SU "St. Kliment Оhridski"
15Tzar OsvoboditelStr.
Sofia 1504
telephones: *359 887 61 11 32 (NikolayGeorgiev - director)
+359 888 782 932 (Petya Yosifova - coordinator)
International artforum „Аlter Еgo“2017
(23.10-27.10. 2017)
From23.10 – 27.10. 2017will be held anInternationalartforum "Аlter Еgo", organizedbyTheatre-Laboratory "Alma Alter". The forumis anattemptto open a space for a meeting of artists, whose creative searches lie in the field of the so called “alternative theatre”–a concept so forced and empty in content that it naturally leads to the question – alternative theatre – alternative of what.This is the subject of two discussions that will take place during the forum, on which artists and drama specialists from different countries are invited to talk. The forum’s program includes several performances, standing out with their bold experimental search for avant-garde theatre. The entrance for all performances and discussions is free.
Below you can find the Festival rules and requirements and the application form.
For further information:
Adress:Тheatre-laboratory "@lmа @lter"
SU "St. Kliment Оhridski"
15 Tzar Osvoboditel Str.
Sofia 1504
Application Rules and Requirements for International Groups
Please read carefully!
How to apply
- Each theatre school (students, theatre graduates or teachers and professors of schools, colleges and universities) can apply with only one performance. The performance may be in native language. English is not necessary.
- Applicants should fill the registration form in all parts, prepare all the materials and send them by E-mailconsidering the deadline.
E-mail of Theatre-Laboratory "Alma Alter":
- The Festival Board will choose the groups which will participate in this year’s edition of the festival based on all the given information about the performance. The schools will be informedof the results by 10 September.
List of requirements
- Filled application form
- Video recording of the performance
- Minimum 4 photographs of the play
- A description of the group, its history and its activity
- Technical card
- Participation agreement
- The festival organizers will cover the accommodation costs, foodand local transport.
- The maximum number of participants from one group is 7 (including the actors, directors and other accompanying people). Any other participants cover the cost of their stay themselves.
- Participants pay their travelling expenses, customs duty, props, etc.
- The schools invited are responsible for ensuring they have the necessary visas and other travel documents. The organizers of the festival will assist the invited schools with these issues.
Application form
- Information about your performance:
1. / Name of the Theatre:
2. / City, Country:
3. / Title of the performance:
4. / Author:
5. / Director:
6. / Choreography:
7. / Music:
8. / Number of the Actors:
9. / Language of the performance:
10. / Contact person:
11. / Online link of the performance:
12. / A short synopsis of the play (You can also enclose other materials like reviews, quotations, etc.)
13. / Information about the creative team (write down all the participants)
# / Name, Surname / Gender / Performed Character or function in the groups (ex. Technical person)
- Technical requirements
1. / Duration of the performance:
2. / Light: (min number of channels, fresnels, profile spots, etc.)
3. / Sound: (players, microphones, cables, etc.)
4. / Special technical requirements:
5. / Size of the stage:
6. / Special stage equipment:
7. / Duration of the technical set-up:
8. / Duration of the dress rehearsal:
9. / Duration of cleaning up after the performance:
10. / Any other special requirements:
- Information about your theatre
1. / Full name of your theatre:
2. / Short history of the group/ theatre:
3. / Web address of your organization:
4. / Further information, that you consider important:(ex. Awards)
- Participation agreement
I, __(name of the director of the group)______,
on behalf of _ ___(the name of the group)______,
confirm that we have informed ourselves of all the terms and conditions of the Internationalartforum "Аlter Еgo"2017we accept them and we would like to apply with the performance _____(name of the performance)____.
Date: / Signature: