Avening Parish Council Meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 17 November 2016 7.30 pm
PRESENT:Cllr D Bendall, Cllr J Catterall, Cllr T Hicks, Cllr G Parsons, Cllr J Parsons,
Cllr A Slater (Chair), Cllr M Williamson, Cllr E Worsdell
ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Mr J Collinson (Projects), Mrs S Bryant (Clerk)
2 visitors attended.
2 representatives of Avening Playgroup attended the meeting to ask if the Parish Council would be prepared to offer a financial contribution towards the running costs of the playgroup. They gave a detailed explanation of how the playgroup operated including staffing arrangements and current funding methods.
The Chairman thanked the representatives and suggested they complete a Grant Application Form which would then be considered by the Council.
Action: Clerk to forward Grant Application details to the Playgroup.
The report was noted.
Click Mitchell – working in London and Dominic Conway – personal reason
165.1/16 Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda
Cllr E Worsdell – 10 Memorial Hall
Cllr J Parsons – 12 Planning
165.2/16 Updates to Members Register of Interests
The minutes wereagreed as a true and accurate record and duly signed by the Chair.
Cllr Tony Hicks reported that he would be retiring in May and that the Conservative party had agreed that Stephen Hirst, Mayor of Tetbury would stand for election. Cllr Hicks stated that Stephen would like to attend a future meeting of the Parish Council as an observer. The Parish Council would also extend a welcome to other prospective candidates.
Cllr Hicks reported on the Strategic Minerals Plan which included statements about fracking and a transport plan for moving of materials but it was felt that this was not relevant to Avening as there were no active quarries.
Cllr Parsons and Cllr Hicks reported that they had attended a meeting on integrated structures between councils and the NHS. It was recognised that both county councils and the NHS were affected by an increased demand on health care due to an ageing population. Discussion took place about the reduction of residential care, the introduction of increased sheltered housing and concerns about insufficient numbers of care staff. It was also questioned whether sufficient healthcare provision was in place when new housing developments were built. Cllr Hicks replied that there was a national shortage of GPs and that nurses and pharmacists were seeing a change in their roles to help with this shortage.
Cllr Hicks stated that Sustainability and Transformation Plans for heath and care were being produced and the Gloucestershire Plan was published on 11 November and can be downloaded from
Cllr Hicks also reported that he was meeting with school staff to discuss options for improving safety for the children when crossing the lane to reach the garden.
The report was not yet available.
170/16.1 Project Manager’s Report
John Collinson presented the circulated report. In addition to the items listed on the report, John stated that he had received a quote of £50 to paint the Avening entrance gates. This was approved. It was questioned whether the speed limit signs on the gates could be removed and sited on poles instead.
ACTION: Clerk to contact Highways to ask for speed signs to be removed.
Memorial Hall
Cllr Worsdell reported that the £5k grant he had applied for to assist with fire safety improvements within the hall had been turned down by Comic Relief as they were not offering grants for building works.
Display Map – Item deferred to next meeting.
Recycling Bins
The Clerk reported that the bins were due to be collected during w/c 5 December 2016. She also would arrange for the removal of the recycling sign at the end of Lawrence Road.
Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
The Chair explained the planned programme for the ceremony and stated that posters advertising the event would be circulated. The Clerk was asked to order 10 battery powered lanterns for the event.
Cllrs Bendall and Worsdell agreed to act as traffic marshals.
Playing Field
The Clerk reported that a new lock had been put on the gate and that following repairs to the broken hinge that gate seemed to be in good working condition.
The Chair reported that he was due to meet with Geoff Brooks to agree a plan of works for leaf clearing around the village. Expenditure for this was approved.
It was agreed that the Playing Field should be a standing item on the agenda. Both Cllr Bendall and the Clerk reported that they had tried to obtain an update on any progress from the Playing Field Association but had not received responses to their enquiries. Councillors also expressed concerns that if the APFA members had not formally registered their status, any liability for issues at the playing field would fall on the Parish Council.
ACTION: The Chair agreed to write to the Playing Field Association.
Potential Projects
It was agreed to defer this item to the next meeting (first item) and that Councillors should e-mail any thoughts or ideas on potential projects to the Clerk.
ACTION: All Councillors
171/16.1 Bus Shelter – Mays Lane
The clerk reported she had now received a second quote for repairs to the bus shelter and that the insurance company had agreed a settlement of £1040 less £250 excess = £790.
It was agreed to proceed with the quote from Fine Wooden Articles provided the cost does not exceed the quoted £1200.
ACTION: Clerk to arrange for work to be carried out.
171/16.2 Lawrence Road
It was reported that a road closure notice had been received for Lawrence Road on 5th and 6th December for works on a new water connection to be carried out but that the notice included a diversion route along a road that was closed off.
ACTION: Clerk to inform Bill Bellerby, Road Space Co-ordinator.
171.16.3 Highways Your Way-Expression of Interest Form
This Item was deferred to the next meeting.
171/16.4 Woodstock Close – Parking Issues
There were no updates to report.
172/16.1Finance Report up to 30 October 2016
The finance report was circulated and noted.
172/16.2 Approve Bills for Payment
Schedule was circulated and payments were approved.
172/16.3 Date for Finance meeting to discuss budget planning and Precept for 2017
A date of Monday 16 January 2017 was agreed to be held at the Avening Social Club.
173/16.1 New Applications
Ref. No: 16/04412/FUL | Received date: Mon 24 Oct 2016 | Status: Pending Consideration | Case Type: Planning Application
Variation of Conditions (b) and (e) of Planning Application No: CT.1737/B dated 18th May 1988 for the erection of a building to be used as a cattery, alterations to the existing vehicular access - 33 Tetbury Hill Avening Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8LT
No objections raised.
173/16.2Applications Responded to Since Last Meeting
173/16.3 Decision Notices
173/16.4 Planning Correspondence
173/16.5 Tree Works
The following tree works were noted.
Ref. No: 16/04146/TCONR | Received date: Wed 05 Oct 2016 | Status: No objection | Case Type: Planning Application
Ash (T1) - Fell to favour the neighbouring yew and copper beech. Copper beech (T2) - Raise the crown to 5m above the road to allow vehicles to pass freely. Reduce the road side radius of the crown by 4.5m (to centre line of the road) to improve the symmetry and stability of the tree. - The Old Rectory High Street Avening TETBURY Gloucestershire GL8 8NF
Ref. No: 16/04262/TCONR | Received date: Thu 13 Oct 2016 | Status: Pending Decision | Case Type: Planning Application
Acer saccharinum marked A on sketch plan - Complete felling required due to excessive shading, uptake of water and leaning towards highway Juglans regia marked J on sketch map - Prune by 6 to 8 feet on sides and to line of boundary wall with highway, prune 8 to 10 feet on top. Work to be done in July to avoid excessive sap release. Work on J. regia to reduce excessive shading and uptake of water. - 6 Tetbury Hill Avening Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8LT
Ref. No: 16/04708/TCONR
Silver Birch – Fell; Holly – Fell at 59 High Street, Avening.
173/16.6 Any other New Applications since publication of this agenda
Ref. 16/04325/LBC
Proposal to widen the existing internal window between kitchen and dining room at 51 High Street, Avening
No objections raised.
Mobile Post Office Service
The Clerk reported that the start date for the mobile Post Office has been delayed.
The mobile service was due to commence in Avening on Monday 14th November but had been delayed due to work on the Van Locations taking longer than anticipated.
We will be informed once a revised date has been confirmed
Western Power – Installation of underground cable.
The Clerk reported that Western Power had sent revised plan for the proposed underground power cable which now saw the cable being laid along the footpath at the far end of the field. It was questioned how wide the working width should be between the power cable.
ACTION: Clerk to enquire.
Road Safety Community Hub
The Clerk reported thata new one stop shop for reporting road safety concerns in Gloucestershire has been launched.
The Road Safety Community Hub is being launched by Gloucestershire Road Safety Partnership, made up of Gloucestershire County Council, Gloucestershire Constabulary, the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office and Gloucestershire Fire & Rescue Service.
The new hub will be the main point of contact for residents to report any concerns they have about road safety in their local area. Reports can be made via the Road Safety Partnership’s website.
as well as via email to
ACTION: Clerk to include this item in The Villager
Damage to Millenium Cross
The Clerk reported that she had received an e-mail from Peter Best reporting an incident at the churchyard where one of the Churchwardens had reported a small amount of damage to the Millenium Cross caused by youngsters using it as a plaything.
It was agreed to report the incident in The Villager.
No matters raised
Thursday 15 December 2016 7.30pm in the School Staff Room
All are welcome.
The meeting closed at 9.26pm
Minutes of Avening Parish Council Meeting Thursday 17 November 2016