Final Draft 6-24-2011

International Conference on Disability Economics

Tentative Programme

Hosted and Organized bythe READ, University of Tokyo & the Burton Blatt Institute (BBI), Syracuse University

Date:29 and 30 June 2011; Venue:BBI, Syracuse University

June 29 – Chairperson: Osamu Nagase

9:30 / Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:45 / Welcome and Opening Remarks,Syracuse Vice President for research,Gina Lee-Glauser
Peter Blanck
9:45-10:15 / Keynote Speech
 Akihiko Matsui, “Economics for Inclusion!: An introduction to Research on Economy And Disability (READ) ”
10:20-10:50 / Invited speech
David Stapleton, “U.S. Economics and Disability: Macro”
11:15 / Coffee Break
11:20-11:50 / Invited speech
Susan Parish, “U.S. Economics and Disability: Micro”
12:00-13:00 / Lunch
13:00-13:30 / Invited speech
Toshiji Kawagoe,“Statistical Discrimination and Affirmative Action: An Experimental Economics Perspective”
14:00 / Invited Speech
Satoshi Kawashima and Akihiko Matsui, “Anti-discrimination and Disability Employment Quota in Japan”
14:20 / Summary, Reflections, Group Discussion on Talks
Meera Adya
14:20-14:40 / Coffee Break
15:15 / Special Speech on the Impact of Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami, introduction by Peter Blanck
Professors Peg Herman and Bruce Dayton, Maxwell School
15:15-16:45 / Facilitated Discussion on the Impact of Earthquake and Tsunami
Peter Blanck: Moderator
Akihiko Matsui
 Osamu Nagase
 Yasuyuki Sawada
 Peg Herman
Bruce Dayton
 Susan Parish
 David Stapleton
16:45-17:00 / Closing Remarks
Peter Blanck
Akihiko Matsui
19:00-21:00 / Reception: Dinner at Peterand Wendy BlanckHome; transportation to be arranged as needed.

Closed Informal Meeting on Disability Economics

Draft Tentative Programme

Hosted and Organized bythe READ, University of Tokyo & the Burton Blatt Institute, Syracuse University

Date:the day before the International Conference Disability Economics; Venue:BBI Syracuse University

June 30 – Chairperson: Yasuyuki Sawada

9:30- 9:45 / Coffee, Registration, Introductions
Peter Blanck, facilitator
9:45-10:00 / Opening Remarks, Review of Prior Day Learning
 Akihiko Matsui
10:00-10:30 / Research Presentation
Kamal Lamichhane and Yasuyuki Sawada,“The Nexus between Disability, Education and employment: Evidence from Nepal”
11:00 / Coffee Break
10:00-11:30 / Research Presentation
Ryoko Morozumi, “The Employment Rate for Graduates of High Schools for the Disabled in Japan”
11:30-12:00 / Research Presentation
Akira Nagae, “The Effects of the Japanese Disability Employment Policy on Shareholder Wealth”
13:30 / Informal Discussion and Lunch
13:30-14:00 / Research Presentation
 Susan Parish, “Financial Well-being of Children withDisabilities and their Families”
14:00-14:30 / Coffee Break
14:30-15:00 / Summary, Reflections, Facilitated Group Discussion
Gary Shaheen Moderator, Susan Parrish Discussants
15:00-15:30 / Coffee Break
15:30-16:00 / Discussion
Akihiko Matsui & Peter Blanck,“US and Japan in Collaboration in Disability Economics”
16:00-16:30 / Closing Remarks and Thank You
Peter Blanck
19:30-21:00 / Evening Reception: Dinner at the Brewster Inn, Cazenovia, NY hosted by the Vice President for Research at Syracuse University, Gina Lee-Glauser

List of Participants from Japan and US

Participants from Japan

Akihiko Matsui
Professor,Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo, and Principal Investigator, READ
Osamu Nagase
Project Associate Professor, Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo, andMember of the Disability Reform Committee, Cabinet Office
Yasuyuki Sawada
Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo
Kamal Lamichhane
Postdoctoral Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo
Ryoko Morozumi
Associate professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Toyama
Toshiji Kawagoe
Associate Professor, Department of Complex and Intelligent Systems, Future University Hakodate
Akira Nagae
Assistant Professor, School of Political Science and Economics,Waseda University
Satoshi Kawashima
Project Researcher, Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo;Visiting Scholar, Harvard Law School Project on Disability;and Member of the Panel of Experts on Disability Discrimination Law, Cabinet Office

Participants from US

Peter Blanck
University Professor, Syracuse University, and Chairman, Burton Blatt Institute
Susan Parish
Nancy Lurie Marks Professor of Disability Policy, and Director, Lurie Institute for Disability Policy at TheHeller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University
David Stapleton
Senior Fellow, Mathematica, and Director, Center for Studying Disability Policy
Peg Herman
Professor Maxwell School and Director Moynihan Institute(tentative)
Bruce Dayton
Professor Maxwell School and Associate Director Moynihan Institute(tentative)
Gary Shaheen
BBI, Senior Vice President
Meera Adya
BBI, Director of Research
Gina Lee-Glauser
Vice President for Research, Syracuse University