School Leadership Meeting
October 8, 2013

Minutes from September 17th were approved.
Tara passed around the School Safety Plan report for members of the team to sign. It was approved by staff. Feedback was good. Tara also sent around the signing sheet for the School Improvement Plan.
ELE has received 1 teacher assistant position and 3 teacher positions.
Rather than creating a new classroom, a team teaching classroom is being created in first grade. The other two positions will be K-3 reading teacher and 4-5 literacy support teacher. These are strategic placements so as not to disrupt established classes.

Reading 3D is assessing students' reading and writing responses preparing for the new assessments and new legislation. Third grade students will need to pass the EOG or have summer school or be retained in 3-4 classroom.
Parent asked if more volunteers are needed as Learning Buddies for struggling students. We will ask for more volunteers as the need arises through the mini-news.

Discussion is needed on what grading is here at ELE. Tara posed question is it child's work ethic or skill attainment?
Discussion centered around project centered work - rubric directed grading practices. Discussion centered around test taking skills and stamina.
Question posed - is there consistency in grading policies throughout the grade levels? Bethany Gullion brought up that re-testing or test corrections are a big issue. Extra credit as well.
Crystal Lail stated she would start a google doc to get feedback from team and staff about grading.
Question from parent - is there room for different practices in grade levels?
Tara indicated we need to frame our grading practices around what the district requires.
Next meeting we will discuss third and fourth grade grading procedures.

School Security Update
Students all have picture ID's with bar code for cafeteria. Lanyards are required and are break away lanyards.
Each school will receive new computer for visitors to sign in.
Voice over phones and panic buttons will be installed at ELE in addition to surveillance cameras.

Friday is last day to register to vote for bond initiative. Communication sent out for reminder.
Ira Slomka updated information on the proposed Cell Tower. The tower proposed is 120 feet with no need to cut down any trees. CMS has already negotiated restrictions for several sites. If town of Matthews approves, it is almost a done deal. The important thing to do is to get educated about the tower. Tara indicated that there will be a community input meeting. There is a process that has to run its course in order for it to be finalized.
Question came up about service people. Cell tower workers would need background checks and work not completed during school hours.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15. Next meeting is Nov. 12th where we will be working on 2nd part of SIP.