International Bibliography Congress
September, 21, 2010
(Concert Hall “Karnaval”, Palace of Youth Creativity, Nevsky Avenue, 39, metro station “Gostinyj Dvor»)
9.30-10.00. Opening Session
Opening and Welcome
Vladimir Zaitsev, Director General, National Library of Russia; President, Russian Library Association
Alla Manilova, Vice Governor of Saint-Petersburg
Tatyana Manilova, Deputy Director, Cultural Heritage and Fine Arts Department; Head, Libraries and Archives Department, Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation
Presentation of “Documentary Memory of Kazakhstan in the National Library of Russia” Project
Zhumabek Kenshimov, Consul General, Consulate General of KazakhstanRepublic in Saint-Petersburg
Orynbasar Isakhov, Director, National Library of KazakhstanRepublic
10.00-14.00. Plenary Session: Bibliography Today and Tomorrow: Discussions and Forecasts
- The Book Culture and the Bibliography
Vasiljev Vladimir; Ermolaeva Marija, Scientific Center of Studies in the History of Book Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
- The Bibliography Evolutionary Synthesis
Leonov Valerij, Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- The Book Science Bibliographical Origin and its Consequences and Perspectives for the Modern Bibliology
Migon Krzysztof, WroclawUniversity (Wroclaw, Poland)
- The Bibliography in Russia in the Contemporary Age
Lelikova Natalija, National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- New Stage of Development of the Union Catalogue of Russian Libraries for Bibliographic Service
Loginov Boris, NationalInformationLibraryCenter “LIBNET” (Moscow, Russia)
- Bibliography Service Practice on the Basis of the Union Catalogue of Periodicals in Russian Libraries
Krutikhin Igor, SaratovStateUniversity (Saratov, Russia)
Plemnek Alexandr, Regional Library Consortiums Association “ARBICON” (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- The Bibliography and Reference Service System in National Library
Tikhonova Elena, National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- Bibliographic Production of the National Libraries — Members of the Library Assembly of Eurasia in XXI century
Teplitskaya Alexandra, Žukova Liudmila, RussianState Library (Moscow, Russia)
- Modern Standardization Problems and Bibliographic Activities
Mangutova Svetlana, National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- Biblioutopias and Biblioantiutopias: Conservative and Technocratic Bibliography Forecasts
Sokolov Arkady, Saint-PetersburgStateUniversity of Culture and Arts (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
Section 1. Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Bibliography. Teaching and Training. Professional Editions
Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts (Millionnaya Street, 7, metro station “Nevskyj Prospect”, than walkingby the Griboedov Channel Streetand along the Marsovo Pole to the Millionnaya Street)
September, 22, 2010
- Bibliographical Planetary Homeostasis – Historiological Morphism of the Noosphere and Axiology of the Information Environment (Secondary-Documentary Prospect)
Kumanova Alexandra; Denchev Stoyan, StateUniversity of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Sofia, Bulgaria)
- Methodology of Informational Axiology in the Bibliography Knowing
Safiullina Zulfiya, KazanStateUniversity of Culture and Arts (Kazan, Russia)
- Base Functions of the Bibliographic Information in Modern Social and Cultural Contexts
Kuznetsova Tatyana, Academy of Retraining of Art, Culture and Tourism Workers (APRIKT) (Moscow, Russia)
- Bibliography in the Structure of Science
Kostova Neli, State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Sofia, Bulgaria)
- Genetic Basis of the Integration of Bibliography and Computer Sciences
Berestova Tatjana, CheljabinskStateAcademy of Culture and Arts (Cheljabinsk, Russia)
- Functions of the Bibliography in Cognitive View
Bagenova Natalia, Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- The System Approach to solving the Problems of Information Transformation: Modernization in Bibliography
Budancev Vjacheslav, Samarskii Gosudarstvennyj Oblasnoi Universitet Nayanovoi;
Pshenichnikov Jurij, SamaraStateAerospaceUniversity (Samara, Russia)
- Dissemination of Russian Bibliography Theorists Ideas in Lithuania
Janonis Osvaldas, VilniusStateUniversity (Vinius, Lithuania)
- Bibliography Science: Development and Teaching Issues
Likhovid Tatiana, MoscowStateUniversity of Culture and Arts (Moscow, Russia)
- The World through the Bibliography Prism: a Professional Mind of a Bibliographer with its Structure
Neshcheret Marina, RussianState Library (Moscow, Russia)
- Forward Motion from Search to Extract Function of the Bibliographical Information: Future of the Bibliography Profession and Actual Problems of Staff Training
Gushul Julija, CheljabinskStateAcademy of Culture and Arts (Cheljabinsk, Russia)
September, 22, 2010
- The Occupation of a Bibliographer in the Epoch of the Computer Communications
Jacevich Nikolaj, BelarusianStateUniversity of Culture and Arts (Minsk, Belarus)
- The Role of Bibliographic Disciplines in Professional Formation of Future Library Experts
Zygmantovich Svetlana, BelarusianStateUniversity of Culture and Arts (Minsk, Belarus)
- The Role of the Experience in the Bibliography Teaching
Balkova Irina, Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts (Cheboksary, Russia)
- Belarusian Experienceusing in Librarians Professional Training in Republic of Cameroon
Zemengue Jeremie, BelarusianStateUniversity of Culture and Arts (Minsk, Belarus)
- Bibliographic Indexes to Scientific Journal as the Theoretical Element of Bibliography Development
Dudtchenko Sergej, Center of the Information Technologies (Simferopol, Ukraine)
- Samara Regional Universal Scientific Library: the Experience of Library Encyclopedia Creation
Zavalnyj Aleksandr, Samara Regional Universal Scientific Library (Samara, Russia)
- The National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine as the Center of Professional Bibliography
Kononenko Valentina, National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
- Bibliography Sources as a Development and Formation Factor of Individual’s Informational Culture
Korgench Liudmila, Free InternationalUniversity of Moldova (Chisinau, Moldova)
- Bibliography Science for Higher Education in the Field of Traditional Arts and Crafts
Ivanova Anastasia, Higher School of Folk Arts (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
Section 2.National and State Bibliography. Bibliographic Activity of the National Libraries and National Bibliographic Agencies
The National Library of Russia. The New Building. Conference Hall. (Moskovsky Avenue, 165, metro station “Park Pobedy”)
September, 22, 2010
- National Document as the Object of Bibliography
Leontchikov Vasilij, BelarusianStateUniversity of Culture and Arts (Minsk, Belarus)
- National Bibliographies in the Digital Age: Guidance and New Directions
Žumer Maja, LiubljanUniversity (Liubljany, Slovenia)
- Problems and Forecasts of using GOST 7.1-2003 in Russian Book Chamber and other BibliographicCenters
Kalinina Galina, Russian Book Chamber (Moscow, Russia)
- The Russian Book Chamber New Instructions and Methodical Recommendations on Bibliographic Selection of the Documents
Matvey Valentina, Russian Book Chamber (Moscow, Russia)
- Scientific and Methodological Activity of the Russian Book Chamber in the National Bibliographic Area
Sukhorukov Konstantin, Russian Book Chamber (Moscow, Russia)
- National Retrospective Bibliography, its Role and the Meaning in the Contemporary World
Federowicz Grazyna, National Library of Poland (Warszawa, Poland)
- National Bibliography: Concentration and Dissipation of Information
Sokolinskij Eugene, National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- PresentState of National Bibliography of Belarus and Tendencies of its Development
Predeina Anzhelika, National Library of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)
- National Retrospective Bibliography of Cartographical Output in Russia
Zinchuk Ljudmila, RussianState Library (Moscow, Russia)
- National Bibliography of Ukraine: CurrentState and Perspectives
Kononenko Valentinа, National Parliamentary Library of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
- The ModernState of the Retrospective National Bibliography of Kazakhstan
Balabekova Gulisa, National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
- The Concept of Bibliographic Repertoire of the Indian Printed Book (1556-1947)
Donskih Vladimir, Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
September, 22, 2010
- National Bibliography as a Source of Studying the Cultural Heritage of the NativeLand
Solovyeva Galina, National Library of the ChuvashRepublic (Cheboksary, ChuvashRepublic, Russia)
- National Bibliography of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Maksimova Tatyana, National Libraryof the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia)
- National Index “Yakut Book, 1917-1957”
Zakharova Yana, National Libraryof the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia)
- Problems of theJoint Retrospective Bibliography Creation (on the basis of “Karelia Books Index”)
Yagodkina Vera, National Library of the Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia)
- The Bibliographical Output of the National Library of KomiRepublic
Nesterova Nina, National Library of KomiRepublic (Syktyvkar, KomiRepublic, Russia)
- Bibliography in the National Library of the Republic Ingushetia
Plieva Marem, National Libraryof the Republic Ingushetia (st. Ordzhonikidzevskaya, Republic Ingushetia, Russia)
- Finno-Ugrian World: the Electronic Format. The Problems of Bibliographical Reflections in the Digital Environment
Ageeva Galina, MordovianStateUniversity (Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russia)
- The Electronic Catalog of Yiddish books from the Stock of the National Library of Russia as Bibliographic Source
Knorring Vera, National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
September, 23, 2010
- Registration of Exteriorica in National Bibliographies
Klenczon Wanda, Capik Beata, National Library of Poland (Warszawa, Poland)
- Information Resources of Russian Abroad as part of the National Repertoire of Russia
Polotovskaya Inna,Saint-PetersburgStateUniversity of Culture and Arts (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- The Bibliography Creation and Digitization of Russian Emigre Periodicals
Korolkova Tatjana, Frolkina Nina, Russian Émigré House named after Alexander Solzhenitsyn (Moscow, Russia)
- Bibliographic Activity of Russian Houses and Russian ClubsLibraries. Retrospective Research Attempt
Surodina Tatyana, AutonomicNon-Commercial Cultural Organization “Russian Club” (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- Rossica in the British and American Encyclopedias and Dictionaries during XX-XXI centuries
Belgorodskaya Ludmila, SiberianFederalUniversity (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
- Bibliographic Sources of the Ukrainian Abroad: History, Results of Researches
Berjozkina Valentina, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
- Bibliography of the History of Ukraine: Directions and Tendencies
Dojar Larisa, KrivorozhskState Technical Unuversity (Krivoy Rog, Ukraine)
Poster Papers:
- Data Bank of RussianState Bibliography in the Russian Book Chamber
Ilyina Irina, Russian Book Chamber (Moscow, Russia)
- National Bibliography Editions in the 21st Century
Ter-Vaganyants Susanna, Russian Book Chamber (Moscow, Russia)
- Classification Systems used in the Publications of the State Bibliography
Lukachi Andrei, Russian Book Chamber (Moscow, Russia)
- Modern Technologies in Subject Cataloguing
Peskova Lyudmila, Russian Book Chamber (Moscow, Russia)
- Electronic Cataloging of Periodicals: Experience and New Challenges
Kodechko Ludmila, Russian Book Chamber (Moscow, Russia)
Section 3. Bibliography in the help of the Science
The National Library of Russia. The New Building. Social and Economic Literature Reading Room (Moskovsky Avenue, 165, metro station “Park Pobedy”)
September, 22, 2010
- The Modern Issues of Literary Bibliography on an example of Bio-bibliography Index «Russian Writers. Poets (Soviet Period)»
Semenova Elizaveta, National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- Mikhail A. Bulgakov in Russian Periodicals published Abroad in 1920s: Problems of the Personal Bibliography Creation
Mishurovskaja Marija, RussianState Library for Arts (Moscow, Russia)
- The Bibliography of Pseudoeditions (Anonyms, Pseudonyms, Literary Forgeries): Historical and Theoretical Problems
Holodnyh Galina, Scientific Library of the MoscowStateUniversity (Moscow, Russia)
- 2000-2010 Russian Theatre Bibliography: State and Problem
Fishman Olga, RussianState Library for Arts (Moscow, Russia)
- Bibliography of Holocaust
Kazhdan Ilya, Yad-VashemMuseum,Bar-IlanUniversity (Jerusalem, Israel)
- Social-Humanitarian Knowledge in a Bibliographic Context
Oparina Olga, Ural State University Scientific Library (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
- Native and Foreign Bibliographic Resources on the Belarusian Linguistics: the Experience of Research
Smirnova Irina, Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the NationalAcademy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)
- The Problems of Formation of Society Spiritual Culture as an Important Component of Sustainable Development: Informational Support (Experience of the State Public Scientific Technologic Library of the Siberian Branch of the RussianAcademy of Sciences)
Peregoedova Nelija, State Public Scientific Technologic Library of the Siberian Branch of the RussianAcademy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia)
- Electronic Bibliographic Resources generated by the State Public Scientific Technologic Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Modern State, the Problems of Formation, the Perspectives of Development
Busygina Tatjana, Peregoedova Nelija, State Public Scientific Technologic Library of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia)
- Bibliographic Resources of Own Generation of the Academic Libraries of the Uralian Branch of the RussianAcademy of Sciences
Pirozhok Tatyana, Central Scientific Library of the Uralian Branch of the Academy of Sciences (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
September, 22, 2010
- Bio-bibliography Indexes: from Traditions to the Present Time (Evolution in Action)
Bondarenko Elena, Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the NationalAcademy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)
- Bibliography Practical Activities as a Source of Intellectual Property of a Library
Kostylyova Elena, Crimean Astrophysical Observatory Scientific Research Institute (pos. Nauchnyj, Bahtchisarajskij region, Ukraine)
- The Personography of Belarusian Academic Science: Forecasts of the Electronic Bibliographies Development
Komarova Nina, Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the NationalAcademy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)
- Personal Scientists’ Internet-Resources as a Mean of Scientific Communication (on the base of Personal Sites and Scholars’ Pages of the Republic of Belarus)
Danilenko Ljubov, BelarusianStateUniversity of Culture and Arts
Hilko Alina, National Library of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)
- Practical Skills in the Formation of the Scientists’ Electronic Bio-bibliography in the Crimean Branch of the Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Yadrova Galina, Crimean Branch of the Ukrainian NAS Institute of Archeology; InformationTechnologiesCenter, «Crimea» Inter-UniversityCenter (Simferopol, Ukraine)
- The Contribution of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences to the Bibliographic Provision of the Agricultural Science and Production (for the 80th anniversary of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library)
Borovskikh Irina, Central Scientific Agricultural Library of the RussianAcademy of Agricultural Sciences;
Karazanova Lyudmila, Central Scientific Agricultural Library of the RussianAcademy of Agricultural Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
- Nobel Prize for Chemistry Winners in Russian Scientific Literature: Bibliographical Approach
Bekzhanova Nailja, Library of the RussianAcademy of Sciences;
Sereda Svetlana, Library of the RussianAcademy of Sciences;
Sidorenko Naile, Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences(Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
September, 23, 2010
- International Collaboration in the Field of Nature Management as an Object of Bibliographic Reflection in the Database “Ecology and Nature Management in Belarus”
Basinyuk Tatjana, Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the NationalAcademy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus)
- Information Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences Library concerning the Ecological Safety and Safety of Library and Archival Funds
Tarahovskaja Elena, Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences(Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- The Structure of the Bibliographic Indexes on Saint Petersburg-Leningrad Economics in XIX-XXI centuries in its dynamics
Shundalov Igor, National Library of Russia(Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- Health Care in Petrograd-Leningrad-SaintPetersburg: Experience of Database Creation
Druzhinina Vera, National Library of Russia(Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- "Russia and the East": the View of Bibliographer
Pumpjan Galina, Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences(Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- Arabic and Muslim Features in Russian Poetry: from the Experience of bibliographing of Original Poems and Translations for Bibliography “Russia and the Arab World”
Hamud Nazim, Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences(Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- Scientific and Bibliographic Activity of the Scientific Library of Kamianets-PodolskyIvanOhienkoNationalUniversity
Opria Tamara, Scientific Library of Kamyanets-PodilskyIvanOhienkoNationalUniversity (Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine)
- Actual Directions of Bibliographic Department Activity in a University Scientific Library
Vinogradova Natalja, The VolgogradStateUniversity (Volgograd, Russia)
Poster papers:
- Publication Activity of Scientistsand ScienceInstitutions: BibliographyWeb-Resources as the Basis for Evaluation
Remizova Tatyana, Public Scientific Technologic Library of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia)
Section 3.1. Bibliographical Researches in the Humanities
(in collaboration with the InformationalCulturalCenter “Russian Emigre”)
The Library of Law and Economic Literature, Moscovsky District Central Library System (Blagodatnaya street, 20, metro station “Elektrosila”)
September, 22, 2010
- Groups of Sources and the Correlation “Archives – Bibliography” in the Historical Research
Gouzevitch Dmitri, Centre d'études des mondes russe, caucasien et centre-européen (CERCEC), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)
Gouzevitch Irina, Centre Maurice Halbwachs (CMH), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) (Paris, France)
- Objectives and Types of Bibliographic Research in Modern Humanities
Ilyina Olga, National Library of Russia, Information and Cultural Center “Russian Emigre” (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- Subject Bibliography of Bibliographies (Humanities): Historical and Methodological Aspects
Ostroi Olga, National Library of Russia(Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- Architectural Bibliography as a Mean of Studying Architectural Science of XIX-XX centuries
Komarova Irina, Council for Production-Forces Studies at the Russian Economic Development and Trade Ministry and the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
- Analytical Bibliography on the Great Embassy for Three Centuries: Thoughts about the Gained Experience
Gouzevitch Dmitri, Centre d'études des mondes russe, caucasien et centre-européen (CERCEC), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)
Gouzevitch Irina, Centre Maurice Halbwachs (CMH), Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) (Paris, France)
- Bibliometrics Indications as Reflection of Development Tendencies inHumanitarian Area
Pankova Elena, Saint-Petersburg Library and InformationTechnologiesSchool, Information and Cultural Center “Russian Emigre” (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- Application of Statistical Methods in Bibliographic Structure Analysis
Arbutina Nada, BelgradeCity Library;
Jovičić Stanka, BelgradeCity Library (Belgrade, Serbia)
- Scientometric Methods for Analysis of Bibliographic Electronic Resources
Pavlovskaja Elena, State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies
- Bibliography of Articles Published in the Scientific Journal "Pančevačko čitalište": Methodology of Compiling
Mihajlović Katarina, BelgradeCity Library;
Mihailović Dragana, BelgradeCity Library
Djukić Miljana, BelgradeCity Library (Belgrade, Serbia)
Bibliography Knowledge today: New Possibilities or Repeating the Past Experience?Discussion
Section 4. Local Studies Bibliography
The National Library of Russia. The New Building. Techniques Literature Reading Room (Moskovsky Avenue, 165, metro station “Park Pobedy”).
September, 21, 2010
The Theme: Local Studies Bibliography Strategy
- Status and Trends of Regional Bibliography in Russia
Maslova Aleksandra, National Library of Russia(Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- Local Bibliography Researches in Libraries
Burinskaya Elena, Saint-PetersburgStateUniversity of Culture and Arts (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
- Regional Bibliographies in Poland
Pshibysh Marzena, National Library of Poland (Warszawa, Poland)
- Optimal Model of Local Bibliographic Resources Formation
Shatohina Natalja, Orel Regional Public Library (Orel, Russia)
- Local History Resources in Gomel Regional Universal Library: Creation, Accumulation, Application
Konovalova Nina, Gomel Regional Universal Library (Gomel, Belarus)
- Bibliographic Maintenance of Local Studies in Don Region: Problem of the Statement
Martirosova Margarita, Don State Public Library (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)