neighborhood was this home in Syria in?

[Name of the City]...... b01c1. [ ……… ]

[Name of the Neighborhood]...... b01c2. [ ……… ]

[-!- Ask B.001D only if the respondent said “RURAL” to B.01b(B.01B = “2”)]

B.01D What village was this home in Syria in?

[Name of the Village]...... b01d. [ ……… ]

[-!- Ask all]

B.02. When did you leave that home? Please specify month and year.

[Month/Year]...... b02. [ ……… ]

B.03. When did you leave Syria? Please specify month and year.

[Month/Year]...... b03. [ ……… ]

B.03a.What was the main reason you left? (Pick the one main reason)

[Reason]...... b03a. [ ……… ]

1.Imminent threat to your life or families life90.Other [-!- Please write above]

2.Economic reasons99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

3.Family reunification

4.Getting European passport

5.Avoiding military conscription.

B.04. After you left home, did you live anywhere else before coming to this area you are living now? If yes, please tell about each place you lived after leaving your original home due to the war, both inside and outside Syria.

[-!- If it is an urban area you lived in, please note the neighborhood, the city and the governorate. If it is a rural area you lived in, please note both the village and the governorate.]

[1st place after leaving original home]...... b041. [ ……… ]

[2nd place after leaving original home]...... b042. [ ……… ]

[3rd place after leaving original home]...... b043. [ ……… ]

[4th place after leaving original home]...... b044. [ ……… ]

[5th place after leaving original home]...... b045. [ ……… ]

96.[-!- Do not read] Didn’t live anywhere else before coming here

99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

B.05. When you left Syria, how long did you expect you would be gone for? Less than a month, less than a year or more than a year? b05. [ ……… ]

1.Less than a month99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.Less than a year

3.More than a year

4.[-!- Do not read]Didn't have any expectations

B.06. Have you visited home since you first left?b06. [ ……… ]

1.Yes99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused


B.07. Would you show us on a map where your home was? [-!- use map on tablet to get coordinates]. b07. [ ……… ]



B.07a. [-!-If accepted, record coordinates]

[Coordinates – LATTITUDE (LAT)]...... b07lat. [ ……… ]

[Coordinates – LONGITUDE (LON)]...... b07lon. [ ……… ]

B.08. Do you think it will ever be possible for you to return to the area in Syria where your home is/was? b08. [ ……… ]

1.Certainly99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.Very likely

3.Somewhat likely

4.Not very likely

5.Not at all likely

B.09.When you left, why did you decide on Turkey as your destination? [-!- Mark all that apply]

Yes / No / [-!- Don’t Read]
Don’t Know/
No Answer / (B.09)
1 / Geographic proximity / 1 / 2 / 99 / b0901. [ ……… ]
2 / Ease of border crossing / 1 / 2 / 99 / b0902. [ ……… ]
3 / Family / 1 / 2 / 99 / b0903. [ ……… ]
4 / Local community ties / 1 / 2 / 99 / b0904. [ ……… ]
5 / Economic opportunities / 1 / 2 / 99 / b0905. [ ……… ]
6 / Access to schools, hospitals, or other services / 1 / 2 / 99 / b0906. [ ……… ]
7 / Felt more comfortable/cultural affinity / 1 / 2 / 99 / b0907. [ ……… ]
8 / Other
[-!- Please specify] / 1 / 2 / 99 / b0908. [ ……… ]

B10.Why did you end up in this particular town instead of someplace else in Turkey? [-!- Mark all that apply]

Yes / No / [-!- Don’t Read]
Don’t Know/
No Answer / (B.10)
1 / Family / 1 / 2 / 99 / b1001. [ ……… ]
2 / Community ties from back home / 1 / 2 / 99 / b1002. [ ……… ]
3 / Access to schools, hospitals, or other services / 1 / 2 / 99 / b1003. [ ……… ]
4 / Economic opportunities / 1 / 2 / 99 / b1004. [ ……… ]
5 / Sent here by immigration authorities / 1 / 2 / 99 / b1005. [ ……… ]
6 / Other
[-!- Please specify] / 1 / 2 / 99 / b1006. [ ……… ]

B11.In five years from now, ideally where would you like to be living? Please rank options from the most to the least preferred.

[1st selected]...... b111. [ ……… ]

[2nd selected]...... b112. [ ……… ]

[3rd selected]...... b113. [ ……… ]

[4th selected]...... b114. [ ……… ]

[5th selected]...... b115. [ ……… ]

1.Syria, 99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused


3.This city in Turkey,

4.Another city in Turkey,

5.Another country in the Middle East

B12.In five years from now, where do you expect to be living? Please rank the options from the most to the least likely.

[1st selected]...... b121. [ ……… ]

[2nd selected]...... b122. [ ……… ]

[3rd selected]...... b123. [ ……… ]

[4th selected]...... b124. [ ……… ]

[5th selected]...... b125. [ ……… ]

1.Syria, 99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused


3.This city in Turkey,

4.Another city in Turkey,

5.Another country in the Middle East


C.01. Knowing what you know now, would you have supported the uprising against the Assad regime when it first started? c01. [ ……… ]

1.Yes99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused


C.02. Do you think Syria should remain united or should be divided? c02. [ ……… ]

1.Remain united99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.Should be divided

C.03. In your opinion, which of the following groups I will read is the biggest security threat to the country of Syria?

[Biggest threat]...... c03. [ ……… ]

1.ISIS99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.Assad regime

3.Opposition groups

4.Other armed groups

5.International powers


C.03a.which opposition group/armed group/international power?

[Name of the Group]...... c03a. [ ……… ]

[-!- Ask all]

C.04. In your opinion, which of these is the second biggest security threat to the country of Syria?

[Second biggest threat]...... c04. [ ……… ]

1.ISIS99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.Assad regime

3.Opposition groups

4.Other armed groups

5.International powers


C.04a.Which opposition group/armed group/international power?

[Name of the Group]...... c04a. [ ……… ]

[-!- Ask all]

C.05. In your opinion, which of these do you consider the biggest security threat to you personally in a future Syria?

[Biggest threat]...... c05. [ ……… ]

1.ISIS99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.Assad regime

3.Opposition groups

4.Other armed groups

5.International powers


C.05a.Which opposition group/armed group/international power?

[Name of the Group]...... c05a. [ ……… ]

[-!- Ask all]

C.06. In your opinion, which of these do you consider the second biggest security threat to you personally in a future Syria?

[Second biggest threat]...... c06. [ ……… ]

1.ISIS99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.Assad regime

3.Opposition groups

4.Other armed groups

5.International powers


C.06a.which opposition group/armed group/international power?

[Name of the Group]...... c06a. [ ……… ]

[-!- Ask all]

C.06b.Thinking specifically about external actors and the threat they pose to Syria, which of these do you think poses the greatest threat?

[Greatest Threat]...... c06b. [ ……… ]

1.US90.Other [-!- Please write above]

2.Russia99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused



5.Saudi Arabia


C.07. Which of the resolutions I will now read out do you think would be ideal to end conflict?

Yes / No / [-!- Don’t Read]
Don’t Know/
No Answer / (C.07)
B / All armed groups reach a settlement with Assad / 1 / 2 / 99 / c0702. [ ……… ]
C / Removal of Assad regime / 1 / 2 / 99 / c0703. [ ……… ]
D / Demilitarization of all armed groups / 1 / 2 / 99 / c0704. [ ……… ]
E / Partition of Syria / 1 / 2 / 99 / c0705. [ ……… ]
F / A united, federal Syria with autonomous regions / 1 / 2 / 99 / c0706. [ ……… ]

C.08. Which of the conditions I will now read out would have to be met for you to be willing to return to Syria?

Yes / No / [-!- Don’t Read]
Don’t Know/
No Answer / (C.08)
A / I don't want to return no matter what happens / 1 / 2 / 99 / c0801. [ ……… ]
B / An end to fighting in all Syria / 1 / 2 / 99 / c0802. [ ……… ]
C / An end to fighting in my city / 1 / 2 / 99 / c0803. [ ……… ]
D / Personal compensation for damages and losses / 1 / 2 / 99 / c0804. [ ……… ]
E / A secure job in my city / 1 / 2 / 99 / c0805. [ ……… ]

C.09.A: Suppose a commander of the Syrian Army…

B: Suppose a commander from the opposition…

C: Suppose a civilian non-combatant who has lost a limb during the war…

D: Suppose a civilian non-combatant…

… spoke out in favor of laying down arms and returning to a non-violent political process Would you say that you strongly agree, somewhat agree, be neutral, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree? c09. [ ……… ]

1.Strongly disagree99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.Somewhat disagree

3.Be neutral

4.Somewhat agree

5.Strongly agree

C.10. In a post-war Syria, what do you think are appropriate punishments for the following groups I will now read out? Please specify the appropriate punishment for each of the groups. [-!- Read out the options]

They should not be punished / They will get their own punishment / Should have to admit their actions and seek forgiveness from those they harmed / Should serve time in jail / Should be tried by an international court / Should be executed / Should be tried by Syrian National Courts / Should be tried by Syrian Local Administration Councils / [-!- Don’t Read]
Don’t Know/
No Answer / (C.10)
A / Those who fought with the regime / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 99 / c1001. [ ……… ]
B / Members of the regime / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 99 / c1002. [ ……… ]
C / Opposition fighters that have killed civilians / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 99 / c1003. [ ……… ]
D / Those who fought with ISIS / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 99 / c1004. [ ……… ]
E / Members of local militias not clearly affiliated with political goals / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 99 / c1005. [ ……… ]

C.11. If a family member of yours spoke out publicly calling for an end to fighting, to what extent would you agree with him or her? Strongly agree, agree, be indifferent, disagree, or strongly disagree? c11. [ ……… ]

1.Strongly agree99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused


3.Be indifferent


5.Strongly disagree

C.12. Do you think other members of your community would be willing to live in a building/neighborhood with people who supported … [- ! -Read out each of the items]

Yes / No / [-!- Don’t Read]
Don’t Know/
No Answer / (C.12)
A / ISIS / 1 / 2 / 99 / c1201. [ ……… ]
B / The Assad regime / 1 / 2 / 99 / c1202. [ ……… ]
C / other armed groups attempting to overthrow the regime / 1 / 2 / 99 / c1203. [ ……… ]

C.13. If a member of your community helped provide services and aid to those in both opposition and regime held areas, would you strongly approve, somewhat approve, Be neutral, somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove this? c13. [ ……… ]

1.Strongly disapprove99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.Somewhat disapprove

3.Be neutral

4.Somewhat approve

5.Strongly approve

C.14. If a member of your community refused to take a position in support of any side to the conflict, would you strongly approve, somewhat approve, be neutral, somewhat disapprove or strongly disapprove this? c14. [ ……… ]

1.Strongly disapprove99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused

2.Somewhat disapprove

3.Be neutral

4.Somewhat approve

5.Strongly approve

C.15. If you encountered a fellow Syrian that you knew had fought with the regime and that person needed immediate life-saving assistance, would you help the person? c15. [ ……… ]

1.Yes99.[-!- Do not read] Don’t Know/Not sure/Refused


C.16. What do you expect will be the outcome to the conflict? For each of the possible outcomes I will now read out please tell if you expect it or not. [- ! -Read out each of the Items]

Yes / No / [-!- Don’t Read]
Don’t Know/
No Answer / (C.16)
B / All armed groups reach a settlement with Assad / 1 / 2 / 99 / c1602. [ ……… ]
C / Removal of Assad regime / 1 / 2 / 99 / c1603. [ ……… ]
D / Demilitarization of all armed groups / 1 / 2 / 99 / c1604. [ ……… ]
E / Partition of Syria / 1 / 2 / 99 / c1605. [ ……… ]
F / A united, federal Syria with autonomous regions / 1 / 2 / 99 / c1606. [ ……… ]

C.17.Which party to the conflict do you think most closely represents your interests?" c17. [ ……… ]

[Please Write]...... c17. [ ……… ]

C.18.In your opinion, what role (if any) should religion play in any new constitution generated through a peace settlement? Choose the one most closely matching your views. c18. [ ……… ]

1.The Syrian constitution should institute uniform civil code based primarily on the Sharia

2.The Syrian constitution should institute a uniform civil code that blends Islamic and secular principles

3.The Syria constitution should institute a mixed civil code, where each group retains the right use their own laws on issues of personal status (marriage, divorce and family relations)

4.The Syrian constitution should institute a uniform civil code based entirely on secular principles, with no mention of religion

5.The Syrian constitution should institute a uniform civil code based entirely on secular principles, and guarantee religious freedom