Accelerated Reader (AR) Updates
As of Jan. 18, the class has read a combined total of 2,538,808 words and 1,044 books as shown by passed AR tests.
Every student is on their way toward their third grading period goal(s). Your child monitors their reading progress daily. Look for their current number of points written in the planner each day. The word count, points, and percent of goal earned are posted for student use. You can keep informed of your child’s AR progress by signing up in Renaissance. Need another informational letter to get started? Let me know, and I will send it home. / Celebrate Literacy Week Fun!
Mon., Jan. 22- “Hats Off” to Literacy Week- Wear a hat to school and read.
Tues., Jan. 23 “T-shirt Tuesday”- Wear Your Words t-shirt & read.
Wed., Jan. 24- “Warm Up Wednesday”- Bring gloves, a scarf, or small blanket, get comfy, and read.
Thurs., Jan. 25- “Reading Rocks, Wear Funky Socks!”- Wear crazy socks & read.
Fri., Jan. 26- “Reading Superheroes”- Wear any superhero attire and read.
/ ketterlinus elementary school classroom newsletter ms. ballinger gr. 2
ketterlinus elementary school classroom newsletter ms. ballinger gr. 2 /
Wk. of Jan. 22-26, 2018

Family Literacy Night is Jan. 23, 5:30-7:00 p.m. (NOT 7:30 as in previous newsletter). Mellow Mushroom pizza will be available for purchase from 5:30-6:00, and KES staff will read books aloud from 6:00-7:00 p.m. There will be prize drawings at each reading session, and those children in attendance will receive a bookmark.
Homework-Wk. of Jan. 22-26 (with standards)
Reading: Mon.-Thurs. nights-Students read from an appropriate-level, good fit AR book for 20+ minutes and record the title in the AVID planner/agenda. (LAFS.2.RF.4.4.a)
Social Studies and Reading: Students read their current Scholastic News, Predator on the Ice, and complete page 4. They will choose at least two paragraphs to practice oral reading fluency 2-3 times during the week. The Scholastic News is due on Fri. (LAFS.2.2.RI.2.5, LAFS.2.RF.4.4, LAFS.2.RI.1.1, and LAFS.2.RI.1.2).
Writing: Students choose at least two topics in their journal and write to respond in complete, revised and edited, super-sized sentences. (LAFS.2.W.2.5, LAFS.2.L.1.2.d, and LAFS.2.L.1.1.a). Due by Fri., Jan. 26.

As schedule permits: Students practice math skills online in Prodigy and/or Khan Academy (various standards, including MAFS. 2. OA.2.2, MAFS.2.NBT.1.2).

/ From Ms. Snyder: Legos for Literacy!
Students are invited to create something out of Legos at home, based on a book they’ve read & enjoyed. Projects can be based on ANY book- picture book, chapter book, non-fiction, poetry… Maybe it’s a character, maybe it’s a scene, maybe it’s a space shuttle because they’ve just read about them- use your imagination!If you choose to participate, create a literature-based project AND either:
-bring the project in to display in the media center (project will be returned by Jan. 31). We will take the best care of the Lego projects as possible, but you assume the risk of the project breaking and/or losing pieces.
- OR bring the project in to have a picture taken of the project & shared on our morning news (project will return with the student that same day).
-OR your parent can take a picture of you holding your project & email it to by January 26 to be shared on the morning news.
Projects may be sent in as soon as they’re finished (until 1/26).Students are to bring their work straight to the media center for safekeeping.
*Students will have an opportunity to create literature-based Lego projects in the KES media center over the upcoming weeks during (library) classes. /
Invitations to volunteer in the classroom and for AVID intake parent/teacher conferences were sent through Sign Up Genius. If you’ve not received yours, or if you want another parent or caregiver added, please contact me by written note, through email , or in Class Dojo.
Reminder: Mon., Jan. 29, is a Teacher Inservice Day. There is no school for students.
Valentine’s Day Card List
Though Valentine’s Day is a few weeks away, your child may want an early start signingcards and addressing envelopes at home. A list of first names have been provided. IMPORTANT: To respect the dietary sensitivities and safety of our children,please, no edible treats (gum, candy, cookies, or other food items) for the class on Valentine’s Day. A heartfelt card shared by your child with another is just right to make the day special.