„Gesztes- Open”

international Competition of Majorette-Sport

for soloformations, for „B” Categories and for masQuerades

28 November 2015

Sportcenter of german minority-school, várgesztes- hungary

Address: 55/b arany jános street, 2824 várgesztes, hungary


  • Vértesszőlősi SE, HébéSchool of Art- Oroszlány
  • HungarianMajoretteAssociation

Technical information

stage: 12X12m


  • 200 sitting
  • 100 standing


Free parking nexttothe Sporthall


Coldbufetinthe hall, warmlunchforpre-ordering.


Can be organizedby local organizersinmotels, hotels.

schedule of the programAftergettingallnominations


With printed and signedregistrationlist and ID-s of competitors

„A” category


Cadet: 8 - 11 years old (2007,2006,2005,2004)

Junior: 12 - 14 years old (2003,2002,2001)

Senior: 15 years old and older (2000 and before)

Age is checked at the registration by the nomination list and ID cards of competitors


BAT, POM, MIX, FLAG miniformation
  • 4 - 7 members
  • Onlygirlsin BAT and POMminiformation
  • InFLAG and MIX miniformationinbalanced ratio maximum 3 boysareallowed
POM duo/ trio girl
BAT duo/ trio girl
BAT duo/trio girl-boy
BAT girl solo
BAT senior man solo,
2BAT senior girl solo
POM girl solo


Mini formáció BAT1:15 -1:30 min

Mini formáció POM1:15 -1:30 min

Mini formáció MIX1:15 -1:30 min

Mini formáció FLAG1:15 -1:30 min

Solo, Duo/Trio BAT1:15 -1:30 min

Solo2BATsenior1:15 -1:30 min

Solo, Duo/TrioPOM1:15 -1:30 min

bytherules of International Association of Majorette-Sport, 2015

„B” category

forbeginners, newlyappliedteams


  1. Kinder: 5-7 years (onlykindergardenpupils and children of firstclass)
  2. Cadet: 8-11 years 50%+1 personinagecategory, theothercan be olderwith 1 year
  3. Junior: 12-14 years 50%+1 personinagecategory, theothercan be older and/ oryoungerwith 1 agecathegory
  4. Senior: 15 years and older 50%+1 personinagecategory, theothercan be youngerwith 1 adecathegory


Baton/pompon section

  • Team: 7 – 25 person
  • forkindergardenstudents 1 coreography is required
  • forcadet,- junior, senior 2 coreographiesonthestage is requiredusingthesameequipment (BAT, orPOM) oneequalswithdéfiléonthestage
  • Stage:12x12m
  • Time: 2:00-3:00 min/ coreography (starting withthefirst musical sign)
  • thetwocoreographies must be shownaftereachotherwithoutchangingtheclothes
  • Music: CD orflash
  • Inonediscipline ,one team can be nominatedinallageonlyonce
  • No solo, duo, miniformation

Structure of stage performancE

  • comingin, withoutmusic
  • stop in starting position
  • Firstcoreography starting atthesametimeasmusic
  • end of thefirstmusic, stop figure/ finalpose
  • fromthefinalpose start theseconcoreographyorwellorganized go tothe starting position of seconddance.
  • secondcoreography
  • end of thesecondmusic, stop figure
  • go out withoutmusic
  • inBAT no acrobatic is acceptable, lifting onlyatthe stop figure
  • end of moving is atthesametimeas end of themusic
  • finalfigure= end of coreography
  • simple and quickleavingthestage

Compulsory elements in BAT, releted with age:


  • twirlingwithbothhandsatleastintwolines
  • changingatleast 3 patternsonthestage


  • twirlingwithbothhandsatallthreelines( changing of hands, correctchanginglines)
  • changingatleast 4 patternsont he stage
  • 1 shortexchange (less than 2 meters)


  • twirlingwithbothhandsatallthreelines (changing of hands, correctchanginglines)
  • changing more patternsont he stage
  • 1 longexchange more than 2 meters)
  • 2 timeslowthrow (lowerthan 2 meters)


  • twirlingwithbothhandsatallthreelines (changing of hands, correctchanginglines)
  • changing more patternsonthestage
  • 1 longexchange (more than 2 meters)
  • 1 timelowthrow (lowerthan 2 meters)
  • 1 timehighthrow

Criterias of evaluation

Choreography: (0,00 – 10,00 points)

Body technique: (0,00 – 10,00)

Equipmenttechnique: (0,00 – 10,00)



  • Stage: 12 x12 m
  • Time: 2:30 to 3:00 minutes( fromthefirst beat of themusictothelast)
  • Members: 8 to 25 persons. Ifthere is more than 12 members, 1/6 can be boys
  • The prominenttheme of thechoreographyshould be a nationalorglobalevent, celebration. Ex .: Halloween, Christmas, Busó- fest, Easter, St Nicolas, Olympics etc..
  • Agegroups: 8-11 Cadet, Junior 12-14, Senior, from 15, countingtheaverageage of themembers.
  • Music: optional
  • Infocus: music- equipment-themes-choreography-costume
  • The theme/ story should be expressedbymusic, (costume and make-up), thechoreography, equipmnets.
  • The performance atleast 50% of danceform is required,torate of gymnastics.acrobaticitemsshouldnot be more than 30%.
  • j) Lifting is allowed (withsecuritypersonuptothe2ndlevel),
  • Allowedthegymnastics and acrobatics (exceptthesomersault). (withbaton and with Pompon)
  • k) Body throwing and lifting higherthanthesecondlevel is forbidden.
  • The structure of performance: cominginwithoutmusic,starting position, choreography and finalposition (stop figure) go out withoutmusic.


  • The choreographybatonorpomponscan beused. Inaddition, optionalequipmentsalsocan be used, combinedinratio of themix-rules
  • The optionalequipmentshould be appropriateforthetheme, servestoexpressit
  • Allkinds of stagedecorationsareprohibited.
  • The choreographyit is allowedthatoneor more competitorsusetwoor more equipment, inthecasewhenitis temporary and ifthecompetitorscanactuallyuse/ handlethedevice, notonlyhold them.
  • Contactwithequipmentatthe end of thechoreography: thecompetitorsmust finoshthechoreographyholding theequipment ortouchingthemwithany part of the body.
  • equipment mustnot be put down, exceptinthecase of quickchangeorforsafeimplementation of thelifting ortheacrobaticelements.
  • Evaluation is in „C” fieldbytheusedequipment
  • The mandatoryelementsaredeterminedbytheusedequipment

I.III. basic compulsory ELEMENTS

II. The „missing”compulsoryelementdoesnotcausededuction. It is optionaltochoosetousethatcompulsoryitemsinthelistbeéow. Duringevaluation, thebiggernumber of elementsmentionedabove, higherquality / difficulty and morevariationsareadvantages.



  • simplethrowinglow 2 x (1xeveryone, atleastoncesubgroup)
  • 1 x shortexchange (Everyone)
  • atleast 5 differenttwirlingelementsfromlevel 1-2-3. Using theleft and right handinequalproportions


  • threedifferentelements of loor-excercise and / orjumpsor / and element of flexibility
  • Imomentary / hiplevel liftingis permitted, body-throwing is prohibited.
  • Wave2x
  • Images/ picture2x



  • 2 x highthrowwithoutturn (1xeveryone, atleastoncesubgroup)
  • 1 x highthrow, with spin (360 degreeseach)
  • longexchange1 x (Everyone)
  • theuse of atleastsevendifferentelement of I-IVlevel, theleft and right handequally


  • Presentation of threedifferentlemens of floorexcercise (see Appendix I)..
  • movingcombinationof twodifferentelements of floor-excercise, (seeAnnex I)..
  • Combinationmay be uptothreeelements.
  • twoshoulderlevel lifting (4 sec) and / orpyramid (pyramid)
  • 2 wave
  • 2 pictures



  • highthrowingawithoutturn2x (1xeveryone, atleastoncesubgroup)
  • highthrowing2xwith spin (360 degrees, everyone1x, 1x minimum subgroup)
  • 2xlongexchange (everyone1x, 1x minimum subgroup)
  • theuse of atleastsevendifferentitems I –VI. levelwithleft and right handequally


  • Presentation of threedifferentelements of floorexcercise (see Appendix I).
  • Movingcombination of threedifferentelements of floor-excercise1x (seeAnnex I)..
  • Combinationmay be uptothreeelements.
  • 2x lifting (4 sec) or / body – throwing and / orpyramid. 3Levelledpyramyd isprohibited. Highliftingonlywithsecurityperson is allowed (absence is penalized)
  • 2xWave
  • 2xpictures.


Team: cups, diplomas

Soloformation: medals, diplomas

Kinder: no evaluationforlevels, allcompetitorsgetsomepresent.

Nomination fees are the same in „A” és „B” categories!

Team:25 euro/ dance

Miniformation:18 euro/ dance

Duo/trio:12 euro/ dance

Solo:8 euro/ dance

registrationfee:2 euro/ person/ dance



and transferringallfeesto bank account of HungarianMajoretteAssociation

CIB Bank

address: Tatabánya, Fő tér 10. Hungary


IBAN: HU4310702291-48376905-51100005

deadline: 16October 2015

Registration is required for each team, starting one hour before competition!

Appearance at the opening ceremony for all participants is required!



tel/Viber: +36-20-278-3800